Am I Depressed Or Just Sad

Am I depressed or just sad?

I'm a 16 year old girl I'm not sure if I'm depressed or not . In december, the guy (he's really nice and smart and I thought he liked me back) I that I was in love with for years and was my friend asked out my best friend. He told her he loved her a few days after that and my friend knew I liked him but rubbed it in my face anyway. At the first week I didn't know how to respond and pretended like nothing happened but felt empty until I saw them holding hands and kissing then I started to cry a lot but when ever I was alone and especially at night. I never felt this sad before and I couldn't bare it and I felt really rejected and alone. I felt like this until February when my exams started. My concentration was terrible and my parents told me that I would end up working in some poor job, I felt even worse and I started cutting myself with scissors but they were blunt and didn't cut very far so I don't think that counts as self harm. Now I just feel low all the time but I hide it and put on a smile in front of my family and friends and I don't really cry anymore but I do occasionally and I still feel worthless and that if I died nobody would care. I tried to go to a councilor but they couldn't fit me in and said that I would have to go somewhere else but there is no where else to go to. I'm really scared and I keeping on having suicidal thoughts because I now see life as pointless and that I'll never be loved. I used to be a happy go lucky kind of person but I feel like I've lost the old me. Does this count as depression or is this just a phase I'll grow out of? Please help

Sorry this is so long :/

How do I know if I'm depressed or just sad?

Just because I'm said, doesn't mean I necessarily have a chemical imbalance? My symptoms are lack of self-motivation and self-consciousness as well as fears of what might happen to me...I'm can be very shy and not very social. I see everyone trying to just live and love themselves/take care of themselves, make relationships...but I don't have that and I don't know how to have that. Because of this, I'm sad all the time. I'm NOT homicidal or suicidal, but just numb about life and myself. Blind to see how I'm the one that's punishing myself subconsciously. Is this a chemical imbalance or am I just sad like anyone can be? I'm not sad for no reason, so I don't know how I could have depression mental-disorder and need to take meds. What do you think?

Am I depressed or am I just sad?

It really does depend on how you are feeling, how old you are, or how your lifestyle/routine works.Teenagers often go through puberty for 2–5 years which means you may be going through hormonal changes.However, if this is not the case it can be one of the other two. Living an unhealthy life can cause depresiion. Going to sleep late, eating junk food and doing no exercise is a lifestyle that is very likely to result in depression.Feeling sad for a week or a few days is just sadness or what some people would call “the blues.” However, feeling down for a long period of time is unnatural and you should probably talk to a psychologist so they can help you figure out what is going on.Like I said, depression and sadness are two different things.I also recommend taking this helpful quiz, however, do not rely on the answers 100%. It is just for you to get an idea of what is happening.

Am I depressed or just weak...?

Okay. You seem to be stuck in the cycle. Its very difficult to stop and say no to the constant thoughts that tend to weaken you. As cliche as this may sound, there will come a time when you will be able to focus on what you want to do, talk to people that you want to, have fun with no guilt, and most importantly -trust yourself and your thoughts.You seem very articulate about the way you feel. Which means you are capable of seeking and accepting the truth. There is this amazing youtuber Noah Elkrief. You can watch any of his videos on depression. But I will try to consolidate all of that, focusing on what helped me get a grip. Problem is not your emotions. It is your thoughts. If some friend calls you and tells you that your house is burning down, your first reaction is this rush of emotions and images. If, in the next second they say ‘I’m kidding’, all of that is gone -whoosh!What you believed in that brief time interval was that your house was in flames. You need to realize that, that image isn’t true. Let’s say, you are supposed to interact with a bunch of new people. Your minds starts thinking- it presents you images of every possible negative outcome, it tells you that the people there must have already judged you or are not interested in you. Pause. Are the thoughts absolutely true? Do those people really think like that? Can you back such thinking with logical proof? The answer is always No.Every time you feel something negative and heading towards depression- question the thought that triggered that feeling. Judge it for its correctness. Its almost like a (fake)friend operating in your mind, to make sure you never reach your true potential.Question the thoughts. Be honest with yourself. Soon they'll back off.Hope this helps.PS- Not a medical professional. I faced this same question once and what I learnt helped me. That’s all.

How do I know if I am depressed or just sad and worried?

Deep sadness is temporary, while depression is a low mood state over a prolonged period of time. Also, when you’re sad you will have the physical symptoms related to the feeling of sadness (a stuffy feeling, tearfulness) but with depression it’s an overall sad (sometimes irritable or uneasy) mood.Depression is also accompanied by a lack of motivation, an inability to concentrate or make decisions, a constant feeling of fatigue, changes in sleep and appetite and in extreme cases, thoughts of death and suicide.When you’re sad it can be quite difficult but it doesn’t last long and you are able to distract yourself and function through your sadness. Depression is debilitating and can make you lose the will to perform even basic activities such as those of self-care and hygiene.If you’re even asking this question, it might be an indicator that something is wrong. If you think you are experiencing symptoms of depression, it is best to get your doubts clarified by a

Depressed? or just reallly sad?

i get sad over long periods of time. then it would go away then come back. i have so many good things going on in my life. and i am still sad. i am sad for no reason and i am reallly scared of loosing them.

i was seriously sad over the summer when i found out when i came back from camp we moved to a dif. state. i wouldent get out of bed for weeks. and id just cry my eyes out every single day.
and i dont see my friends from there very much, and i miss them sooooo much it killllls me. and whenever i make plans to see them they allways get ruined.

id never kill myself but latley ive been threatening to allooot. i have alot of confidence in myself. i have ajusted to the move realllly well. but i still feel empty. and ive tried to talk to my friends about it.
but i have so much to say, and im so sad im scared that they are going to think im exadiarating and im an attention whore.

and both of my parents think i exadiarate and dont believe me when i tell them i could be depressed. also 5 years ago my parents got divorced.. but the divorce was the relieveing part. the fighting went on for years and really got to me. but during that time i went to a tharapist and they agreed i had anxiety and trust issues.
but since then ive moved 2 times.

but then i was happy for a long time. and my sadness keeps coming back at reallly random times. i feel like everyone i care about lets me down at some point. and it hurts. and i dont know if its depression or im exadiarating or just really sad or what. but im sickkkk of it and i dont know what to do.

Am I just sad or in the process of getting depressed?

Something is going on, because you’re seeing changes in yourself. If your situation hasn’t changed, then you’re looking at your situation differently, with a more negative perspective. Increased irritability is a symptom of depression but it could be something else. The first thing to do is see your doctor. You should rule out any physiological conditions that might be causing or complicating your mood.If you get referred to a professional, you definitely need to open up. There’s no harm and no shame in discussing your feelings, even with a close friend, and just because you haven’t felt the need before is no reason not to seek help now. While I always caution people not to turn friends or family members into substitute therapists, because that’s not their role in your life, perhaps just talking out some of your concerns will be enough to get you back to where you were. If this isn’t sufficient, or you lack this sort of person in your life, see a professional therapist.As for your family not understanding you - I think this is almost a universal condition. Some few are lucky to have great family relationships but many of us are misunderstood within our birth families, for one reason (or many) or another. We can’t choose our families, so it’s often necessary to go beyond the family for the kinds of support and help we need that cannot be found at home.

Am I depressed or just sad like everyone else?

Sometimes it can be really hard to tell, and I just want you to know that you’re really strong for looking into why you’re feeling the way that you’re feeling.Importantly, it’s not ever possible for anyone to diagnose themselves, or for a stranger to diagnose it either, so I won’t claim to do that. But I would like to give some info about depression which might help you.A big criterion for a depression diagnosis is depressed mood, not surprisingly, though it can possibly be substituted for irritable mood in younger people. When you begin to worry that sadness may be pathological and in need of treatment is typically when the person is having functional impairment. If the person is struggling to perform in school, work, social, or other environments as they used to, or if they are unable to do so, due to their feelings of sadness, it may be time to seek help.There are some hallmark symptoms which, taken alone, are not enough to diagnose depression, but which can definitely be a part of the diagnosis. Sleep and appetite changes, difficulty concentrating, diminished interest or pleasure in usual activities, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and suicidal thoughts are some things to look out for.Ultimately, everyone is different, and everyone comes from a different environment. If you’re feeling concerned about how you’re feeling, you can bring it up to a trusted friend or family member, or you can talk to your doctor. No matter what, sadness is a terrible feeling, especially when it’s persistent, and I send empathy to you along with this answer. Best of luck!