Am I Attractive At All Girls

Do girls who look attractive know it?

It's all about how you carry yourself.Let me tell you a story. You might find it familiar, maybe you have met girls like that in the past.I had a childhood friend. Her name is Maria (Masha, we are Russian). Masha and I were friends during our time in kindergarten and for 9 years at school. Masha was in popular gang and in nerd group at the same time. How? Well, she was from a wealthy family, thus was wearing the coolest clothes and going to the coolest places on vacation. Everyone wanted to keep in touch with her, despite the fact she had toxic personality and threw tantrums once in a while. She was confident and smart and could easily make friends with anyone.She was considered the most beautiful girl in our class and one of the most beautiful girls in school. I was a nerd then, and despite the fact everyone told me I was very pretty, I was never popular because of my shyness and geeky interests. Neither me, nor my other friends couldn't compete with Masha.Anyway, two years ago I found our yearbook.Guess what, I must've been the blindest child in the world.Because Masha was ugly as FUCK.Seriously, if you ignore the fact she was blue-eyed blonde girl, you won't see anything indicating of any kind of beauty there.I felt like I was under the spell all of these years. I haven't seen her for almost 10 years, and all this time, before finding her old photos, I kept keeping that image of a beautiful girl in my head.The art of deceiving people.I know that I am pretty, but I don't feel pretty. I don't use my looks.Masha, whether she was or wasn't aware of her plain looks, felt pretty, behaved pretty and people believed she was pretty.

Guys, what size girl do you find most attractive?

We girls all think that the skinnier the better (within reason of course), but my friend (a girl) was telling me that I am too skinny (I am normal sized) and guys go for girls who look 'healthier' and a bit bigger. Is this true? What size girl do you find the most attractive? (Regardless of personality, etc)

How to be more attractive as a tall girl?

hello all.

im a sophomore in highschool and im 6 feet tall :( crazy ****, i know.

im really worried that my height intimidates people and people don't find me attractive/approachable because i am so darn tall! i am very outgoing and social but i'm worried people see me as clingy or over bearing.

can guys find tall girls cute? also how can i dress for my body in a flattering way? i have DD cup size and i do not think that is helping my case.

help?? (included picture of me for reference, im in the purple dress)

Why do I attract a lot of unattractive girls?

I think that in general. attractive girls have more relationship experience than unattractive girls (this is not necessarily good or bad).First of all. if you find that unattractive girls give you much more attention than attractive girls, then you may have good reason to believe so. While you may be thinking that those unattractive girls who are always hitting on you are below your league, you might find that they actually aren’t.One thing that a previous poster pointed out in his answer is that you assume that women and men judge level of attractiveness the same. Not so at all. Yes, the majority of men want a woman who is physically attractive first and have other good qualities second, but this is RARELY the case when women are choosing men, especially when the woman is good-looking. She’s been with dozens of guys just as hot as she is who’ve turned out to be a waste of time. There is so much more to being an attractive man that a woman actually wants to be with. I hate to state the truth so bluntly, but the more status you have as a man, the better looking the women you attract will be.So yes, these girls you tend to attract might be 4’s or 5’s on the scale of attractiveness based on physical appearances, but it’s very likely that that is your “range”. You may be a 4 or 5 on the attractiveness scale based on status. Those 9’s and 10’s that you want will come with plenty of hard work, especially if you weren’t already born into a family with status.Still, it’s probably a lot easier for you to change your level of status than it is for some of those not so hot girls to change the looks they were born with.Now that I’ve answered your question, let me say this: you might find that tactic of dating/choosing a mate highly ineffective in the later years of your life. Even harder than finding a really hot woman that wants you is finding a woman who will actually love you and stay with you through thick and thin. That’s just my opinion.

Am i attractive girls? Would you talk to me on the street?

Yes your cute good looks only go so far though.I liked this one guy he was soooo hott (he liked me to and still does) then when I started talking to him he was funny but a badass and he was really dumb so that like turned me off yet girls still liked him.not all girls like bad asses And your personality is great...I don't see to much of that in boys your age there minds are usually all ****** up lol

Do guys think most girls are somewhat attractive?

Yes absolutely. And I am not the ‘everybody is oh so beautiful’ kind of person. I genuinely find the majority of girls attractive. I just find feminine bodies very attractive to begin with and all girls who are not fat (I don’t find that feminine) usually wear skin tight cloths and that is extremely attractive to me. Specific body shapes are completely irrelevant to me and I would argue almost all guys. Then the faces matter too. And here I think most faces are attractive. Not all. Definitely not all. But the majority. It is not like that the other way around. Guys faces are not as attractive on average as girls faces. That is statistically proven.

Do girls find big muscles attractive or is it just bs?

Hate to break it to you dude, but all girls are can't generalize us into one category. Some girls are more concerned about the guy's personality than how big his biceps are. But there are also a lot of girls who are ridiculously attracted to built and jacked guys. It really depends on each girl and her attractions. If I were you, I would just work out with the goal to become healthy and stronger...not just for a girl. Trust me, personality plays a much GREATER role in whether a girl likes a guy or not. And if you meet a girl who is more concerned about your muscle mass...that just shows how shallow she is and I would immediately forget about her. Hope this helped! Lis

Do all grown men find high school girls attractive?

It depends on the man, I guess. Jailbait or not, it's hard to look away when a girl is showing everything off.

Eventually, guys go for more mature girls who can take care of themselves.

Why do I find almost all girls beautiful and attractive?

Happen to me as well, this is very frustrating .I guess it have something to do with my personality. I have divergent personality I am not bound to one possibility and try to explore all other what if conditions.I enjoy all music genres. If some girl is metal head I found that attractive , If I meet some other girl who like trance I will adore her too, If I found some other girl who love drum and bass I probably also fall for her.I travel a lot and I got chance to talk with amazing people. Within no time I discovered I am attracted to girls from different Geo locations as well. I tend to like something about a girl native to north India but also want her to have some features like some other girl I meet in North East India.When I was 13–14 years old I was into girls of my age but later I meet some older girl and I really liked her maturity level. I really admired the way she used to handle problems rather than complaining about them. I started to like older women and it opened gate to more confusion for me.I am tall so obviously I like tall girls but are times when I meet cute short girls and put me in confusion. I found them attractive but it feel awkward to be around them as I am too tall for them.I learned over time you can’t have everything until you found yourself mystique who can transform into anything you desire .