Am I Ugly Only Girls

Am I ugly im a boy asking all girls?

your cute, you need to get confidence before that, learn how to like the way you look, always keep clean and confident and the girls will love you.. good luck

Why do only the ugly girls notice me?

Water seeks its own level.If you aren’t conventionally attractive, unless there’s some other outstanding quality you possess (like fame, talent, genius, or wealth), your partners won’t be either.If I were you, I would expand my definition of beauty. A good place to start is by befriending some of these so-called ugly girls. It often happens that a person’s looks improve when you begin to like their personality — and the opposite can happen too.I would also recommend watching TV and movies that feature ordinary looking actors, and cutting back on the stuff that has nothing but gorgeous, well-groomed models. American network television and Hollywood movies are typically an endless parade of beautiful women and handsome men, and watching nothing else can skew your standards until nothing short of Scarlett Johansson seems good enough for you.Pictured: Not your next girlfriend.Photo credit: Scarlett Johansson's cinema outing with former husband - Times of India

Do guys fall for ugly girls?

Short and sweet answer- Mostly NODetailed and psychologically explained answer-‘It’s a scientifically proven fact that men are deep lovers of Beauty.’During the course of time, one thing that has remained constant throughout all ages and all times is the serious doubts in the mind of women. A question that is here to stay until a man answers this question openly and boldly and that question is: Why do men fall for the hot women?Today, I’ll take the opportunity to settle this matter once and for all.Well, I would say we fall for the hot women because it’s in our very core of existence. It’s in our GENES.Men are genetically designed to fall for the prettier one. The simple reason being- reproduction. We want our children to be confident, to find success in life, to mate with beautiful partners and a major part of your success in life depends upon how you look.No matter how much we love to defy the fact that outside beauty doesn’t matter the hard truth is, IT DOES, it absolutely does. It does because we have to mate and since we have to mate, we have a biologically natural tendency to choose the partner with the strongest of genes so that our offspring get the best, the best of everything in the world.Now for those of you, who’d like to dis-agree with me, I’d like to explain with an illustration..Check out the lady in this picture: An Ideal Woman.Won’t you want to know this lady better, won’t you want to talk with her? Won’t you listen attentively when she speaks? Wouldn’t you admire her with all your being? I am sure you’ll do, you’ll do because she is beautiful..THAT’S THE HARD TRUTH, THE WORLD IS DRAWN TOWARDS BEAUTY.Post ScriptI very recently came across a nice blog where a woman has herself admitted to what qualities in a man attracts women the most, so if you wish you may check it out: Gentlemen, some tips to approach ladies !All the best for your dating life !

If ugly girls hit on me, does this mean I'm ugly?

It might mean that the ugly girl does think that you are ugly and moreover believes either (1) that ugly men are all that she deserves or (2) that she will have a better chance with an ugly man. Or perhaps, being ugly, she has become so used to rejection that it just doesn't bother her anymore should it occur. One hopes it is the latter, as it would be a mentally healthier attitude, with possible useful application in other areas of possible rejection.Or perhaps it means that you already think that you are ugly, and therefore you see other persons’ actions towards you through that lens.With regard to ugly people—and I don't reject the idea that some people are indeed physically ugly—I once knew an old woman whom I thought quite attractive. And yet, when I happened to see a photograph of her when she was young (I suppose in her late twenties or early thirties), equine was the adjective that came first to my mind. Perhaps her physical development into an attractive older woman was simply in the genetic cards, but I suspect that it had more to do with the fact that she was a gracious, kind, intelligent, generous, amiable, loving human being and those qualities were indeed literally manifested physically in her visage. Rest in peace, EHK.On the other hand, I have seen photographs of young women in which they are indeed beautiful, but who in photographs of them when they are old seem simply bland. Diana, Lady Mosley, seems to be a notable exception here.

Why are only ugly girls attracted to me?

I really have no way of answering that, but I do feel your pain of attracting people you aren't interested in. I'm always getting hit on by Arab and Indian men that I don't find appealing whatsoever and I ask myself the same question. I guess certain types of people are just drawn to an individual.

Am i ugly or hot (girls only) 13 year old boy?

I feel a bit perverted answering this, but i'd give you a 5. You lost points for taking a selfie.

A girl I really like thinks I'm ugly...?

My friend said that I liked her and he asked her about me and she said

"Him? Uh, ehhh..ew"
Amazing, isn't it? A girl who seems very sweet, shy and nice and is friends with everyone and only despises me. I love it (sarcasm) Yup. I am an ugly troll. Thanks for saying I'm ugly. I appreciate it. I feel like complete trash now. A crush who I've liked for 7-8 months.

Don't say "Man up"
When a girl gets called ugly everyone's always there for them. Cheers them up. When a guy gets called ugly, "Oh we have to man up."

I really liked her.

Do guys just use ugly girls to have sex with?

I don't know if I am attractive or not but when I look in the mirror my perception of how I look changes every day and really I thinks it's all my mood. I don't get jealous of anyone, I see a another pretty girl and I just think wow she's so pretty but That's it. I have actually wanted to stop having sex because I think it's the only way to stop all these negative thoughts I have.

I don't have relationships because I am still not emotionally ready but then again I believe being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship. THE guys I meet always just want to have sex with me and wen I want to just have a conversation I find them rubbing all on my thigh and trying to touch me there!

I'm tired of guys thinking they can do that to me.. I don't dress slutty but like someone in here said that maybe I just have a sexual vibe that I can't help instead of a friendly vibe. I am thinking about this and I was wondering if it's just the ugly girls that guys use for sex?

I want to know if this happens to all girls because this is starting to ruin my self esteem. :(

If only ugly girls and no pretty girls have liked me, does that mean I’m ugly?

NoMaybe you shouldn’t think about if you’re the problem but about the nature of ugly/pretty girls.Maybe you’re a normal guy like a 7/10 and you want a girl who is a 9/10. The problem is that, the 9/10 girl is everybody’s dream.And those girls are around of guys who are maybe like you or 8/10 but are better are sports, confidence, parties,…And of course, don’t say your ex is ugly men, I mean maybe if she’s really really ugly you notice it but normally a lot of girls are like you but then you see that super hot girl and instantly think the other girl is ugly.Maybe you should focus on what you want. If you want a 9/10 you need to improve yourself by exercising every day, studying a lot more, develop your confidence, dress a lot better, have the best job,…9/10 girls tend to be more jealous and when they can, they leave you for a guy who’s even better than youNormal girls are better for you and your health so don’t worry.