Am I Ready To Start Working Out My Arms Every Other Day

Just started running/jogging: why am I hurting so bad on day 2 :(?

Don't overdo it on your first days... when you exercise you are actually tearing muscle tissue (don't worry- it's a good thing) so it can re-build and get you in better shape! :-)

Make sure you stretch before you exercise. Warm up. Exercise to push yourself, not break yourself- especially when starting out. 3 miles is excessive for someone who never ever exercised... take a day off.

I'll repeat that- take a day off! Your body needs rest, so the muscle tissue can re-build.

You'll eventually get better, and even plateau- that is a good thing so don't get discouraged when it happens, it means you're actually getting in shape. Push a little harder then. Getting in shape is not an overnight process. Push yourself, but give yourself a chance to recover. Start off running 3-4 times a week, a mile each time. Build to 2 miles on one of those days. Add some other exercises to areas you want to target.

Another key point- Slow down to a walk for a couple minutes after running to let your heart and body adjust... then stretch again. This keeps you flexible and healthy.

Good luck!

My arms feel weak after push ups?

If your arms are weak after push-ups it's because they are working obviously man. I used to do push-ups every other day while watching tv I would do as many as I could during commercials. It works great. Just make sure you do them every other day so your muscles have time to rebuild after you break them down from doing push-ups that's how you will get the quickest results. Also make sure you are doing proper form push-ups that will give you the most out of your work out. Proper form is a straightened out back, arms shoulder width apart, and go ALL the way down to the floor and all the way back up. You will see crazy results within a month if you for real do them every other day.

SKINNY GUY WORKOUT: How can I build muscle?

Since you are just starting out it will be a while until you see the results yo are probably looking for. Since you have no equipment, chances are you are going to plateau pretty quickly, meaning that soon your arms will be used to the weight of your body and will nto change from that state. Try packing some heavy belongings in a back pack and gradually go up in weight.

For exercises, without equipment, i would suggest dips, pushups are good, pull ups and chin ups if you can find something to safely support the stress. Leg lifts and crunches are good for abs and back.

As for the food, lean meats (but never fried) like chicken and steamed vegetables like broccoli are great as well as white rice for the carbs and energy as well as a little fat. THe fat you gain is easier to turn to muscle than having nothing at all. You are going to want as much protein as possible, and fish is another protein rich food.

Try and make sure your never hungry and always have some form of protein in you. THis will help you gain in size but mostly muscle. Whats not muscle will be easy to turn to muscle if you keep on top of your routine.

Personal Tip: Having defined arms and chest is great, but if you dont work out the other parts of your body as well you start to look disproportioned and you dont what that.