Am I Really Isolating Myself By Only Being With My Boyfriend

I isolate myself from everyone except my boyfriend, not really sure why?

I never want to be without my boyfriend. I'm so happy around him. Everyone else pretty much annoys me and when I'm with anyone else I'm thinking of my br. We get along great I just feel bad cuz my family invites me to do things with them and I just kinda avoid them. And if I go anywhere I usually want my br to go or take him with.. is this normal? I really like the way things are just me and him. We go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Is it wrong to isolate yourself from family & friends?

First of all, I would like to say how sorry I am for your losing your mother.
Secondly, what you are feeling is a normal part of the grieving process. When someone as close to you as she obviously was dies, you feel lost & like a part of you died with them. I lost my wife a year ago next week. I moved, deleted my Facebook & dove into work. I have only, in the last few months, started to even meet my neighbors & I have been hear since August last year! It takes time get over the loss.
Third, only you can say if it is normal for you. If you are feeling like getting out & starting to socialize again, then maybe it is time. If you are just lonely because you no longer have anyone around but then still dont really want anyone around, they you just need some more time. Maybe you need someone to talk to, try a stuffed animal. Yes, I am serious. They don't talk back, they dont say you are silly for how you feel & they dont tell you to get over it. When you feel up to it, maybe get a goldfish or a cat, let some life back into your life. Only you can say when you are ready to really live again. If you feel it would be better to follow your mom into the grave, that's when I would say it is time to seek help. Everyone feels loss deeply, some of us more deeply.

I am a gamer & I actually joined World of Warcraft shortly after moving. I know it doesn't seem like a way to get over a loss but it has actually helped. Instead of just playing the game, there is a community of people from around the world that you can talk to about the game or anything. It has helped me to reconnect with the people around me because I was able to interact at an arms distance, on my terms until I was ready to start reaching out.

Lastly, I would like to say that not everybody is fake. I can't, but I would like to. Everyone lies. Big ones, small ones. It doesn't matter, there are lies everywhere around you. It is up to you to see through them & realize that you matter more to yourself than to let the lies keep you down.

If you need someone to talk/type to, I will be happy to be there for you.

Why do I isolate myself in my room?

I'm 17, I have had a very hard life growing up but now I have it ALOT better having moved with my aunt. The problem I'm facing is that I get really depressed and my social anxiety hits( WITH MY OWN FAMILY< that's how bad it is!) so I hide in my room all day for days at a time only coming out to eat/ bathroom shower. Also my aunt told me that I am rude to her and my cousin who is 13 whenever they try talking to me I walk away or don't give eye contact. Why does this happen to me? Is it because I have no self esteem so I project my insecurities into them? I want to fix it and have a good relationship with them! Help me out please

My boyfriend and I always argue?

Aww hun I understand your pain. I know you don't want to hear it but maybe you guys should take a break from each other and figure out some things , get things straightened out. Relationships sometimes hit this huge bump like this! I'm more than sure you both love each other and if you do you two should talk about this and consider being apart but only for a while! He'll understand if he cares for your feelings. I understand you two are not going to want to break up like you said with him not letting you leave, but you have to push through his force and tell him what you feel! I'm sure and hope things will get better for you two! Good Luck Hun I hoped I helped I couldnt really explain everything i was thinking. :)

MUSLIMS!! Is isolating yourself from your family allowed in Islam?

I have my reasons:

1. Having lived in the US and not being good at learning arab, I want to live in an Arab country, preferably uae, where my children can easily learn the language and so have no hard time reading the Quran but also understanding it.

2. I want to get isolated from my nuclear family as in father, mother and sister. My father has never been grateful to my mother and they always fight and sometimes it can get physical. My mom screams at the top of her lungs I. The middle of the nights. My sister is basically spoiled. She doesn't appreciate us at all. She calls me stupid and stuff. And today she really did take it beyond the limits. She was so mad and so she said "there is no god. Why should I believe in an unmercifully God?". This got to me. I don't want not only myself but my own children to be surrounded by my family. I don't want them to be around their grandparents who are constantly fighting and an aunt who basically tortured her own big sis and went against Islam cuz she couldn't control her emotions

3. My extended family is a little nicer. Honestly I find them to be more family like to me than my own family. However they are cruel towards my mother. Basically they think my mother is a loser. And honestly again I don't want these ppl to be around my children.

I'm not saying I'll never see these ppl again but I'll just live far and only come once in a while. And plus I don't want my children don't want to be bored, so I'll take them on travel

I purposely isolate myself from people?

The only person I feel comfortable being around is my boyfriend. I feel anxious alot. I don't know what to do. My boyfriend wanted to have friends over tonight. And I didn't want to (we pretty much live together so the decision is the both of ours). And its fine that he did. But he didn't take what I wanted into consideration. It was like he already made up his mind that they were going to come over, and and didn't care how I felt. I don't like being around people, ever, ever, ever. Unless it is my boyfriend. I hate it when I walk to class (on college campus), or go to the cafeteria, parties, walmart, anything. Anybody else feel this way?? Like they just can't relax, ever?? And they need time to do it, on the weekend, without people there...because they can't relax with the people there. But he wants them, there, so I feel like I never got that recuperation relaxation time I need to face the next stressfull week of school, or being around people again.

Is wanting to isolate yourself from others normal?

I'm picky with friends, boyfriends, and even family. I'm an ultra sensitive guy and people hurt me easily. This tends to make me isolate myself because I don't wanna get hurt. Is this how most people feel or what?