Am I Going To Go Bald

Why am I going bald at 16?

It sucks and is depressing yes. I started losing hair at the temples at 16, I was a school athlete and it was devastating, by 20 I had a definite receeding hairline. At 22 with what looked awful at that age I started using rogaine, wow, I grew back some! Not great but passable, 18 years later I have more hair than most 40 year olds and decided to start on generic finasteride. Just wish I'd started it sooner as this stuff works with no side effects for me.I had zero confidence in my late teens/early 20s and for what? I didn't have sex until I was 24, despite always being in great shape and being a decent looking guy (hindsight eh)I guess what I'm trying to say is, there is hope, get on the fin/minoxidil asap. You are here and it could be worse

Am I going bald?

36 days ago a barber shaved my head with a razor that might have been previously used on other customers.

After the shave, I had several cuts on the head.

Today I noticed a few small bald spots close to where the cuts were. Have I contracted baldness?

Take a look at the picture, and please let me know what you think.

Am I going bald at 15?

I was letting my hair grow out and I had a good amount of hair, but suddenly I realized it was not as much as before. I still have some hair, no bald spots or anything really, but I am realizing I am losing some strands of hair. When I shampoo it and look at my hands there is about 4 or 5 strands of hair in total with both hands combined. I don't think it is from family genes, I mean my mom comes from a family with a few members going bald, but I look like my dad a lot and have the same blood type as him. And none of my brothers seem to go bald and they are older than me, one is 17 and the other is 19, both almost going another year as well. Anyways my hair is coming off, I went in the bathroom today and kind of combed my hair with my fingers for about 5 minutes and about 20 strands of hair fell out. Am I going bald, and if so what can I do to prevent it before it gets worse?

Am I going bald at 14??? HELP!?

lol thats normal. hey dude i live in poland and i was worried i was going to go bald i asked my family doctors pharmacists
my dads friends barbers and all of them told me this all the **** below. It was written by my dad lol :D.

Genetics-if your father or grandfather were bald you can be bald.
expose to high stress during long time causes bold because cause not proper function of nerve system which
cause not proper function of your all organs(for example not proper blood circulation)
-skin problem(dermatology )
- heavy dandruff for long time
-not proper care of hair
-wearing long hair by man (less oxygen goes to hair during hot weather), more minerals is needed to keep
in good condition of hair roots. When you young and have long hair more minerals is used to grow long hair.
Not enough minerals cause weaker hair roots.
-wearing hat during hot summer (not enough oxygen do to toots of hair) for long time
-not wearing hat during cold winter time. It will cause freezing of hair roots and they will fall out.
-diabetes (not enough blood goes to roots of hair, not proper circulation of hair
-smoking increase tendency because nicotine causes decrease diameter of blood vessels , not enough oxygen
trough blood goes to roots of hair, carbon dioxide decreases amount of oxygen which goes to toots of hair
through blood
-if you wearing short hair when you’re young, you will have stronger hair for long time when you will be
my family my dads friends. polish doctors pharmacists barbers. my dads brothers and friends have long hair
now since they did everything above ^^. all the polish people i have met in poland same the same **** as above
while the american doctors are like no its only stress genetics and diet :D. i bet they know how to prevent it
but they dont wanna tell us cause then doctors vitamin companies rogain propecia hair transplant companies would
lose big $.

I am losing hair. Should I go bald?

Hi,Cutting your hair or keeping it short has no direct relation with the problem of Hair Loss. The key reasons for which one may experience hair loss are:1. Improper/Unbalanced diet2. Heredity3. Poor maintenance4. Dandruff5. Any other Infections on the scalp6. Using Hard water to wash hair7. Using too many chemicals on your hair and scalp8. Using too much of heat styling tools9. Hormonal ImbalanceHaving said that, shorter hair are easier to care for and do not get mated or tangled easily. Shorter hair are easier to comb through, which is a very important thing as combing your hair increases blood circulation in the hair which is in turn good for hair growth. Shorter hair also do not get tugged or pulled at in the process of shampooing, combing, etc as much as longer hair do, which leads to falling of hair in case the roots have become very weak or breakage due to a pull or tug.So If, you can take care of the above mentioned things, then you do not really need to cut your hair to solve your hair loss problem. You do however, need to care for your hair and taking a proper balanced diet.You may use Arnica Hair Oil twice every week to combat hair loss topically.You should consult your doctor and and take multi- vitamin supplement if you cannot instantly change your dietary habits to supplement any nutrients that your diet isn't providing you. I'd recommend taking a multi-vitamin over just biotin tablets because if you are missing other important nutrients in your body like calcium or zinc or protein, even that may lead to hair fall.I advise you to not get confused between Alopecia and regular hair loss. You may read about How To Prevent,Treat And Cure Hair Loss if you wish to.Hope It HelpsRegards.

Am I starting to go bald?

From the second picture, the answer would seem to be yes.As a hairdresser, I see men everyday who seem to be so laid back about everything but when it comes to baldness, they cringe and believe they are losing their manhood. As a fairly attractive woman, I can tell you I have never once noticed a man who was balding and factored that into my impression of him (unless it somehow added a hot factor). Most women don't give two shits, after all we aren't the visual beasts - that's you guys. That being said, I see women every day who obsess over two gray hairs on their head so I understand that how self image can affect how we feel about ourselves. My advice to you would be to not worry about it at this point. After all, it's on a part of your head that most people can't see right away. Second, it really is in the beginning stages at this point. Thirdly, you already wear a very short haircut which stands to reason you could likely crop it even shorter if it really bothered you and you'd still look good.If you feel the need to look for solutions, this is the order I recommend my clients go in (I'm not a doctor, and this is just very basic general knowledge so please consult your doctor for the real deal):1)There is a whole shampoo/conditioner/topical line called Nioxin. This is the least invasive OTC line which can be purchased in many beauty stores open to the public. Hard to say what results you could expect as it varies from person to person.2)Rogaine. Again, this is OTC and can be purchased in drug stores. Last I knew it came in some sort of mousse and you have to apply it daily. 3)Hair loss medication (IE Propecia). However I've heard the side effects can be as severe as sterility and the stuff is not cheap.4)Hair transplants. But this is also costly and it's probably better to wait until it has progressed to a point that it would actually be worth it.

All my co workers are going bald am i going to go bald too is that a contagious thing or what we are all young aged between 18-24?

Baldness is not contagious. It is based on genetics. That being said, lots of men are going bald at a younger age due to things that tend to speed up the process in people who are genetically predisposed to losing hair. Things like creatine and aspartame are big culprits and when you think about it - how many young men do you know who take creatine and various pre workout supplements that contain creatine and aspartame. It's important to note that these things do not cause hair loss in and of themselves (ie. the guy who will never lose his hair won't lose it due to taking creatine and using aspartame). But the guys who will eventually lose hair, will lose it much earlier if they use that crap.


more than likely yes