All Of The Following Are True Of Trait Theories Except That

Which of the following statements best describes the concept of adaptation in evolutionary biology?

a. It means the way an individual changes during its lifetime to survive and reproduce in its environment.

b.It is any heritable trait that helps an organism to survive and reproduce.

c.It is the close fit between an organism’s trait and its environment.

d.It is a characteristic that helps an organism to survive and reproduce, and it results from natural selection acting in a particular environment.

Which of the following is a true statement about the theory of evolution?

Statement a is totally wrong and is a too widely held misconception about evolution. Even living for thousands of years an individual Pinus longaeva (Great Basin Bristlecone Pine) will not evolve. It is populations that evolve and not individuals.

Statement b is incorrect, too. The existence of a scientific theory is not proof of itself per se. Indeed, it is evidence that is required. We leave proofs to mathematicians.

I would accept statement c to be true although poorly written. That statement better describes natural selection, which is one of a number of mechanisms by which evolution happens. Even if the sentence had been written to describe natural selection I do not think it would be acceptable beyond high school level because it is too vague.

The last statement (d) is not true. It purports to describe molecular biology (poorly), which is now one of the better means we have of showing how organisms are related and to show evolution has happened. However, prior to the advent of molecular biology, and still to this day, we have other means of seeing evolutionary relationships, e.g. comparative anatomy, embryology, vestigial structures, fossil record, etc.

Which of the following is correct concerning cross-cultural studies on trait theories?

A. No evidence has been found to support these theories.
B. Research in this area is too new to report any findings.
C. Evidence for the five trait dimensions has been found in several cultures.
D. Most cultural research methods are too vague to be validated.

Which of the following is a cultural trait?

Which of the following is a cultural trait?
a. living in a dry, desert climate
b. living between two large bodies of water
c. living in large, extended-family groups
d. living in the country of Japan

Behaviors that are typical to particular groups of people are called cultural traits.

i think its c but i'm not too sure! please help! thankyou

Trait Theory of Personality .?

If you need information that's at least marginally neutral, you can usually find somewhat reliable material on Wikipedia.

Here, I'll link you.

What single theory involves all other current theories of aging?

Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS)SRF Home

Do believers in conspiracy theories tend to share certain traits?

The simple answer is no, unless you talk of open mindedness, intelligence about complex matters and doubt. However, some negative sub groups of persons who are uncareful do exist.Mostly, people have noticed things in evidence which are problems or seem to be problems in an official story, and they come from all walks of life.Some are children of spies, some are willing to apply ordinary history (which is mostly conspiracy of varying kinds), some have a technical or special background (e.g., military, law enforcement, physical science, journalism), some come from the arts (wholistic thinkers).Some are victims. Some have been perpetrators.Aside from mistakes or overapplication of willingness to follow all threads (which can become gullibility but at least in principle is correct if one is careful, thus is wise to consider), they tend to be very smart, at least in top research.You might like to read spy E. Howard Hunt's son's (Saint John Hunt's) books, lawyer Mark Lane's, New Orleans journalist Ed Haslam's book, District Attorney Jim Garrison's books, health science laboratory research prodigy Judyth Vary Baker's books, and the wonderful and thoroughly footnoted "Mary's Mosaic" by Peter Janney (also son of a spy).

If "X" is the dominant allele, and "x" is the recessive allele coding for trait X, then the following is true?

A. XX is considered a Homozygous recessive genotype
B. xx is considered Homozygous dominant genotype
C. Xx is considered a Heterozygous dominant genotype
D. Xx is considered Heterozygous recessive genotype
E. Xx is considered the Heterozygous genotype