An Old Cartoon Name At The End There Were 4 Or 5 Tigers Running In Circles Till Turnning Into

Please help me answer some questions about elephants!?

please answer these questions1.Describe how and elephant moves (fast slow, what structures or features does it have to enable it to move?2.How does an elephant's movement help it survive? Explain3.What types of food does an elephant eat?4.How often does an elephant need to eat?5.Describe an elephants digestive system or organs.
6.Does an elephant expend a lot of energy each day? explain.7.How large is it as an adult?8.What stages does it go through from birth to adulthood9.What is the life span?
10.What is the average life expectancy?11.What attracts it? How does it respond?12.How does it protect itself from enemies who are its enemies?13.How does it find a mate, is there competition is ther courting14.describe birth process15.what is the climate like where it lives
16.what body structures or features does it have to survive in its environment17.what is unique about it that has allowed its species to survive over long periods of time does it interact w/ 2 other organisms