Am I Really Good-looking

I'm really not good looking.What do I do?

Let me tell you something!I was in my college (Ist year).One day, I was observing everyone and observed this girl- generally I always saw her in jeans and tops with heavy make up and high-heels. But, never saw her confident while walking.  And, couple of guys were making gossips about her- that she is beautiful, if she will be my girlfriend, I'll be the lucky guy and so on. But, that day, she wore salwar kameez (Indian Outfit) with flat sandals and no make up. And, she was walking confidently. And guess what, same guys were saying that today she is looking aunt. She got such a bad looks and criticized. I was observing and listening everything. Next day, again she wore her old outfits, and again same story. Conclusion: I concluded that being beautiful or handsome or dull or worst is nothing but just another metrics to measure someone's physical appearance. And, what you believe, same you perceive. So, even you fake your looks and not believe in yourself, then also you won't be beautiful. Simply, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and experience the difference on your own. And, then choose what do you like to do?And, YOU CAN BELIEVE  THAT!Hope this helps. Thank you!

I'm a really good looking guy but cant get any girls?

ok so Im a really good looking guy, I've been told so many times by a lot of women of all ages and races and even by men like family members, friends, etc not in a homosexual way though, girls stare at me wherever I go and all of that, I'm also very smart i do really well in school, anyway my good looks do not even help me at all because when it comes to getting a girlfriend I fail miserably, the only girls I could go out with are really unattractive and It would never work out for me because I simply cant go out with a girl Im not attracted to , being good looking backfires on me and i get nothing not even a decent normal girl and it surprisingly started to affect my self-esteem now because i never had a girlfriend and I'm about to turn 20, also I've seen so many disgusting looking guys get really hot girls or a lot of girlfriends i've also seen the biggest losers and assholes get nice cute girls and i get nothing and it makes me feel like biggest failure and i feel so humiliated because how can a smart good looking guy get no girls but an ugly *** guy can?? It's being good looking a curse and not a good thing?? im not the best when it comes to talking to girls but im not bad either, im also a comic and very funny guy always love to make everybody laugh, that's one of my best qualities besides the good looks, I make girls laugh a lot but I still fall short, im also aware that there are other guys out there that really know how to talk to girls but they are usually so ugly! but however they get girls! how can just that one thing work for them??? Im really really confused! any help would be much appreciated thanks!

Why am I so Goodlooking?

also i never wear makeup or anything because when i take it off i feel like ive been wearing a mask.
im probably prettier than all of you uglies on yahoo answer.
like i`m not up my own. it`s just wat everyone tells me &what ii see in tha mirror.
I feel sorry for all uglies like you guys. so why am i SO pretty/beautiful?? :]

What are some signs that you are good looking?

It's just so amazing to be good looking! You can literally be the spotlight of every situation. Here are some signs I believe are true of you are good looking:You are greeted more by random strangers.People are nice to you no matter how bitchy they are in reality.You look perfect in every mirror you pass by in every frickin store!!You can get out of trouble within a fraction of seconds. Just use your good looks!!People automatically assume your socioeconomic status. Yeah yeah!! You know what I'm talking about! We all know how the world is.Talking about school, a lot of good looking people in high school are more likely to be assumed as the ideal students by the teacher on the very first day.Leaving the first impression is a child's play for you and it happens naturally without your consent! Something called internalization!You have no problem when I comes to dating people on the basis of looks. But I'm sure that's not long lasting!That's all folks! This was my best attempt at this!

How do I know if I'm a good looking guy?

If you’re looking for a purely objective measure of attractiveness based solely on your face (which I don’t particularly value highly as a human being, but obviously is my field of work), artificial intelligence (ai) can tell you how good looking you are:Am I good looking? - the website will tell youTo use it, just upload a photo and get a result (pretty simple)Or, if you are looking for a more subjective means of determining how attractive you are (since beauty is in the eye of the beholder) - this dating app will give you a pretty solid measure of whether you’re hot or not hot. The dating app automatically understands how attractive you are and who is likely to find you attractive based on many past interactions. For instance, maybe you are Asian or Swedish - both looks are quite different, and what makes an Asian attractive may be quite different than what makes a Swede attractive. When you match with someone, you will know they think you’re attractive.Even within a particular ethnicity, there are many different “looks”. For instance, is someone looking for a Jason Statham or a Chris Hemsworth? The app will automatically show your profile to more people who are looking for people with your desired look, and more specifically, people who have liked other similar looking people. The app also lets users search for a particular look and find celebrity look-alike dating app profiles. Users can do this by uploading a photo and find similar looking people.If you’re a developer and you’re looking for an API that you can use programmatically, you should try the this: Haystack’s Attractiveness API - Hotness API - It is used by developers and companies who need a way to automatically determine if someone is attractive or not in a few milliseconds. There are also other APIs that can do age, gender, ethnicity/race, facial recognition, face detection, same face detection and liveness detection here: Haystack AI.The technology behind these websites and apps is quite new (as of 2017) and uses a neural network that was trained on millions of face images that were rated by humans. I’d be happy to provide more details on the specifics of this research if you’d like.Regardless of your outcome, as a great used car salesman I once knew said, “there’s an ass for every seat” - Someone will think that you’re a good looking guy, even if you’re not good looking in everyone’s eyes. Just don’t give up!

Do looks really matter in life? Do good looking people have an advantage?

Yes, looks matter.Don't tell me that you have not been bullied in school/college/office because of how fat/skinny/nerdy you look?Don't tell me that you were not made to stand in the back rows during stage performances in school, while a few beautiful faces were always there at the first rows?Don't tell me that you weren't judged by how you look,  Fat : you must be eating your siblings’ food as well. Skinny : Don't your parents give you any food to eat? Fair : How much makeup have you applied?/how many visits of parlor do you make in a month? Dark : start applying sunscreen, fairness creams, blah blah blah…Don't tell me your first crush was not because of how cute/sexy he/she looks?Don't tell me when you imagine your future partner the first question that pop up inside your head isn't 'I really wonder how he/she will look like? 'Don't tell me that the person you loved the most didn't chose someone else who was more impressive than you in terms of looks?Don’t tell me that you don’t click on ‘Read More’ whenever you see a picture of someone good looking on Quora answers?Don’t tell me you don’t follow hot/cute girls/boys on Instagram and admire how perfect they look?Don’t tell me that you have not been rejected because of your looks?Don’t tell me that this little kid is famous because of his talent and not looks :Don’t tell me this girl did something extra-ordinary and became an overnight star because of that and not because of her looks and wink and expressions? :And girls don’t tell me your heart doesn’t skips a beat everytime he smiles ? :Don’t tell me that good looking people don’t have any advantage !Looks do matter in the society we live in and this is one of the bitter truths that we need to digest.Good looks matter but it is a good heart that makes all the difference :)-Unnati :)

Are girls intimidated by really good looking guys?

I get super intimidated. I'm not saying you're one of these guys but most "hot" guys tend to be really over confident jerks and players so I always feel like they're just playing me. It's also just kind of exciting to be around attractive members of the opposite sex, so it could just be that they're nervously excited, it's not necessarily intimidation. You've just gotta show them that you're a good guy in addition to being attractive and you'll have girls coming at you like flies to honey. Especially if you smell good. And when I pass a hot guy, my breath usually catches in my lungs and sometimes I blush if he's hot enough. As a girl, I would probably fall for you and then get really nervous and feel inadequately unattractive, so yeah I'd probably just look down or something until I got to know you. Just be kind and sincere and stuff and they will soon lose their nervousness. You've gotta go for it if you want it and then you can get it!

Why am i so damn good looking?

I'm so good looking it gets annoying sometimes.
I'll be walking down the street and I see someone really attractive, and I think FINALLY, someone who can come close to my attractiveness, only to realise that it was my reflection on a store window.

I get hit on every day and sometimes I wake up with girls around me.
How can I stop this? I've tried to make myself less attractive but nothing seems to work!

I let a big guy beat me once so that I had scars on my face and looked ugly, but all I got was a more rugged, attractive look, and girls thinking I am so tough
It's really getting on my nerves, what do I do?