Are Americans Ashamed Of How Courageous Other Countries Are

Are Americans ashamed of Vietnam War?

Are Americans ashamed of Vietnam War?In what sense? Are Germans ashamed of Hitler? Not many ex-Nazis left, are there? And why should anybody else be ashamed?Most Americans now living had nothing whatever to do with persuading LBJ and his brainiacs to invade a country on the other side of the world, lay waste to it, kill at least a million people there, destabilize the whole region, spend trillions of dollars and lose sixty thousand Americans, turn nearly every young American with a brain against the USA, end America’s holier-than-thou we’re-here-to-help-you pretenses forever, and begin our long, painful, turtle-on-the-beach crawl back to the Hicksville we came from pre-1918.Many of us who were alive and old enough to think for ourselves in the 60’s were filled with horror and loathing at what was being done in our name, and often with our help, coerced at gunpoint. Perhaps we feel ashamed in the way an ex-slave feels ashamed of having been a slave, because the experience was degrading and humiliating. But the shame and the blame belong to our quondam masters.

Is it bad that I am ashamed to be American?

Whether it’s “bad” depends on how you think of a few issues:Do you believe in corporate guilt or guilt by association? If so, then it may be bad merely to be an American regardless of whether you’ve done anything wrong.Do you believe that you’ve done anything wrong? You can consider this question in positive and negative senses: e.g. have you wronged someone, or have you failed to stop someone else from wronging someone?Do you believe that America is worse than all other countries, some other countries, or just “not as good as it should be” in whatever senses matter to you? Relatedly: do you think citizens of countries you consider “worse” should feel ashamed?Do you think shame serves a purpose? Or: do you have any control over feeling ashamed? If not, should you feel bad over things you cannot control? (This also relates to the questions above).Are you ashamed, or are you embarrassed? What would be the difference?Have you ever felt proud to be an American (many of these questions apply to that attitude, too)?In general, I don’t think punishing yourself for feeling ashamed will be productive; I also don’t think shame alone is productive unless it engenders a change in behavior which produces better outcomes. So without knowing any of the answers to the questions above, I can only say: don’t judge yourself for your feelings. Try to understand their source and decide what action you can take if you decide they have merit.

How did Abraham Lincoln show integrity, courage, commitment, and unselfishness?

this what the Liar Lincoln did ( Integrity ) Ha Ha Ha Unselfishness stop it i am Hurting from Laughing

and this what he did to save his empire

No president in our history ever abused his power, trashed the US Constitution, or committed more crimes than Lincoln. He acted like a total Dictator.

He waged a war that cost the lives of 620,000 Americans. Including the murder of 50,000 innocent Southern civilians.

He suspended the writ of habeas corpus without the consent of Congress (as required by the Constitution).

He had duly elected State representatives illegally jailed without charges.

He illegally imprisoned without warrant or trial some 13,000 Northern citizens who opposed his policies

He illegally shut down and confiscated the printing presses of dozens of newspapers that had spoken out against him.

He re-instated and summarily promoted an Army officer who had been court marshaled and cashiered by the US Army for war crimes.

He illegally deported a member of Congress after said congressman criticized his unconstitutional behaviour.

He even had an arrest warrant issued for the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court because said justice refused to back his illegal actions.

Chief Justice Roger B Taney ruled that Lincolns actions were illegal, criminal and unconstitutional.

Lincoln locked up Maryland legislators to prevent them from voting to secede from the Union, that's kidnapping.

He invaded the South without the consent of Congress as required by the Constitution, that's a war crime.

He blockaded Southern ports without a Declaration of war, as required by the Constitution, that's another war crime.

He imprisoned without trial, hundreds of newspaper editors and owners and censored all newspaper and telegraph communication.

He created three new states without the consent of the citizens of those states in order to artificially inflate the Republican Party’s electoral vote.

He ordered Federal troops to interfere with Northern elections to assure his Party's victories.

He confiscated private property, including firearms, in violation of the Second Amendment; and effectively gutted the Tenth and Ninth Amendments as well.

He had his Generals attack US cities full of women and children and burn them to the ground.

best answer 1 year ago

Are African Americans ashamed that their ancestors were slaves?

Are African Americans ashamed that their ancestors were slaves?Come on, O Anonymous One! You’ve got to be kidding me. Why should descendants of one of the most barbaric and inhumane practices in modern history be ashamed their ancestors were abducted, stolen and captured into it? Yes, slavery has been practiced in many societies but the scope and magnitude of the Transatlantic Slave Trade had never been seen before. Parts of the Africans continent were robbed of its strongest, most productive people, areas so utterly depopulated that they still haven’t recovered, hundreds of thousands, possibly millions transported great distances across a vast ocean, torn from their families, forced to work under wretched conditions for no compensation whatsoever, hated, despised and brutalized to the extent that the after effects are still being felt? I’d understand if you said anger, sadness, resentment or rage. But shame? Really? The real question, in my humble opinion is “are white Americans ashamed that their ancestors were slave mongers?” If you’re tempted to start preaching that “my great grandparents came to the US from Ireland (or Poland or any other European nation) in 1935, so they weren’t owning any slaves and the Irish were once slaves themselves and blah, blah, blah.” Well, don’t, okay? Just don’t. Take a deep breath and repeat after me. “As a White American I am privileged by a system that was built on the backs of Black Americans. Whether my forebears owned slaves or not, slavery is part of my ancestral heritage.” See, that wasn’t so hard. Seriously though, many White Americans have no problems proclaiming George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson as “forefathers of this great democracy.” Well, your forefathers were slaveholders, ‘kay? Granted, that’s not all they were and the only thing they did but it’s a big part of it. You can’t keep a bunch of human beings chained up in your backyard for centuries and it doesn’t affect your character. As Henry Louis Gates should have told Ben Affleck after he appeared on “Finding Your Roots,” with the sole condition that anything revealed about his family’s slaveholding past be suppressed, “Stop hiding behind history, lying, being in denial and making excuses. Just deal with it, okay?” And that, folks, is my rant for today.

Are Americans more self-critical of their country's history than other countries or is it a left-wing thing globally?

The left-wing Americans are ashamed of our country. Everything our predecessors did was wrong. That’s why statues of southern men and women who worked, fought and died for the Confederacy are now considered “MONSTERS” and their statues and the flag that represented them are being torn down and painful parts of our past are now considered a “non-happening.” It has to say something about a segment of current Americans who believe that we can rewrite our history using today’s morality. If the wise old saying is correct then we are making a big mistake rewriting our past and ignoring what happened. That saying is, “A nation, people or society that is ignorant of their past is doomed to repeat it.” But our educational system, like some many other things in America, isn’t interested in the truth only their manipulated self-righteous version of it. So whatever lessons we learned from the 1860’s are of no importance or consequence to our “Modern Left-Wing Socialist Liberals.” They will tell us and our children “WHAT THEY THINK AMERICA’S HISTORY REALLY IS!” And to hell with any event that taught us the most important lessons we need to know whether they were painful or not. Currently in America, the truth is irrelevant only the opinions of the “Self-Righteous” are valid. And it seems that there are a lot of self-righteous assholes who currently who call themselves AMERICANS. Our founders must been turning in their graves and are probably glad they’re dead because if they saw America today they would probably never be able to stop throwing-up!

Are you ashamed of the human race?

Yes, i agree 150%.
I think about this often and sometimes i feel my head will explode.

How do I impress an american girl ?

I am an israeli and I go to the USA to study . How do I make a girl like me there ? I just hate the girls in my country 'cause they're horrible . My problem with american girls is that I am an israeli and they don't like israel . It's only a country to be ashamed of . It's not pretty and cool like england or france. And israeli guys are known in the USA for being rude and disgusting (i am not though) . Girls will probably reject me if they know I am israeli . I don't wanna date a jewish girl because I cannot touch a jewish girl they're disgusting and annoying . I only want a christian , catholic or atheist girl (I am athiest) . Should I say that im italian or french ? 'cause than girls will be impressed .