Any Exercises Or Fitness Ideas To Help No Links

Does exercise help mental health?

A few thoughts...Exercising too close to bed-time will disrupt your natural sleep, and sleep is an even more important factor in good mental health than exercise. Try a different time of day - when you get up, say, or at lunchtime. I'd aim to put at least 4 hours between finishing your workout and bedtime. (Also, watch the caffeine during the day, and don't have any as a workout supplement)It's cardio exercise that delivers most mental health benefits; you don't say what the makeup of your routine is, but try spending less time on the weights, and more time on the treadmill.Exercising when you're stressed can raise your aggression levels. Contrary to popular belief, the best way to get rid of anger or aggression isn't to punch something or 'vent' it in some other way - by pushing yourself in the gym, say. It's much better to use some stress reduction techniques like meditation or yoga - even if it's just for 5 or 10 mins before you work out - so that your workout can just be about you and your body. Keep your workouts to under an hour. If you can't get everything done you want in that time, consider doing a split routine. Cortisol, the stress hormone, rises during a workout, in order to enable the muscle fibres to breakdown ready to be re-built bigger and stronger. But if you work out for too long they will rise too high (especially if you were stressed *before* you started your workout) and start to make you feel worse rather than better.Try focusing on just the exercise, rather than listening to music. See if you can spend the time just noticing how your muscles feel as they are working, or on performing the exercise with perfect form. Each time your mind starts to wander onto something else, gently bring it back to the exercise. Research has shown that mind-wandering makes you less happy, even if you're thinking about something happy, than if you just focused on what you were doing.Meditation is also really great for mental health. If you can find a way to add meditation to your daily routine as well as the exercise, do it. You won't regret it!

How can Yahoo! Answers help you meet your fitness goals in 2010?

I should be a guru, the things I've learned and researched in the last 6 months - wow! Although I've spent loads of hours researching the net. And then applying it into my routine.

Ultimately, what I would need is more informations regarding the new methods. That is what are the general pitfalls and risks that newbies and professionals experience in between different types of exercises and martial arts and sports.

Because morning exercises and bmi is easy to find out. What we also need is to know how to motivate oneself to push beyond our comfort levels. For me, motivation has always come from looking at well designed sports videos like this one:

But that wasn't until someone who I respected as a knowledgable old man, told me that he was still strong because he was a boxer in his young age.

So, I guess we could ask the people who do they look up to, and what type of sports did those folks did as a youth.

Also for you guys to make a review of the most cost/time/health/minimal-risk effective methods of getting fit, or getting to a certain weight level, or towards a certain type of professionalism in a sport/martial/fitness. And make that blog headlined in the sports section so people can give an answer/review back to it.

Also a full up blog/review about sports nutrition, from eastern to western methods, to organic to what not. From bone and joint conditionity, to concentrated nutrition.

What I would also like from yahoo answers is surveys of yahoo answer users of what type of sports/activity they do. And for yahoo answers to make section reports of the type of questions being made over time... unless if you already do that.

Tips on exercise in winter?

im having trouble doing daily exercise in this melbourne weather. its always super cold and so i dont go for 20 min jogs every second day like i use to, im not in the mood to go outside and so all i can do is abb work at home, but that only takes about 15 mins and so some days i skip it. i need some help or ideas, i hate skipping so dont suggest that. i love the idea of winter and rain but my body hates it.. i am literally white and red because im so frozen at school during the day, even though my skin colour is actually olive. i am 14 btw :)

Is sex after your workout a bad idea?

My new guy and I have the best sex after we've both just had an intense workout, but I noticed it makes me a little tired at the end of the day with the extra long workout. Can this be bad for me? I can't dose off at work b/c of my new fitness activities..

Tummy help! (pics included)

hi there,

crunches would not help it stick out more, instead it will help burn that layer of fat off your belly
to work all parts of your abs you need to include abs workout for each part
upper abs -> your regular crunches, also incline
obliques -> oblique twists, reverse crunches on decline
lower abs -> leg raises, bicycle crunches

you can youtube any of these if you have no idea how to do them

for each, if you're new to these exercises, i'd try 20 reps x 3 sets to start (for each abs part you work on, upper/lower/oblique), then work your way up to 30, 40, etc

a healthy diet is definitely needed, and to work it out after well is to do a nice 30 minute daily jog

then you should see some nice results within a few weeks to a few months

take care and good luck

Is it bad to workout after eating? What are the side effects of exercising on a full stomach?

I do not think workout immediately after eating is a good idea . It is actually a misconception that workout immediately after a meal would be beneficial to the body. In reality, it is not, and it is harmful to the body.The reason is that workout after eating prevents our digestive system from properly absorbing nutrients that you get from eating. Especially on a full stomach because there is a higher risk of stomach upset.The other reason is that when you workout after a meal, you completely overload our body! Explanation: For food to digest, it takes some effort to our body. workout also consumes a lot of energy . So doing both at the same time is asking our body to provide a lot of energy simultaneously.In addition, when the food is being digested, your body sends oxygenated blood to your stomach. And when you exercise, your muscles need a lot of blood ! So combining exercise and digestion means asking your body to decide between sending blood to your stomach, or to your muscles. conclusion, exercise and digestion are two activities that do not go together!