Am I Wrong For Telling My Friend His Food Is Nasty

Is it bad that I don't like sharing my food with my friends?

Is this rude? or wrong?
The reason why I am asking is I am 18 years old and have some-what recently moved in with someone as a roommate.
I love my friends and all but I hate how much they eat my this bad?
I mean every time my friends come over I know they will make themselves at home, which I like them to feel comfortable. But they always eat my food, and by eat I mean A LOT. My friends are vacuum cleaners, seriously. Anyways it has started to bug me because I go out and work, get paid minimum wage so I can take care of my self, but then you have some of your friends who still live at home eating all your food. To them there really is no limit to how much they eat because they aren't paying for it, their parents are. Well not to sound selfish but I hate the fact that MY hard earned money towards food gets swallowed up by other people. I love my friends but it is just getting on my nerves that I have to now go buy more food to last me till my next pay check, money I really don't have.

So here is my questions.
1. Is it bad that I feel this way? should I just get over it?
because my friends are like family to me, I love them and I am not going to stop inviting them over, but I was just hoping there was a solution to this.

also should I say something? I mean eating a snack or a little something is okay, but to keep going through my food for seconds and thirds just seems disrespectful and irritating. But I have never said anything so they have no idea it strikes a nerve, should I say something? or should I keep quite?

also note this is not my roommate, she is awesome and respects her own stuff. This is my other friends that come over to hang out.

thanks everyone for answers much appreciated.

Is it disgusting to eat after friends?

Depends on who you ask.

There seems to be little in-between in the matter.

I've heard of some who are very transparent about sharing food/drinks, and some who can't even eat off of a plate if the server's thumb was too far into the plate.

I'm more of the latter, but I say to each their own if they haven't experienced significant health events from it.

Is this a bad best friend? Whenever I have food, I always think of her and share my food. Today I asked for a biscuit. She had two on her plate.

That doesn’t sound like the behavior of a best friend. Are you sure you haven’t been mooching more food off of her than she has been mooching off of you?That does not sound like the behavior of a best friend. That sounds like she is tired of you always wanting to eat her food.If I am wrong…then it is time to get a new best friend because the way you make her sound is pretty low. That is a total turn off for me. Selfishness. That is a real low thing in my eyes.

How would you politely tell someone their cooking sucks ..?

I agree with HH.

Also just tell them what you think say ' sorry but I don't really like the taste of this and it would taste much better with these ingredients and cooked like this'!

OR you could apply for them ti go on a cooking programme lol maybe on Gordon Ramsey's programme.

Anybody else ever had a bad experience at Red Lobster?

Me & my boyfriend went to Red Lobster to eat last night (Saturday) & he ordered the all you can eat shrimp scampie. Well he is big eater when it comes to shrimp & our waitress was extremely nice. Well he was on about his 6th bowl of shrimp & as he was eating it he just so happened he turned over one of the shrimp & it was completely RAW. EWWW.....we told the waitress, the manager came over & gave us a free coupon & sum percentage off our meal. Of course she apologized. No big deal. Then in the mean time we were finishing up our Pina Coloda's & all of a sudden he thought he chipped a tooth but as he spit it out of his mouth it was pieces of glass. There was glass in his Pina Coloda! Can you believe that, needless to say I didn't finish mine either. Now we got our Pina Coloda's before we told them about the shrimp so it wasn't in retaliation. We got our meal for free, very dangerous & we should have gotten our meal for free. All in the same night! Any other horror stories out there?

Is it bad that I love my friends more than my family?

Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful that I have a family that provides food, clothing, furniture and so many things for me. I'm not going to lie, they give me lots of money, I have a smartphone and a computer.
But they're just so cold and angry all the time.
The environment they provide for me and my little brother is full of tension, stress and disrespect. They yell, fight and swear profusely every single freaking day. I'm not too worried about myself, but my brother is 7! He shouldn't be exposed to this kind of language and behavior. They're just so disrespectful.

For example, just yesterday, when my computer didn't work and I had a major assignment due, nobody in my family helped me. They were busy doing their own thing. But my friend did my entire assignment from scratch on his computer so I wouldn't ruin my good grades. He did all of my work for me!

I know I probably sound like a spoiled girl, and I absolutely know that there are many people who would die for a roll of bread. But I personally would never have kids until I felt I could also provide them a loving and safe household. I find that I am pretty much isolated from my parents. I can't love them. I'm grateful for them, but I can't love them.
I find my relationship with my friends and boyfriend so much more emotionally stable and satisfying.
Is it bad that I feel this way?