Any Advice For Someone Who Hates Themself

How do you make someone hate themselves?

my sister is a horrible person. shes made me hate myself so much. shes made me suicidal and attempt suicide, and im also clinically depressed. she has everything to do with this. she has pushed me further than should be possible and she needs to learn from what shes done.
i need to make her hate herself. i've tried what shes done to me, but it doesnt work on her, so, any tips?
i know this sounds really crazy, so i dont want any answers which arent acctually answers to my question. if you knew what she has done and what a horrible person she is you would understand.

What is it like to love someone who hates themselves?

For me, this made me weird. It's rather difficult to react to. It feels like the person is fucking stupid.How could they be so dumb as to not see the worth that you see. When they look in the mirror, what is there to hate?It's frustrating, because nothing you say convinces them. You can shower them with compliments and it makes no difference. Eventually, it spreads to you. If it doesn't change, one day, the person will wake up and question you and everything you feel for them. They don't understand your reason for loving them and paranoia sets in. It's difficult to handle. I suggest you don't.

How do I make someone love themselves?

Talk to her. Tell her, every little thing you like and love about her. Tell her, she has the perfect smile and that she should smile often. Tell her that she looks great. Tell her that she's a brave person, and can't afford to give up. Tell her that life has much more to offer. Tell her that nothing in life is worth dying for. Tell her that she is a beautiful person. Tell her that she is kind. Tell her that there is someone out there who will love her for who she is. Tell her that there is someone who yearns to see her everyday. Tell her that there is someone who would be devastated if she even considered the thought of death. Tell her that you look up to her, for facing such situations and still being resilient. But, no matter what you tell her or feel about her. Don't pity her.

How do I help someone who hates herself?

If you can find out what is the main root of their self-hatred. It is usually one thing which that someone would change about themselves if they were given the chance by the creator, It’s something they feel causes their downfalls, whatever goes wrong in their lives it’s because of it. Mostly, they’d not talk about it because they feel people will never understand and they may use it to hurt them.This is as much as you can do.Have them realize their strength or good qualities, whether its physical appearance, personality, intelligence etc.Help them concentrate on positive thoughts and positive things such as smiling, laughing, interacting with a lot of positive people and doing what makes them happy.Make them understand that whatever they hate about themselves, someone somewhere lives happily with it. This may help them get some inspiration into loving themselves.If you can demonstrate or inform them about other people who suffer or find themselves in different misfortunes life threw them in yet still manage a smile and live happy life. They may be inspired at the way a rose strives to grow from concrete. They may understand how fortunate they are.Everyone has their own fortunes and misfortunes. Kids in orphanages, the homeless, the abused, the disabled, the disturbed, the rich, the poor. No one asked for anything, it was given, just like that, we have to live with it.Let them understand that whatever thing they hate about themselves they can not change because if they were able to they would have. They should rather look at the bright side, I may be blind but I have remarkable ways of observing and understanding the world in ways none else can. Its our defects, our faults that makes us perfect as a human. The sooner you realize there is nothing wrong with you and start loving your defects, you will be surprise at the disadvantage the defect brought you.Stop looking for excuses to hate yourself because you believe there is something wrong with you, find reasons to love yourself more because you have a lot of things special about you.Because such kind of people have a tendency of being perfectionists, make them understand imperfection is human nature and it’s a wonderful thing, it provide room for change, improvement and advancement, the essence of life is to live, experience, learn and advance.Recommend books which may help them to alter their thoughts of themselves and of life and world, Quora makes good recommendations.

Why do so many people hate themselves?

I will speak from my own experience and I will try to express it as much as I can.Self-worth.It was something that I did not know that was existing until I had a break-up almost 2 years ago.Whenever I fail at doing something, I keep on blaming myself (even if sometimes it wasn't actually my fault) for failing.I blame myself for all the misfortunes that have happened to me because I thought that all of it was because I had to exist in this world.I did not know my value.My then-girlfriend pointed out that we all make mistakes; we fail and succeed at doing things. That no matter what happens, you must know your value in this world, you are actually good at something and you just don't know it. I was a better navigator than her while she was a much better speaker that I was.I was better in math while she was better in chemistry.From then on I realized that through all of my imperfections, I was still a pretty OK (if not awesome) person.I was able to finish my degree and now starting a career.Of course, we've broken up already but this was the one lesson I will always be thankful for.I still have that urge to blame myself and hate myself whenever I fail at doing something. But now I know that I can always do better based from the lessons I've learned.So to sum it all up,Sometimes people hate themselves because they think they are the worst.Know this: everybody (and I mean all living creatures on this planet) is not perfect.Proceed in improving your skills while knowing that you can actually do something else better than what others can.What do you do after? Proceed in helping others. It's always better to help others while also helping yourself in the process.How should you start?Find and discover  your passion.How do you know if you've discovered your passion? Improve your skillset! Expand your horizon! But most of all: Love yourself! P.S. This is my first Quora answer so forgive me if I am not able to express myself very well. :)

How can you cope when someone you love hates themselves?

I would say it depends on the amount/type of hate.I hate myself a good deal. I do not do what most people would call self harm. I do not cut or burn myself or do any sort of “destructive” activity like that.I love my woman very much and she loves me… However I do…Work way way too much. Fourty hours a week? Pfft you're wasting a perfectly good 40 hours.Push myself in the gym way to hard, “Yes I was here yesterday. And I’m going to put up 5 more lbs then I did yesterday.” Yes sometimes I feel like my arms or legs are pumping battery acid. I do not care. I recognize the damage go “Meh” And push through it.I do not sleep enough “Wow a whole 3 hours tonight.” Half of all time is night time. You want to waste half your life?I do not eat right “What do you mean ice cream and energy drinks are not dinner?”I take on way to much “I will do dinner right after I finish making this headboard for someone…Of course I made time to play board games with the family. We can play till 10pm, Then you two need sleep and I need to work on this 5013C”Do I hate myself? YES. So much so I can hardly stand to look in the mirror some days.But despite that I am still what some people would call a fully functioning member of society.

What can you say to someone when they say that they hate themselves to make them feel better?

It depends on why they hate themselves:Scenario OneThey hate themselves because of something bad they’ve done then they need to try and make up for that thing. If the people they hurt are no longer around then they can spread some love and kindness to somebody else who needs it.Scenario TwoThey hate themselves because they don't measure up to some standard that they see as ‘better’ than them. There are lots of theseI’m not pretty/handsome enoughI’m not successful enoughMy body isn't attractive enoughI’m not popular enoughI’m not clever enoughIn this case tell them that self-loathing is part of the human condition and it's ok to ‘hate yourself’ every now and then. We all hate ourselves sometimes.But, if their uhappiness is coming from constantly comparing themselves to other people they need to realise that there will always be people who seem to be more attractive, more popular, more wealthy etc etc than we are so it's a pointless exercise and will only bring them misery.Self-acceptance is the key, or, if thats too difficult work on changing the things they don't like about themselves. It’s either one or the other.

What are the psychological reasons people would hate themselves?

In my experience: blaming yourself. This is a normal way people handle situations that make them scared or who are just too confronting. They blame themselves for putting “themselves into that situation”.You have to remember over 90% of what we do or believe is a subconscious thinking exercise. We only feel fine when being in our comfort zone. How that comfort zone looks like depends on who you are - more accurately - on what you experienced and how your parents raised you. Everything we experience is a constant learning experience. If you’re bit by a dog as a child and your father blamed you for being too close too the dog, chances are you not only dislike dogs and stay away from them the rest of your life, but you’ll also remember and dislike your fathers reaction on your trauma. If you’re bit by a dog and your father rushes you to hospital, chances are you can give words to the experience, not be scared of dogs and feel protected by your father.When not being able to talk about childhood trauma - or when being confronted with poor parenting skills preventing kids to talk about their emotions - children especially have no where to turn too then themselves to “solve the cause” of the danger. Because our parents are the only thing we can look up too as a child, how they handle trauma and emotions will become the way we handle trauma and emotions. Blaming yourself for being unable to “handle life as it is” is not uncommon, it’s just unhealthy.