Any Treatment For Fisher Disease

What is best treatment for old fissure?

The anal fissure is defines as a tear in the skin of the anal canal. It is a break in the skin that causes pain and bleeding in the anal canal during and after defecation. They usually extend from the anus posterior.WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF ANAL FISSURE?Trauma in women during childbirthSexually transmitted diseases may lead to tissue ruptureUlcerative colitisPoor toilet habits in childrenSYMPTOMS OF ANAL FISSUREBleeding from rectalItching around anusConstipationDifficulty in passing stoolsHOW CAN AYURVEDA HELP IN CASE OF ANAL FISSUREAyurveda uses the inherent power of natural herbs to bring about wonderful results on the human body. The herbs are natural and 100% safe. They improve the body metabolism and help recover from all digestive disorders. The digestion process is carried out smoothly and the digestive juice secretions become effective.Real Testimonial from patient who recovered from disease :Diet And Home RemediesDiet with high fiber is highly recommended. Fiber works by increasing the amount of stools in the intestines. Regular use of high fiber diet can be useful to manage the condition. Person should take plenty of water while using high fiber. It cleans the colons and avoids constipation. Fiber is made of large carbohydrate molecules that pass through the intestines without being used by the body. examples of high fiber diet are:-Eat half of cup of raw cabbage juice daily to soften the stools and easy passage.Drink plenty of water to clear the channels and flush out the toxins out from the body.Eat papaya as it is very effective fruit to clear the bowels and avoid constipation.Take 1000 mg almost daily through diet as it helps in prevention of anal fistula from the anal abscess. Amla, oranges etc are the main sources. One amla is equal to 30 oranges in nutritional values.Source : Natural Treatment for Fistula in Ano

Which is the best treatment of piles and fissures?

Difference between Piles and Fissures: While Piles/Hemorrhoids is a swelling of the blood vessels in the region, Fissure is a tear in the skin of the anal opening. Confusion occurs because bleeding is associated with both. However, in Piles, bleeding occurs after passing stools, while in Fissure bleeding occurs during passage of stools. Piles is not commonly painful, whereas intense pain is a striking feature of Fissure. Although the two are different, they can co-exist.Treatment options for Piles and Fissure:Piles are treated according to the grade of the disease. Grade 1 is treated with MCDPA, a combination of herbal laxatives, dietary changes, pelvic floor physiotherapy, and Ayurveda oil treatments. Grade 2 and 3 are treated using Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty. Grade 4 which is associated with a permanent coming out of the hemorrhoidal mass is treated using Stapler surgery. All these procedures are safe, effective and do not leave a chance for recurrence when done by an expert.Fissure is treated using a procedure called Laser Spincteroplasty. At HHC, we do a modification of it, which gives excellent results.To know more about piles and fissure visit: https://www.healinghandsclinic.c...https://www.healinghandsclinic.c...or Contact: 8888288884

What is the best homeopathic medicine for fissures.?

There are many medicines for fissures,but top 5 medicines which are best prescribed for fissures are as follows:Nitric acid is more commonly prescribed medicine for the case of fissures,best suited when there is bleeding after stool.The stool is quite soft. Despite the stool being soft, one has to strain to pass the stool.Graphites is given when there is burning pain.The patient is usually chilly and cannot tolerate cold air or cold weather. It is well indicated when fissures occur in women around or just after menopause.Ratanhia is best prescribed When there is pain while passing stool and the pain lasts for hours afterwards.Paeonia often given When there is constant moist oozing from fissure.Phosphorous can also given in case of fissure if there is profuse bleeding from fissure.for more therapeutic you can refer "surgery and homoeopathic therapeutic" by shrikant kulkarni.

I have a anal fisher how do i cure this problem? i m 27 .?

Listen to pcnp07. Go see a Doctor asap because I know how painful that can be. You Doctor can perscribe a "Vaseline" type mixture (it's actually Vaseline and blood pressure pills that have been finely crushed and mixed with the Vaseline) that you can apply to it to help heal or relieve the pain, but it takes a couple of days to take affect.

A friend was recently diagnosed with Gilliam Beret Syndrome and I can find nothing about it. Please help.?

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), is an acquired immune-mediated inflammatory disorder of the peripheral nervous system (i.e. not the brain or spinal cord). It is also called acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, acute idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis, acute idiopathic polyneuritis, French Polio and Landry's ascending paralysis.

The pathologic hallmark of the disease is loss of myelin in peripheral nerves due to an acute and progressive inflammation of unknown cause. It is suggested that it is an autoimmune disease, in which the sufferer's immune system is triggered into damaging the nerve covering. There is some support for this in that half of all cases occur soon after a microbial infection or respiratory or gastrointestinal viral infection. Many cases developed in people who received the 1976 swine flu vaccine.

Peripheral nerves originate in the spinal cord and proceed to their target tissues (mainly muscle, skin and all internal organs). Their most proximal parts emerging from the spinal cord are called nerve roots and the inflammation in most (but not all) typical Guillain-Barré syndrome cases starts in these roots. Therefore, this condition is also referred to as acute polyradiculoneuritis.

Recent studies on the disease have demonstrated that approximately 80% of the patients have myelin loss, whereas, in the remaining 20%, the pathologic hallmark of the disease is indeed axon loss. The cases indicating the demyelinating form (AIDP) are called "acute motor and sensory axonal neuropathy" (AMSAN); the cases showing only motor symptoms (diffuse weakness) are called "acute motor axonal neuropathy" (AMAN). In a different and infrequent variant called Miller Fisher syndrome, patients develop ataxia, loss of tendon reflexes, and difficulty moving eye muscles but not weakness or sensory loss. All variants of Guillain-Barré syndrome are now supposed to be an autoimmune disease caused by antibodies against a variety of gangliosides found in abundant amounts in the peripheral nerve tissue.

Why is masturbation haram when its said to cure prostate cancer?

because you might get used to it then not even a wife like Pamela Anderson can satisfies you .