Am I A Social Outcast

Why am I socially an outcast?

On some level I think you already know what I'm going to write to you.First of all, take care of the easy things. Dress as well as you can and make sure you bathe and brush your teeth and all. Bad personal hygiene runs people off. Bad manners run people off.Second, look at who you're being cast out by. You have to try to find people who are like you in some way. Then you have to make the effort to connect with them. In other words, you have to pick the right group. You want to pick a group to be part of that is looking for more people. That's basic. Unfortunately it's hard to tell which ones are. Some groups are abusive enough to members that they're always looking. You want to pass on those, of course. Others want more people in them because they're thinned out beyond what people in the group are comfortable with due to normal loss of members. Those are the ones you're looking for.Some groups are iconoclastic. These are people who are not looking for more friends and who are members of some group that identifies itself as much by who is excluded as by who is included. If you try to become a member of one of those groups, you will be a target of their individual nastiness to outsiders. They will each reaffirm their allegiance to the group by shoving you out of it. Don't be that person. Let those groups go off in their own little corners and leave them alone. One would like to think that this isn't something that happens in quilting circles and churches and charity groups, but it is as common in those as it is anywhere else.You might have to look at a lot of places to find ones where you fit in really well, but once you start to look at them instead of focusing on them looking at you, you'll find what you are looking for.

Movies that are about Social Outcasts?

Take the Lead- A group of outcast kids, and one white girl from a preppy place learn to do ballroom dancing during detention

A walk to Rememer- Prank goes wrong for a Jock, he ends up getting close to the kinda nerdy girl and in the end fall in love

Radio- A retarded boy becomes everyones favorite person to see at football games

Which sign is most likely to be a social outcast?

Funny u asked this ?...I'm a capricorn and not tryinf to sound conceited butcapricorn are always hated on because we are very down to earth and in most cases, very good looking. Scorpio are so so sweet and I think that sometimes they're kindness is they're weakness. I don't know too many Pisces but from what I've heard, they are pretty cool. Pretty much, I think it's a jealousy thing with Capricorns.Some people say we are arrogant but it's very misunderstood for confidence. I've been envied all my life. Hope that helps.

How to deal with being a complete social outcast...?

hey, im 16 now. the problem is... im a COMPLETE social outcast. i have ADHD and had depression when i was 14, but my doctor advised me to stop taking my meds so now i only get treated for ADHD. in my school, i have barely any friends, and barely any1 likes me. everyone jus finds me annoying and stupid. half the people i never actually talked to. some people dont understand me at all and just plainly find me weird. i have a few friends obviosly and some people that like me and think im nice, but even the friends i have now barely ever invite me to go aywere with them, and sometimes treat me like crap (not all the time tho). i need a few tips on how to make friends with people and become well liked. i read the book 'how to make friends and influence people' but dropped reading it after about 8 chapters... you know ADHD.... im kind of giving up hope at this moment, because i really try to be nice to people, but my hyperness and impuslivity floats to the top, nomatter how hard i try to hide it... any tips ?

How do you cope with the reality of being a social outcast your entire life? How do you cope with loneliness, rejection, miscommunication, mistakes, and the general reality of being in a world where you just are not that important to others?

If your entire focus is on being important to others, you’re missing the boat.Most others are focused on themselves, too. They just fake it better than you do by being more gregarious.Be important to yourself. What does that mean? Ask yourself what kind of legacy you want to leave and list the steps that it will take to accomplish that, no matter how scary they might feel to move toward them from where you are right now.If you have trouble in this area, read two of my books “Settle for Best: Satisfy the Winner You Were Born to Be” and “Become Shamelessly YOU: How to Stop Hiding in Plain Sight” available at Home - Yellow Balloon Publications and Amazon.Most likely, you’re being discounted because you’re discounting yourself. Don’t do that!

Why am I an outcast ?

I live in the United States, but this guy sounds like your typical most popular guy in school bully. Oh my where to start! Bullies can either be insecure and hid their insecurities by downgrading kids who are comfortable with who they are, and people are okay with following them because they are also insecure and are too afraid to stand up to the bully because they are so afraid of being downgraded too. Or it could be the fact that gothic rock is very different from your average music like Lady Gaga, so bullies and their followers do not like the uniqueness you have. I have never been to Egypt, but I have a feeling gothic rock is not very common there. I might be wrong. Then there is the fact that this kid is afraid of you because people who have a spark of interest or fear about somebody usually spend their time trying to figure out about that person of interest or fear. He obviously would not have wasted his time looking at your Facebook, if he was not trying to find out more about you. Not all people like change or being bullied so they follow the person that instigates it so they won't get hurt. Sadly it has been seen throughout history. Like it doesn't take a lot to be a sheep, but it takes courage to be a lion. I hope this helps!!! :)

Has anyone felt like a social outcast at some points in their lives?

I pretty much always feel like a social outcast. I don’t mind much it’s just that I find it hard to fit in.I was born and grew up in Zimbabwe which, not to put too fine a point is full of Africans. I’m African by birth but I don’t look like an African, I look English. My parents were born in England so I look and even sound like them. When I’m in Zimbabwe my accent even sounds English to their ears.I live in England now and although I look like these people I am not like them at all. The small houses, cramped on road parking, the way the English are so untrusting of strangers, the way I sound foreign even though I look like them all adds up to making me feel like I don’t belong here. I don’t even get their sense of humor.I don’t fit in anywhere. I feel like a refugee from nowhere a lot of the time.

I feel like a social outcast everywhere I go. How could I change that?

To make a long story short, I know I am a shy person. In addition, I tend to be serious. In addition, I am an independent person : if I don't need help, I will do what I have to do by myself. Plus, I am not much of a talker : I enjoy small talk once in a while, but I am not the most verbal person out there. I am also honest and straightforward.

Lately, I noticed something. In high school, I was a loner and felt like an outcast. And it was the same in college.

Now that I started my career, the same story is repeating itself. Coworkers don't acknowledge my presence, they rarely say hi to me, and I am being laughed at quite a bit. Once again, I feel like the outcast, the black sheep. As a result, I don't talk to coworkers and I most certainly don't gossip with them, which is the beginning of this vicious circle of loneliness.

I am starting to feel that I am the cause of this problem

I feel like I am attracting that kind of behaviour toward me. It sucks a lot, and I hate it.

Is there any way I can change it?

Other things to consider :

I say hi to my coworkers at the beginning of a day.

I just arrived in a new city : I don't know anyone.

I rarely go out due to shift work and tiredness.

Why are the best artists usually social outcasts?

In most cases, they spend a lot of time being an artist, and less time being social because most people aren't intrestested in what they are intrested in, so they keep to themselves and get better and better at being an artist instead of going out with a group of people to the movies or something.