Any Tips On Getting Over A Cold Faster

How do you get over a cold fast?

I have a cold.
+VERY small sore throat
+major congestion in my nose

That's it.
How can I try to get over this cold fast?
I want to be better by Monday [[Christmas]]
Whatever it takes: rest, fluids, medicine, ANYTHING!

What can you do or eat to get rid of a cold faster?

Stay away from sugar! Sugar depletes your immune system up to 2 hours after ingesting it, therefore keeping you sick longer. Definitely drink tons of water, take vitamin C and get some good sleep. If you really think you need medication, try Zicam Cold Remedy. I personally do not take medicine, but in a dire situation I do turn to Zicam. Hope this helps!

How to get over a cold fast!?

Well, if is a "cold" as in you are congested and have a sore throat, I got rid of my cold in a week because of FLUIDS (like juice), SUDAFED (it really works), and lots of NYQUIL (to help you fall asleep). Some days I just took sudafed and it worked in no time, but if this cold is really bad, just use the nyquil and some daytime cold medicine (gels). I hope you feel better soon!

How to get rid of a cold fast?

I have a stuffy nose, sore throut and need help getting rid of this fast!! My birthday is tomorrow and want to have fun ,not be sick, please help!! thanks for any ideas

Does masturbating during a cold make the cold help you feel better and get rid of the cold faster?

Any strenuous physical activity will temporarily clear your sinuses. Masturbation or sex counts. It will clear your nose for a little while.

How can I get out of bed fast, during the cold mornings of winter?

i am giving the best book for morning habits summery …We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habitThe Miracle Morning: RecapLet’s run through a quick recap of how you can set up your miracle morning right now.Step 1: Read for 10 minutes right after waking up. If you’re short on time, just read one blink on Blinkist.Step 2: Exercise using only your body weight, doing 2-3 different exercises. No time = do one set of one exercise.Step 3: Recite your affirmations to yourself in front of a mirror. Read them out loud in the beginning.Step 4: Practice silence, either through meditation, just sitting or taking a (cold) shower.Step 5: Visualize today’s tasks, imagine yourself working on them. Pick a specific spot to do this at.Step 6: Write into a journal, list 3 things you are grateful for, or use the 1-sentence journal to make sure you’re set and ready to go.Step 7: Take care of your MIT during a 25-minute time block.Take 30 minutes to implement the Miracle Morning right now and you’ll serve yourself the frog on a silver platter each morning.Now you only have to eat it.

Any ways to get rid of a cold FAST?

Get as much rest as possible. Drink lots of Orange juice. Eat chicken noodle soup. Try rubbing Vicks on your chest before bed. I've found that NyQuil seems to help cure a lot of symptoms. I hope you have a speedy recovery and have a great time in New York! Please don't waste your time or money on Airborn. The teacher who made this product is actually being sued because all it is is vitamins. There's nothing in it to cure a cold.