Aquarius Why Do You Play Mind Games

Is this Aquarius Man playing games with me?

I am a Scorpio girl with a Capricorn rising. I've learned not to be too clingy and to give spaces to ones I'm interested in. Which was why it seemed to be perfect when I met my Aquarius crush back in February. We dated for a month. The first two weeks he was clingy and obsessive and even said he loved me by the third day. Even in front of his friends and mother! Which seemed so abnormal from what I know of an Aquarius. After the third week he became a little distant so I gave him his space. The last week he would say hi one day, and then completely ignore more for a few days, and then nothing. The last day I saw him was at a concert. I was with a girlfriend of mine and two of my guy friends. He seemed very jealous and suspicious and kept to himself. He even left without saying Goodbye. Two days later he called it quits saying he just wasn't ready for a relationship and was too busy. He ended up deleting me off of Facebook and Myspace and later found out my number also.

Exactly a month went by until I got a msg on Facebook saying to call him. He apologized and I since then we have talked on and off. But recently, these past two/two and a half weeks he's always trying to spike up a conversation. I love it! BUT, he still get's jealous of other guys, and makes it seem like he should be the only person I'm interested in (which is the case). And it seems he has some trust issues because he just doesn't believe me when I say I just like him. He wants me to always text him or call him which I thought was weird for an Aquarius. We tried hanging out once and it didn't work out and he just seemed really upset.

I need some help. Is he playing games with me? Can he not decide what he wants? Or does he actually like me? Thank you for any help.

Do Aquarius Men chase and play mind games?

I've meet an Aquarius man about a month and a half ago. We've been hanging out and going on dates whenever we can. We both work during different times and I'm always out with my friends or doing my own thing so I can't always be around him whenever he wants me too. He texts me nearly everyday wanting to see me and complains that I'm always so busy. But lately for the past two weeks he has been canceling dates at the last minute and making excuses. He's done this about 4 times now and it feels like he's playing games with me. The last time he did it I complained to him about it and told him to leave me alone because I was fed up. He sent a text apologizing and asking can he make it up to me. But I didn't respond. It's been two days now and he hasn't contacted me since.

Was he playing games with me trying to test me or did he become uninterested in me? Do they chase after people they care about or don't chase at all? I just want to know what I'm in for in (if he ever contacts me again).

Why do Aquarians play mindgames?

We don't do it on purpose, we are just unpredictable to everyone including ourselves!

Aquarius, why do you play mind games?

And if you don't, that's a rarity. Every aquarius I have known manipulated ppl without the person even knowing it for their benefit. I think it's evil.

For example, this aquarius guy I know wanted to find out if some girl slept with his friend before she met him. So he said he knew that she slept with him bc his friend told on her and said they did. She then confessed and said it was true. Then he said he wasn't sure if they did and his friend didn't tell him anything but now he's glad he has confirmation and started laughing. And I felt bad for the girl bc she started crying and said she felt betrayed by the aquarius and his friend.

Like really? Why do you do this? Smh.

Why do aquarius women play alot of games?

Attention. Attention. Attention.
Aquarius' LOVE drama, whether they admit it or not. They play head games because I think they get bored when things aren't dramatically complicated. They also lie & twist the truth. Every Aquarius I know is either a liar, and/or bipolar.

Secrets about Aquarius male's mind games, defeat us on our own games (part 2).........................…?

It would not be unlikely for him to justify having sexual affairs while he is working overseas. It is not uncommon to find a marriage involving an Aquarius husband where the wife only sees him a few days a month to attend a cocktail party or a Sunday family dinner (to keep up appearances!)

Commonly, even prior to the 20th/21st centuries, the Aquarius male frequently divorced many times, unable to commit to marriage due to his quirks and habits. In present times, the Aquarius male may is likely to be more conscious about his fear of commitment to another person and his fear that he will be forced to spend long amounts of time with one person. He will reach his late 20s sexually inexperienced and emotionally naïve about relationships with women. Courting is a puzzle to him and he moves slowly. He usually looks for a female who is his best friend. He will coolly hide his feelings of jealousy, which he WILL feel because he tends to choose as his mate woman who has her own popularity and

Aquarius guy playing mind games with me?? i'm a cancer that he just do they act after a break up?

You are both acting like caricatures of your sun signs - airy Aquarius dumps cloying Cancer, which are not usually considered compatible, for what it's worth. What I would have liked to read is that you played him at his own game, mesaging him to acknowledge the logic of his position - wonder how he'd have taken that, and whether he'd respect it more?

Do Aquarius men start conflicts or play games to hide their true feelings?

Wow thats confusing! I feel sorry for you!

Id say that he wants to be with you but because he cant he see's what great of a catch you are and is sort of kicking himself. Id say his comments of you needing a nice guy is probably his own way of testing you to see whether you are seeing anyone and so ultimately, whether or not he could loose you.

Lastly, aquarians like a chase or challenge and by you not committing yourself or refusing to see him would probably make him want you more but then on the flip side, push him away (to avoid vulnerability) hence the aloofness. Its all a way of safe guarding themselves.

Confusing indeed! I dont know what he wants but at the same time i dont think he even knows at this point. If i was you id continue doing what youre doing. Live your life. If he sorts his stuff out then maybe see but in the meantime id try and stay far away from it all, keep things low key or you may get hurt.

I hope ive helped and not confused you more! :)