Am I Really An Introvert Or Just Someone Who Needs Someone Else To Befriend Her

How can an introvert and shy guy make friends?

Stop using the terms ,”Shy” & “Introversion” as block for building friendship.When I was in school, I was comfortable with guy friends but face difficulty interacting with girls. Somewhere my mindset wasn’t developed to interact with them freely. Girls and teachers thought he is a shy guy.Grew up, joined college, workplace and started realizing if you want to work together, you have to interact. Tried to interact and it seems like it easier to build friendships with girls even. Now situation is that some think if I’m not talking to them, probably talking to some girls. People easily judge. We all have this mindset, “If they not talking, Why should I”But, if you serious for friendship, you need to attempt and interact. The more you interact, the better you will know other person and so you able to find if friendship could be possible or not.Half of the time friendship not build or destructs because one think if they not making efforts, then I won’t too. And bring excuses like, “Oh, I’m shy or introvert.” Stop it, man.Friendship is like food. Nobody comes and tell you to eat your food. You do that yourself. Similarly, if you want a friendship to build, go out and interact. Building it could be hard, but not impossible if stay focused to build it.

Why befriend an introvert?

I'm a guy, and an introvert. Haven't had friends for years, keep to myself, do my own thing, and that works for me. Like I usually like to hang out alone, read alone, eat alone. Yeah that's pretty much my life. But some people feel weird, or and sometimes fearful that I don't say much. Sometimes I just don't feel the urge and effort to socialize because I just have nothing to talk about. Most of the time I conversations just die around me anyways. Anyways one day this girl comes up to me at lunch, sits down, and starts talking to me. Her name is Holly. She was nice so I did talk to her a little and eventually day by day we started to become friends. Just simple friends. Now Holly wants to hang out. I don't know why because honestly I'm really a boring guy. I really don't know what Holly sees in me as her friend. Holly is way more outgoing and has other friends to prove it. Still she chooses to hang out with a loner like me. Why?

When I asked Holly about why she approached me she said because I'm not full of **** and won't hurt her. What is she talking about?

Does being introvert make you lose friends?

Of course.Oh no, I am an extrovert. But I am definitely eligible to answer this question because I have been struggling from six years to keep a friendship with an introvert.He hardly talks to anyoneHis happiness lies in isolation.He has colleagues, not friend.He certainly don't have time to chit chat with me.He prefers writing down his problems in diary than sharing with people.His motto; we can care about others without being attached.His funda, attachment leads to disappointment.He is more comfortable in writing an email than talking on phone.His one liner, “that I was upset” will kill me, but he won't tell me the reason. No matter how much I beg. :PHe is an amazing person, but introverts don't like people. For them keeping friendship is difficult. I mean who in the sane mind will talk through mails in this century. The day I stop talking to him, I am damn sure he won't call me back. :D But that's how he is. He never asks me to change, how can I?At times I get irritated, frustrated and annoyed. But he is a real gem. There are a lot of perks of having an introvert friend. :) [It's a lie though,i complain all the time]If I bear with his silence, he bears with my loudness/craziness/everything.And I am sure his life would become boring without me, so I will make sure to entertain him through his life time. :D :DP.S- Honestly you need to be a very good observer, because introvert s try to keep friendship in their own unique way. People just don't understand. :)

How can an introvert make friends?

Here is the thing with us introverts:We value quality over quantity.Whereas I know many of my extroverted friends value both of them sort of equally, and will inevitably have more friends than me, introverts only need a few good friends we can rely on to keep us from going insane.If you are a true introvert, then you are totally complacent with alone time; in fact, we cherish it!But yes. We do need companionship too and are NOT hermits, despite what others may think.Here are some tips that I used to get quality friends in high school:When you meet someone you think is a quality person and can be a long-time friend, TELL THEMLiterally the first day of school, in grade 8, I met my best friend. I knew he was a quality person and someone that would be compatible with me. In grade 12, for my birthday, he wrote me a letter to tell me he still remembered what I told him 5 years ago when we met. This is verbatim: “I think we will be good friends in the future”This goes with even people you don’t necessarily KNOW, but you FEEL like they are potentially a great person. (You know this because you are a wallflower and have been observing). Use your courage and approach this person and tell them you think they are cool and would love to be their friend. This is EXACTLY how I met my best friend. (Look above)Conversely, if you meet someone who you feel is not compatible with you, and dare I say, someone who is not a quality person, then don’t bother with themIt takes a lot of effort for us introverts to socialize…and we get drained very quickly in these interactionsDon’t bother yourself with people you KNOW won’t be long-lasting friends.With the close friends you do have, please put in some effortI know you don’t want to go to parties. But if it’s a party your friend is throwing, please, please, just show up and offer your time and presence. These little things do add up and your friends will notice, especially if they know you don’t necessarily enjoy partying.Find other introvertsThis is the perfect scenario, because you will have a mutual understanding that even if neither of you contacts each other for days/weeks, you understand that it’s just the introversion acting up. And when you guys do meet up and hang out, the time will be more precious and valuable.Good Luck :)

How can an extrovert become friends with an introvert?

We're both 17, by the way.

I guess I have an introverted side, but I'm mostly extroverted. I'm very social and friendly, and I generally like being around people. I open up to people fairly quickly - not so much or so fast that I could be easily emotionally hurt, but yeah. I'm the kind of girl who will hug someone else goodbye that I just met and spoke to for 10-20 minutes... and if they seem like really interesting and/or fun people, or in need of friends (such as if they're new to my school or something like that), maybe even trade phone numbers.

On the other hand, there's this guy that I like. And he hates labelling himself and I don't really like labelling him (or myself) either, but for the sake of this post he's an introvert and I'm an extrovert. He hates hugs, he doesn't like to text or use social networking (ie. Facebook), and he has a few friends that he's close with. He generally tries to be nice to people he interacts with, but everyone else is just an aquaintance. I'm actually somewhere in between the two, like a friendly aquaintance, some odd middle ground there. We're in this school club together, that's how we know each other and also kind of where we do most of our interacting. He's also REALLY smart, I mean so am I but he's a grade ahead so he knows more than I do. The other day at one of the meetings for that school club, he was in this intense discussion about advanced chemistry with his friends, but I couldn't really understand or join because I had NO clue what they were talking about lol. It sounded like an interesting discussion, but I just didn't get it :P

Oh, and he and his friends LOVE video games! haha, boys will be boys...

Sooo... I have a few questions, but any comments you could give would be greatly appreciated. How can I become closer to this kid? How can we become friends? If (hypothetically) we ended up in a relationship, could it work out? Would I honestly be happy? Would HE be happy? Would I get bored, or crave what he lacks?

Do girls hate to be friends with guys who are introverted and who don't talk much?

I personally adore introverts!Also there is one thing that I have observed in life. Good guys or some introverts assume that girls usually prefer "bad and outgoing" kind of guys. Girls go for such guys because the introverts dont try as hard to approach and strike a conversation with us thereby unintentionally increasing the chances of a "bad" guy to make his way.Now coming back to your question - No there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Girls are going to really like you , all you need to do is manage to strike a conversation once or atleast respond if a girl approaches you. Dont be all coyish and reticent then.Things which I admire in introverts are:1) The Good Listener - Yes , we girls love it when we have someone to listen to our chatter without being judgemental.2) The one who remembers even the minutest of details about you - Given their affection towards details and observation(all owing to their great listening skills) introverts manage to remember most of what you share with them. Needless to say, it makes you feel special and go all - aww!3) The sensitive one -  Introverts sometimes tend to be more sensitive when in a relationship(personal opinion). Whether or not you have these qualities it doesnt matter. Just be positive. You are just 20. Focus on improving your life and get better with each day. Hope you find a lot of great friends in this journey(both girls and guys). Always remember.. You are adorable in whichever way God has created you. Value yourself and people will value you!

Would you be friends with yourself if you were someone else?

I find this question very interesting. I’m forced to conclude that I probably wouldn’t be.I am an introvert, and I suffer from depression, which tends to make me isolate myself even more. I also work incredibly long hours. I am TERRIBLE at keeping in contact through any means other than the internet.I will chat for hours if I can type, but ask me to call, and it’s just not going to happen.I tend to assume that people don’t want to be bothered by me, so I rarely initiate contact.If I were someone else - say ME2 - I would probably assume that ME1 was not interested in a friendship with me because of said lack of initiation, introversion, and depression, and stop trying.There is a person whom I consider my best friend in the world. We live very far away from each other, though we grew up together through high school. She makes an effort about once a year to contact me, and if she does so through email, I respond. The phone is much harder for me, though I try. Sometimes I manage it and we talk for several hours. She is not, unfortunately for me, an internet kind of person - she seems to prefer in person and on the phone to typing out conversations. She’s rarely on Facebook or Google Hangouts, which is where most of my social interaction happens. I worry a lot that she will give up, and I wouldn’t blame her.So no, I don’t think I would be my friend. And having sat down and thought about this, I can see I have some work to do on myself.

How can a introvert get a girlfriend?

Look introverted does not mean antisocial. That's one problem people make is confuse the two. Secondly an introvert is perfectly capable of getting a girlfriend just like a extrovert can. Just try clubs, college classes, the mall, library and more. It's good you are happy that's what girls like someone who is happy with themselves and not a overly depressed and down person. Be confident and don't be afraid of rejection we all have to deal with it. If you get rejected just move on to the next girl. If you have trouble approaching them practice what your going to say before you ask them to avoid awkward moments. Good luck.

Also you don't have to resort to prostitutes you will regret it and it will ruin your reputation with girls forever. Many girls do not respect guys who sleep with them. You don't need a hooker, share your first time with a girl you really care about.

How do some socially outgoing people become close friends with extremely shy passive introverted people?

(A2A) You have some excellent answers here already, so let me just do a short, practical bullet list:Build on interests in common (always something to talk about or do together)Appreciate the qualities of the person and say so (but only if sincere)Notice the details of what they do and dont like; make space as neededEncourage their aspirations (since other support may be rare)Dont trivialize their complaints (whether mood or food or weather)Understand they need downtime and alone time; dont take it personallyIf unsure what they want or need, just askTell them what you appreciate about your friendship (but dont over do it)These are pretty much things you should do in any friendship, just with some different emphases,