Am I Fat Or Overweight Help How To Loose Pounds

I am 5'3 and weigh 129 pounds.Am i fat?Help!Do i need to lose weight?

No you are not overweight. Your BMI is 22.8. Healthy is between 18.5 and 24.9, but you could lose some weight and still be healthy. If you want...

Start with eating healthy- fruits, vegetables, lean meats, etc. Don't eat any junk food, or sodas. But drink lots of water. You need to stay hydrated. If you feel hungry drink a bottle of water, if your still hungry after wards eat something. Eat smaller portions throughout the day to keep your metabolism up.

You need to exercise too. You can run. If you aren't in good shape start with running small amounts, and build up as the weeks go by. If you hate running you can swim. Its great cardio. You can also think about weight training. Lifting weights builds muscle, and muscle burns more calories than fat. You should add crunches, lunges, push ups, etc. to your workout. If you ever get bored with this routine you can try yoga or cycling, something fun like that!

Try working out with friends, and listening to music so you don't get bored.

Im 13, 6 foot1, and im 185 pounds, am i overweight?

nope that seems about right. do you play sports or any other activities?
if so the extra weight could be muscle. don't worry about it. anyways your in the right limit for your Height

I'm 10 years old, but 130 pounds. Am I overweight or fat?

I would not do drastic changes without consulting a doctor.That said, if you are overweight, it means your current diet is not optimal for your body. There are a few changes you can do that are very safe and easy. You don't provide much detail in your post, so I can only make assumptions.First, what do you normally drink? I know at your age I drank lots of sodas. One single can of soda has more sugar than an adult male should consume in an entire day. All the extra sugar just gets stored as fat. Consider drinking water instead. Not juice, not diet soda, just plain water.I also had candy and desert every chance I got. Consider skipping the desert or having some fruit instead.Many kids avoid vegetables. I know kids that have never had a salad until they were 20. Ideally one should eat vegetables in every single meal.Those are weight loss 101 tips. Those are low risk things you can do. No doctor will advice against those things. What you don't want to do is stop eating and starve yourself to lose weight. Not only it's not effective, but it is flat out dangerous. This is really where you want professional help.You are about to go through puberty, this makes it very easy for you to slim down, but you do need to improve your habits.Losing weight and keeping it off is hard work. It will mean permanent changes to your lifestyle. Changing any habit is hard work. You might read the advice above and think it would be to hard to do. The good news is that you get used to it. If you were to start today, a month from now it would be second nature to you.

I am overweight and I need to lose the fat. How?

first of al there is no magic pill to lose wieght all u need is hard work and dedication. here is a work plan for you. first try to reduce ur calorie intake to 1000 but do it gradually it should be 4 weeks to hit a 1000 calories. eat high protiens low glycemic carbs like oat meal veggies sweet potatoe etc. try to eat 5 to 6 small meal a day to keep ur metabolizm going to brn fat if u cant try to drink a fat free high protien shake. stay away from candy coke diet coke juices eat a serving a fruit a day no more because it alot of natural sugar and it spikes up ur insulin which makes ur fat process slow down. now a workout routine. if possibly to purchase some dunbells 8 to 20 pounds dependig on how much you can lift. dont worry you wont bulk up ur body unless you train like a body builder but ur not u just want to lose wieght.rite when u get up in the morning do not eat do a 15 min wieght training then 15 min of cardio gradually go to 30 mins each because when u workin out ur body use carb for energy and when all those carb are gone from wieght training ur body goes for the fat for energy. do another session b4 u go to bedd cuz that is when ur metolizm naturally slows down so ur body will burn fat all day and all night. dont do crunch it makes ur tummy bigger. for ur back do dunbell rows u can find it on utube how to do it properly. or the gym lat pull downs. for ur legs do squats but do them with light wieght or no wieght wall sits you can look up all these on utube or google them for cardio speed rope is a good one but do it as fast as you can or suicide where you run to one spot and toch the floor and run back ant touch the floor and so on and so one frog hops u just stand still and frog hop good for legs tummy, but always make sure ur back is always straight and ur tummy is tight when do all of these and this will be done after wieght training . make sure ur body gets 2 day rest take it easy at first then gradually advance only do what ur body can handle then increase also always drink plenty of water. (good luck i know you can do it) and once you body get use to it email me and i wil give you a harder routine and if u decide to try this update me on ur email is NO PAIN NO GAIN REMAIN THE SAME!

I’m 13 and weigh 160 pounds. Am I overweight/obese? What can I do to lose more weight fast?

First things first: remember you’re growing up and are entering the full swing of puberty. Whatever size you are, height you are and whoever you are as a person right now will change over time. Becoming curious or concerned about your body is totally normal especially because of all of its changes and as a fitness professional, it was during this time that I became interested in fitness. Weight classifications like: normal, overweight and obese are based on your height and body fat percentage in comparison to your height. Your pediatrician should be able to give you a good answer about where you stand. With that said, anything the doctor tells you doesn’t define who you are as a person!Instead of focusing on your weight specifically, it’s probably a better idea to focus on being healthy to feel good. Eating mostly food from the earth (little to no fast food or chips), getting most of your sugar from fruit and not candy, choosing water over sweet drinks will help you to feel awesome and be energetic enough to get the activity you need. Humans like us need to move! It’s why we have arms and legs. Get out there and walk, bike, play with your friends and get a good nights sleep. If you Shift your focus to being strong and healthy everything else will come because as I said: your body is changing and you might look totally different in 3 years. No matter what, you’re more than what you look like. Best of luck.

I weight 100 pounds and im 5" 5', is that overweight?

Oh my goodness no you are not overweight by any stretch...
Just eat lots of fruit and vegetables in your life...
They all have lots of water in them and that cleanses your body well...
Also drink lots of water...
It washes out your whole system...
I think for your height and weight you are just fine...

I am 5 8" and weigh 11 stone (154 pounds) am i overweight?How much should i lose to be thin?

No i don't believe that you are overweight. If you have high fat content, then maybe, but I seriously doubt it. I'm 5'7" and I weigh 145. I get called skinny by some of my friends. I honestly think that I am a perfect weight. I have a lil tummy that I am working on because I had a baby, but the rest of me is perfect. If you really want to maybe tighten up and get fit, I listed a website below that I use for exercise. You don't even have to leave your house. I don't suggest going on a diet or anything as long as you eat healthy. This website is helping my tummy and there are workouts for your whole body. Plus the instructor is a female. She's skinny, but that isn't what I'm aiming for. Skinny is not in anymore. Men like a woman with some curves, just not super fat. You are so not super fat. Try the workout and contact me if you need support or anything.

I am a 14 year old girl and weigh 170 pounds I am overweight and am looking for a way to loose weight?

okay i hav the BEST answer! But first...please dont b weird and starve yourself! of my very best friends used to be like over weight and she started taking dance lessons. She realized that it was helping her lose weight at her weekly classes and even after she lost enough weight she realized that dancing was now her passion. She is the best dancer in every class and is recieving a dance scholarship to a college for dancing. If you can find a sport or take up dance you might find that it was ment to b! Good luck and also eat healthy. Peanut butter on celery is real good! :D

Im 15, 5 ft 1 and weigh 190 pounds?

question 1 : Am i overweight ?

question 2 : Why have i a 52 inch waist, masses and masses of belly fat when i dont even eat that much ?

question 3 : even though i excersize daily and eat healthily why am i gaining an average of 1 pound a day ?

just so u know my day today :
woke up at 9am did 20 sit ups then had a bacon sandwich and 3 fried eggs

went for a 5 minute walk

then watched tv for ages

had 2 (Smallish) bowls of pasta and bacon for lunch

then did 50 crunches

then went shoping

the had a hotdog for dinner and now i am on the computer and ive eaten only 2 kit kats