Am I Welcome In The Usa Although I Am Israeli And Most Americans Dislike Israel

How can an Israeli live in the USA if some Americans don't consider Israel an ally and dislike the US-Israel alliance as well as Israel's policies?

The question contains two large assumptions that there is no evidence to support in the question details. As far as I know, most USAians consider Israel as an ally and believe that Israel has te USA's back. Most Americans I Know also generally like and prefer Israel to other Muslim countries in the region, and a number of them would love to visit given the opportunity to and if they felt the security situation was stable.All things considered, the prevailing positive attitudes towards Jews (especially compared to other countries, including European ones) and by extension Israel make the USA an ideal place for many Israeli supporting Jews to live. Incidents of  hate crimes against Jews are relatively low. They don't also get the double whammy racism card that some Muslims get. Jews have a long history of doing well here, and of having many opportunities. There are a lot of role models.Now, if there is large scale evidence to the contrary that supports the two assumptions that I see as flawed in the wuesrion, provide it to me and I will answer the question as presented.

Would I be welcome in the USA if I am an Israeli?

I think on Quora you may be seeing a lot of anti-Israel stuff, but that is not common at all.  It's trendy, but not common.  As other answers have mentioned, the Democratic bubbles in the major metropolitan areas can be anti-Israeli, but the geographic 90% of the US is not, at all.  The vast vast majority of America is from a Christian background, and therefore believes that Israel taking and maintaining ownership is a Biblical mandate to be supported.  Plus the vast majority of Americans believe that Israel are the good guys.  So you're okay.UPDATE: My wife's from Israel, and in light of this question I keep remembering one thing she said to me a decade ago: much of the anti-Jewish stuff you see in the US is anti- New York/Hollywood reform Jewish culture, and not anti-Israel at all.  Quite the contrary, the anti-Israel stuff predominantly comes from that New York/Hollywood Jewish culture, which seems ironic to the average American who doesn't know the difference in conservative Israelis and the reform New Yorkers.  So to my wife Judaism is a very family-oriented gregarious religion, and so she was confused when she got here and people associated Judaism with complete moral relativism and pre-emptive litigiousness.  Despite being raised in Jerusalem and then majoring in Near Eastern Diplomacy once she got here, she simply hadn't really heard of the stereotypes of Jewish people being shrewd or accountants or lawyers.  I remember her coming home one day after someone at work who had just been fired said to her "You're gonna' mess with me?  I'm Jewish, do you know how many lawyers I'm related to?!  I'll bankrupt this whole company!"  That just shocked her, because she a) didn't identify with the stereotype and b) didn't believe the stereotypes were based on anything.  I think that's an important perspective on your question, because yes, you may see people who question Israel politically, but that should not be confused with any stories you hear from the media about Jewish people being discriminated against ethnically.  Sitcom after sitcom will have a jewish protagonist who can't get a girlfriend, etc. because of his "jewishness", but that's referring to life through the lens of a specific group of 5M people (out of 300M), and not in any way a reflection of how people feel about Israel or Israelis.

In general, do Israelis tend to like Americans? Are they friendly to American tourists?

Israeli culture is heavily influenced from American culture. We watch American TV and American movies. Advertisements brand even Israeli products as American. Most Israelis adore Trump. We learn English at school. Some feel like Israel is the 51st state.We love Americans. Some view them as a little naive, but lovable. An American tourist in Israel will feel very lovable. This does not mean that he will not be ripped off by a taxi driver, or tricked into paying 100$ for a bottle of water in a restaurant or hotel. But he will hear English everywhere and will be given a feeling that he is a wanted guest and his nation is a wonderful friend.

American people - who do you support? - Israel or Palestine?


My add on:
As I read the replies that others have given, I feel I must expand on my answer.
I support Palestine because they were promised their state while Israelis were promised one as well. It was agreed that Palestine would be allowed to have the West Bank & conduct its own elections (ie: be its own entity). The same for Israel.
Now, can you please tell me why are Jewish settlers moving & HAVE BEEN moving into the West Bank when they know that this is supposed to be Palestinian land. Why is the Israeli government tearing down Palestinian houses? If Israel wants peace, then they need to support peace. You cannot claim that the Palestinians are not peaceful when you are taking over land that Israel AGREED to give to them & you sure as heck can't knock down their homes. I don't support the killing of innocent people - what Israel is doing is terrorism.
And if that is not enough, they have used phosphorous bombs against the Palestinian people - most of which are women and children.
So, you ask me if I support Israel. NEVER. Israel's actions go against the Geneva convention & they are going back on their agreement that allowed for Palestinian land. As long as they continue this selfish act, there will never be peace in that region.
And my last point: if God had promised the Jews this land - would He have wanted them to kill innocent women and children for it? I don't think so. That is against what God is and Israel is going against God for their own personal gain.
There is a better way to live in what you consider to be "your" land without killing those in it.

Is it safe enough for Israelis to visit Egypt ?

My brother and I have served in the Israeli army and love our country but we don't agree with everything our government does. And we personally have not been involved in Gaza at all just to let you know. We mainly just want to go to see the pyramids and visit some of the other historic sites in Egypt. We've lived next to Egypt all our lives but never been able to see it in person

Will I be welcomed in the USA if I am an Israeli who served in the IDF?

All Americans don't hate the IDF. As an Israeli citizen, you would be quite welcome here by most Americans. There are Jew-haters, but they don 't realize that not all Israelis are Jews.Your far larger problem is likely to be that  there are many more who hate and distrust Muslims due to the many attacks they and their friends have perpetrated on America and Americans around the world, and you probably would have some initial trouble with them due to your accent. Probably about half of all Americans would not recognize your name as a non-Arabic one,  either, so you will probably have some explaining to do.But as a veteran of the armed services of an allied nation, you will be almost universally welcomed by American service veterans--we would call you brother.Don't sweat it. This is a similar question to another recent one...I can only guess that the Israeli press is as sensationalized as the US', or Israelis simply aren't aware of just how much an unofficial but integrated part of the Obama administration our own sycophantic, morally bankrupt, and unprofessional press is. They're a bunch of boot-licking lap-dogs. Ignore them.