All My Of Male Friends Who Are Successful Tell Me Treating Women Like Crap Is An Art Form

Why are so many young men frustrated with women?

I am a mature man and I was the same when I was young. But I wasn't frustrated with women at all. I found it extremely frustrating trying to understand what women wanted from a man. One woman would say this and another would want that, and yet, another couldn't make up here mind to become happy. Some women don't want to be happy with a man. They just want to control him or change him into some famous macho movie star.

I never pretend to behave like a macho man nor did I ever treat women like dirt. I was a very quiet well spoken young man who didn't play silly games to get my way. Yet, no matter what I had done to get to know someone it never worked out. The more I tried to have a good healthy relationship with a nice women, the more I got resented and berated. That's what made me so frustrated.

However, I am a better person for it regardless of whether I had a bad relationship. I now realize that it was the result of lack of social skills, my level of emotional intelligence, and the inability to express myself as a man. Most men are afraid of being intimate with women because of the fear of feeling vulnerable, and not labeled a homosexual, loser, or even a coward.

Also, I believe that most young men today don't have good role models anymore. There is no support and guidance in society. There are far too many deadbeats, jerks, and sleezebags who use women as a sex object. Blame all those violent male orientated action movies that depict young men as tough beer drinking louts, who use their fists ( not brains or reason) to fight against authority, or anyone that stands in their way. Some just pick a fight with anyone they perceive to be weak just to prove that they are men. This occurs in most gang related movies.

How do Iranian Men treat women?

If it's not like crap, it's just not the way a woman would want to be treated. The chauvinistic attitude is ingrained in the culture and personalities of even the most liberal and feminist Iranian man. This is why I chose to marry an American even though I am Iranian, I would never marry an Iranian, because even if he is perfect his in laws would cause a lot of problems.

Why do women hate nice guys?

i dont really like bad guys, theyre annoying because it seems like they are trying to impress you with their sexuality and stuf like that, which i hate. Like i said before, girls are annoying and they dont know what they want, i agree, first they dont want drama and then they get themselves involved into drama, and no, drama is not a turn on.
Thats what girls do, and girls will do anything to be with guys and most of them like bad guys so they are willing to go through anything to be with them, which i think is stupid.
(i am not insulting girls, because i am a girl)
: )