Am I The Only Person Who Thinks Its Immoral That Some People Have Seven Homes While Some Don

Why do people think it's weird to want Seven children?

So I want to have seven children and people think it's really weird. I don't get it, why is it weird? I'm a very social person and I know I will love all my children and their company. I don't come from a big family, I only have one big sister whom I don't get on with.
Why do people find it weird?

Is spanking your child immoral?

I ask because my buddy recently came to me with this question. I'm really not sure myself. It seems like it isn't - but society seems to deem it as being so. What do you think?

What are some good strategies for reducing sexual immorality?

Some men have as many sexual encounters as possible. Some don't want condoms because they diminish their pleasure.

It is all about their pleasure, not the "lifetime of torture" for the poverty stricken child (raised without a father's income or love) and torture for the mother who might have been duped into believing that he will marry her or support her (often such men borrow (or con) money from the many women that they impregnate).

It is wrong for taxpayers to pay for the many children of these profligate men. Men should be responsible for the lives that they bring into this world (and responsible to help the women that they impregnate).

In some cases men use date rape drugs (or hard narcotics) to get pretty women to have sex. In other cases, they make under aged minors pregnant, and those minors are sometimes kicked out of their houses because their parents don't want to take on the responsibility of raising grandchildren (huge financial and time burden). And, those grandparents feel that they can't control their daughters, so they disown them.

Media shows people having sex without marriage, and that "might" have some impact. But, when we ban books and movies, we have to ask how far that ban should extend. Some believe that banning porn is taking freedom (in some cases they might be right).


Get the government to pass a law making fathers financially responsible for their kids. If they have 100 kids, and can't support them, they should be imprisoned (to prevent them from making misery for hundreds of people).

Some laws prevent DNA testing of fathers because, they claim, that is an invasion of privacy.

I feel that kids have a right to have a father support them, and their rights outweigh privacy rights of a father. DNA testing should be forced by law. That would also reveal rapists who take advantage of under-aged kids.

The government has to fix this. But, churches should be more forceful in their demands, as well.

Do illegal immigrants pay taxes?


The fact that illegal immigrants pay taxes at all will come as news to many Americans. A stunning two-thirds of illegal immigrants pay Medicare, Social Security and personal income taxes. Yet, nativists like Congressman Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., have popularized the notion that illegal aliens are a colossal drain on the nation's hospitals, schools and welfare programs — consuming services that they don't pay for.

Next ignorant and completely unfounded opinion! I'm on a roll.