Am I Becoming/are Anorexic/bulimic

Can you be both bulimic and anorexic?

Technically no, if you’re talking about real and true diagnostics as are used by the medical profession.According to the DSM V (the current edition):Anorexia NervosaTo be diagnosed as having Anorexia Nervosa a person must display:Persistent restriction of energy intake leading to significantly low body weight (in context of what is minimally expected for age, sex, developmental trajectory, and physical health) .Either an intense fear of gaining weight or of becoming fat, or persistent behaviour that interferes with weight gain (even though significantly low weight).Disturbance in the way one's body weight or shape is experienced, undue influence of body shape and weight on self-evaluation, or persistent lack of recognition of the seriousness of the current low body weight.Subtypes: Restricting typeBinge-eating/purging typeBulimia NervosaTo be diagnosed as having Bulimia Nervosa a person must display:Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode of binge eating is characterized by both of the following: Eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g. within any 2-hour period), an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat during a similar period of time and under similar circumstances.A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode (e.g. a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating).Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviour in order to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or other medications, fasting, or excessive exercise.The binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviours both occur, on average, at least once a week for three months.Self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body shape and weight.The disturbance does not occur exclusively during episodes of Anorexia Nervosa.So what happens if you meet all the criteria for Anorexia, but you also binge and purge? You end up with a diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa - Binge Purge subtype.But if you’re question isn’t so much diagnosis and rather, can a person restrict their intake, loose a bunch of weight and also binge and purge - sure. Keep in mind though that not all people who restrict their food intake and/or binge and purge lose any weight. Some gain weight, some stay the same, some lose weight.

What do I do about being Bulimic and Anorexic?!?

Kalum, that's some pretty twisted advice you're giving out. 'Pro anorexia lifestyle'? Its a freaking mental illness. You clearly have no clue what you are talking about when it comes to diet, nutrition, or the human body in general so i'm gonna jump in here:

When you don't get enough food, your body goes into a sort of 'survival mode'. Your metabolism slows to a crawl, and it tries to store as much fat as possible. You are tired and cold because your body is trying to exert as little energy as possible because it thinks it needs to prepare for a famine. It also begins to consume it's muscles for food, which is where the weight loss is coming from. So by not eating, you are promoting fat storage and muscle loss. At 14, you are screwing up your metabolism and hormones pretty badly... so yeah, I think you are in serious danger.

You sound like a smart girl, and you obviously have alot of determination and willpower if you are able to deprive yourself of something like food. Why not put that energy into something like school, a hobby, etc., that will make you happy? Because it sounds like anorexia is making you pretty miserable.

Isn't is just as simple as beginning to eat again? If it's not, you need to see a doctor. If it's just a fear of getting fat, there are many, many safer and much more effective ways of controlling your weight. Try looking into the Atkins diet. Honestly, I think dieting is like the last thing you ought to be worrying about right now, but if a diet is what it takes to get you eating again, I'd recommend that one.

Good luck.

Ami getting anorexic/bulimic?

Bulimia is puking up you food to become thinner.
Anorexia is usually what happens after bulimia because your body eventually will have a harder time letting you eat because it does not want to throw up. Eventually it might even be hard to eat at all. So anorexia is not eating or eating too little.
You can be anorexic without being bulimic on your own too but it won't be because your body is used to puking.
DID YOU KNOW? Starving your self can actually cause you to gain weight.
Don't worry what other people say. Especially a cruel brother. If you let him see that it gets to you he will just keep it up. If at all possible you should tell your parents how much it bothers you that your brother says that to you.
No matter what it is never a good idea to under eat or throw up your food on purpose.
Throwing up constantly will cause the acid in the puke to burn up your throat.
Not eating will not help you at all. Even if it did make you thinner it would kill you before you could care.
Anorexia and bulimia will cause serious medical problems. Pleas notice that I said WILL, and not might or could. letting yourself become malnourished WILL cause worse problems.
My best advice other than just eat regular, healthy balanced meals and do a healthy amount of exercise instead, is to just be your self and learn to love your self. it sounds cheesy but if you don't love your self for who you are first, no matter what others think, than it will be much harder.
So learn to love yourself for everything you are. It may take some time but you are obviously an amazing person and should try harder to find and focus on the positive things about yourself and put ANYTHING negative out of your mind.
Best Wishes

Do you really lose weight by becoming anorexic/Bulimic?

Yes you do lose weight but at the same time your body do not get the proper nutrients so it will start showing on your skin, nails, hair, and possibly teeth (losing enamel and calcium). The body starts deteriorating and eats itself inside out for nutrients.
You better off eating healthy and in moderation rather then be in this dire situation.

Anorexia/ Bulimia a sin?

So there are countless scriptures stating that physical beauty is irrelevant to God's cause. (the name i'm using here is InHisEyes31_30 due to Proverbs 31:30... look it up.)
There are also some stating that gluttony is sin. So what about not eating or maybe purging?
Are these eating disorders sinful? Please give scripture along with reasoning.

Is it normal to want to be anorexic / bulimic?

i think you may be suffering from anorexia already. no one in the correct mental state will want to be anorexic so i honestly think you may already have a problem.

you dont have to be sickly skinny to be anorexic. anorexia is a mental disorder in which they want to loose weight to be happy or for control.

what your saying, you seem to not be happy with yourself right now... eventhough 52kg for a 5ft 6 height is a perfect size!

so what i can suggest to you, is try and stop this... its not worth loosing your life for or ruining relationships with your family. because trust me when you have full blown anorexia, youl do anything to not eat... even if that is lying to your family.

please, please stop now.

ive had anorexia for almost 7 years! ... ive been in remissions for 2 years tho but im starting to have a relapse :( so i know how people think when they have anorexia and some of the things you say is like what i think.

its not good being so thin... you litterally become a different person when you become extremely underweight as u can think of anything apart from food!
you faint, cold all the time, purple or yellow tinted skin, fine hairs grows all over your body (to try and keep u warm), you cant concentrate on anything.
and its also very painful, ive had many sleepless nights because i was in pain and becuase i was worried id never wake up again!

anorexia nervose is not nice, its a deadly disease! and once u become anorexic its so so hard to stop

How to be bulimic or anorexic without parents finding out?

Actually, anorexia really isn't a choice, it's a mental illness that takes years to develop, therefore you can't just "choose" to be anorexic. Even if you are anorexic people who help you hide it are endangering your health. As you are wondering how to be anorexic, right now you obviously aren't, it's extremely worrying that you actually want to have a mental health issue. Do yourself a favour and delete this question because all you are doing is glorifying mental health issues and inspiring people to starve themselves.

What is worse, anorexia or bulimia?

That is actually a really difficult question. Both have their physical and mental damages and having consistently switched from one to the other I can tell from experience that it’s hard to really say which is worse.Anorexia -With anorexia the physical damage was just as bad as the mental damage. Physically I felt tired all of the time because my body was simply not getting the calories it needed to function or, on a good day just enough to get me to and from work. Being that tired also meant not being able to function mentally. I couldn’t focus on anything, everything felt pointless or like too much of an effort and my personality became more aggressive or unwilling to socialise with people. Beyond this I was put on a course of vitamins and tablets geared to just keep my bodily systems functioning…something I joked as being my “NHS breakfast” at the time. Even though I no longer suffer from it (I used that term loosely because I have days or weeks where I behave in a way typical of anorexia) I feel the effects. My joints crack and ache from early onset arthritis, my digestive system finds it hard to process certain foods and I feel tired a lot.Bulimia -My specific experience with bulimia was full purging. On a good day this would happen once but on a bad day I would binge and purge 4/5 times a day and would just sleep in between those binges because my mind couldn’t focus on anything else. Physically, my teeth have rotted from the constant acid passing through them and my digestive problems just got worse. To this day I still eat late at night because that was my worst time for bingeing and my body is unable to pass the food properly leading to a day of flatulence, stomach pains and nausea. However, I would say, and some may disagree, that Bulimia impact my life more than it impacted me. I became really good at lying, about where food had gone or about purging in the first place. I stopped going out at all to stay at home and binge and would only leave the house to buy food for around 6 months…I’ve lost friends because of this and financially I fucked myself because all my money went on the binges.So, as you can see both have their damages…and these are damages that will probably never ever go away. It’s not a question of asking which is worse, it’s just understanding that both can impact you in different but equally terrible ways.

How do i get people to stop calling me anorexic/bulimic?

im 14, 5'4 and i weight 113 lbs. i have really long legs and they are pure muscle because i am a dancer. i don't eat a lot i.e. (no breakfast or lunch, i'll eat something small when i get home from school, then usually im off to dance and i might eat something else small when i get home. also i don't eat red meat or fish). because some of my friends at school don't see me eat, they accuse me of being anorexic. i know that i am not because i am not underweight at all. infact, i wouldnt mind in the least bit dropping some pounds. is there any way i can prove to them that i am perfectly healthy because i am fed up with it.