Am I Overreacting Pls Help

Am i overacting, or underacting pls help?????

OK, Well my wife went to her friends to hang with the girls,, and the one girls brother showed up at the house as well.. My wife was talking to her one friend about something sexual she wanted to try with me,, and he overheard what they talked about.. When i came to pick her up , he answered the door and said " Now you can do the one eyed pirate"" and then chuckled.. At first i was a little caught off guard, and a little pissed. then as my wife went upstairs to say bye to her friend,this same guy walked back up to me and said ""Do you want me to tell you what that means"" Now i was PISSED,, I told him "" I know what the fu(k it means,, You just need to get the fu(k out of my face"".
I wanted to mess him up real bad, but they had kids in the house,, plus they had been drinking.

I felt like who was he to talk about my wife like that to me,, and he said it as if he was giving me pramistion .. WHat do you think i should have done...

Does he like me or I am overreacting? plz help mE :( Cocky crush problem?

This is the thing with girls and some guys where they may be interested in you, but they sometimes act like you don't exist because they want to come off as important or not too desperate. If someone's is going to act like this, even if they liked you, it reduces the chance that you will ever go out, etc.

You cannot tell if he likes you at this point, because from experience I find that some people just like to joke around with people or lead them on. As for you, since he is only making eye contact with you sometimes I cannot conclude what his feelings are. It could just be random, and you are seeing what you want to see, as some of us do.

Best bet is this, he is a confident guy despite that he's sometimes a jerk. Thus if you really like him and believe he is the one you should make the first move, tell him you're interested and ask him out. If feelings are mutual then he will appreciate your confidence and directness. If he says no even then, there is really no chance unless next time he changes his mind. If he's just joking around with you then he is too much a jerk or up himself. That being the case he doesn't deserve your attention and you shouldn't give him the time of day.

Good luck.

Did he rape me or am i overreacting?

Drinking or not - you said "Stop" - going to the police for help

Am I overreacting to my girlfriend just because she got "princess carried" by a male friend in school?

Hard to say whether you’re overreacting when we don’t know what your reaction was. Did you calmly tell her that you’re uncomfortable with the idea of other guys having their hands all over her? Did you order her never to do it again? Did you slap her face and leave a red mark? The first option is a normal, mature reaction. The second is at least an attempt at being controlling. And the third is most definitely overreacting and abusive. There are, of course, other stops on that continuum between normal reactions and overreaction.Some people are very tactile in their dealings with other people—they touch the other person’s arm, shoulder, or back; if seated next to each other and conversing, they’ll incline their head toward them until it touches; they’ll be quite demonstrative and affectionate when greeting friends—hugs, hand squeezes, and maybe even kisses on cheeks, foreheads, or even lips. It doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s romantically inclined to those people (although it doesn’t necessarily mean that she isn’t, either). But if that’s the kind of person she is, where she craves physical touch, and if you’re someone who thinks anyone touching her, or being touched by her, however innocently, is threatening your relationship, you may need to rethink the relationship altogether. Not because you’re wrong, not because she’s wrong, but because the two of you have a mutually incompatible approach to life.

How long does it take to detect HIV? pls help?

The HIV test looks not for the virus, but for your body's response to the viral infection (antibodies). The HIV test is more accurately called the HIV antibody test.

Antibodies are created quickly in most cases:
75% will have antibodies and therefore test positive by 17-20 days after being infected.
By 2 months that number jumps to 95% and >99.5% of people test positive by 3 months. A fraction of a percent of people may take up to 6 months to create antibodies. This is because they already have a condition that severely weakens their immune system (chemo/radiation, organ transplant anti-rejection drugs, etc).

A negative test at 3months post exposure is considered to be definitive.

Hope this helps

At what age is texting considered childish?

im interested in this girl but shes 22 and im 18....i dont know her that well but so far im trying not to come off as immature (and she knows im 18) even tho i consider myself to be pretty mature for my age...i got her number the other day and im not too confident over what to do with it cuz i want everything to be perfect sense i feel my chances are slim ....i want to text her but im afraid she might not be into texting anymore maybe she thinks its a high school thing...i dont have friends that age so thats why idk....i just want reassurance that texting her is fine and it wont be like a reminder to her that m 18 and just came from highschool.. so what do you think should i text her yes or no??