Am I Getting Verbally Abused

My friend is getting verbally & physically abused?

She won't go to anyone but me about it, and she's depressed ALL the time. I don't know if i should help her or what or HOW to help her. Over Christmas break, she called me crying and told me she started cutting herself. I got her to stop. but She started again this week (spring break), and i don't know what to do!!!

(PS i think her older brother is sexually abusing her, but i'm not sure. HElp!)

Am I getting verbally abused at home by my step-dad?

Okay so my dad died when I was little, but my step dad is like an actual dad to me. Anyways, Yeah I see him like a dad. But, lately it feels like every time I do something wrong or something that's not even that big of a deal he just will keep calling me a dumbass or a stupid bastard and It really hurts my feelings. Or if I talk back he'll call me a *****. My mom once told me that he just does That to get a rise out of me. My mom I guess doesn't really go along with it, but lik if I swear or anything she'll tell my sister I'm not a christain. I've had enough. What should I do?

How to deal with verbally abusive parents?

Warning: Major emo whining.

I've been verbally abused by my parents ever since I was a kid, but it keeps getting worse and worse. This Christmas has been especially difficult for me. For the last few days, I've been learning to drive. After only the 3rd day (with no professional lessons at all), my dad made me drive on busy roads with traffic and all that. I honestly think I did very well. Obviously not perfect, but good. After a 2 minor incidents (no crashes or anything), they've taken the opportunity to lash out on me.

And I mean, HOURS.. and HOURS of it. This morning my mum barged into my room and said, "F***** get up. You're going f****** driving. You're so f****** stupid!" Eff this, eff that etc.
3 hours later after I've come back, she's still abusing me as I type.

I get over abuse easily because I receive it everyday. But it just hurts to know that my parents hate me. They really do. My mum wishes I was never born. She calls me the Devil's Child. She asks God what she did to deserve this punishment. I get called stupid, ignorant, a cow, a b****, a horrible daughter and all that degrading crap blah blah.

She constantly threatens to kill me, and comes up with some pretty interesting ways. I'm going to kill you with my own bare hands, I'm going f****** cut you with this knife (yes, she actually holds the knife in front of me). It doesn't sound like I'm taking it seriously because sadly, I'm just over it. If we lived in the US where they permit guns, I would've probably shot myself already. The thought of that really disturbs me.

By the way, they're Asian. So no, I can't confront them. If I tell them it hurts me, they would laugh in my face, tell me to f*** off and then start telling me about how much the whole family in Asia hate me because I'm soooo stupid.

Not only that, I get insulted for being ugly and short.

My life just fails. I wish I was adopted. I feel like I need counselling because I feel like dying. And it's all because my parents say I'm not worth living and I'm a failure.

I don't know what to do... Does anyone have the same problem?

(WOW I'm sorry that sounded really emo.)

How do I get my husband to stop verbal/emotionally abusing me?

If your husband is emotionally and verbally abusing you then he knows what he is doing.He is abusing you.Since in reality, you cannot change or control another person’s behavior or choices, but only your own, you can stop him from abusing you by not giving him access to you to abuse you.When this is your husband, it requires life changing choices to do that. It is not an easy choice, but in essence, if you are choosing to stay, allowing him to abuse you, then you are choosing to be okay with it, even if you are not. Does that make sense?His lack of remorse for his actions can mean he sees this as normal behavior and not something he should see is unhealthy. It is your choice to follow through with the consequences that unhealthy behavior brings. When someone is unhealthy and treats someone badly, generally others do not spend time with them. Removing yourself from his company when he is abusive is a first step towards stopping the abuse.This may mean removing yourself to another room, or it can mean separating from your husband. Abusers most often do not change. He knows what triggers you and enjoys the power and control it gives him over you when he puts you in the “flashback” mode. He sees the buttons and uses it to his advantage. Until you are willing to say, “No more. This is not an option of you doing this again.” it will not stop. It is likely he will never change if it is as you say. Separation at the least or divorce could be an option.I am sorry as I know from personal experience this is horribly painful.

How to deal with a verbally abusive bf?

My bf and I had been together for a little over 3 years. He has many great trates and also a ton of bad ones. He has ADD and doesn't handle his anger well. He is verbally abusive and it hurts too many times. I made many attempts to leave him, but he always seem to convience me to stay. I really want to leave him permanently but is so afraid he might convience me again. I wish I could be stronger. Am I the only one going through this issue? What can I do to make myself stronger on leaving him? Thanks.

How do I get my parents to stop verbally abusing me and accept my decisions?

How old are you

How do I get my boyfriend to stop verbally abusing me and respect me more?

Vote with your feet, sister. Abuse — whether verbally, emotionally, mentally, physically, or sexually — is ALL abuse. It is unacceptable behavior. If you accept it, then it will continue and possibly even escalate.I read of a true story of a man who nearly lost his love. They had gone to a movie and were talking about it as he drove them home. She disagreed with him about some point that was made in the movie’s plot, and he began to “trash talk” her about her opinion. She turned and stared at him.“I am hearing abuse from you.”She then got out of the car (they were stopped at a stoplight) and walked away. He yelled after her, get back in here, what the heck, it’s dark out, you’re alone — she walked away.He drove home, called friends, but nobody had seen her or heard from her. She was gone two nights and then returned. He said from that point on, he NEVER abused her in any way or failed to treat her with respect.When I read this story, I was awed by the woman’s assertiveness and also by the fact that this man learned his lesson in 1. No one is entitled to abuse someone else. Ever.Best wishes and thanks for A2A

How do I get out of a verbally abusive relationship with a mother figure who I fear?

I'm 21, and I am renting from a woman whom I've known for a very long time and considers herself to be my mother. She is very manipulative and wants to control me, and for years I've let her, until recently. She calls me names, sometimes outright, sometimes she tries to act like she is joking. Today, she called me a slut. I know exactly what she is doing, but she is in denial. I know if I said what I want to say, if I told her to leave me alone, then she would want to fight me. I don't believe in myself enough to go against her outwardly. I don't have a good enough job yet to move out and away from her. I hate her so much for the pain she has caused me, I almost wish her to die. I know my fear is what puts me in this cage, but I don't know what to do. I don't have the courage or confidence to stand up for myself.