Are Both Of These Grammatically Correct

Which of these is grammatically correct?

He took the plate off of the table.

He took the plate of the table.

He took the plate off the table.

He took the table of the plate.

Both A & C

Is this sentence gramatically correct?

No!!! the appropriate sentences would be following:

1) I saw him arrested.

2) He was seen when he was arrested

Which is grammatically correct: cheat or cheater? or are they both right?

You could use either.

He is a cheat.

He is a cheater.

Is this sentence grammatically correct?

The sentence is absolutely, perfectly correct as is.

To those of you who kept insisting it had to be 'Both OF my parents...", go to any standard dictionary and look up the word 'both'. You will find it is a pronoun and an adjective. Here, it is used as an adjective, meaning 'affecting or involving the one and the other'. Now, go back to about the fifth grade, and tell me how a prepositional phrase (of my parents) can possibly modify an adjective.

If you use both as a pronoun, it could be modified by a phrase, and the "of' would be right - but the question was whether or not the sentence was grammatically correct - and it is. You are proposing a different sentence.

To those of you who suggested:
"Each of my parents are teachers", you should really consider taking a grammar course before answering a grammar question.

'Each' is singular; 'are' is plural - they don't go together.

It is true that saying "My parents are... " conveys the same information and uses one word less. However, the construction using 'both' is well-established in literature and usage, and would be mandatory for emphasis if the intent was to say that not just one parent was a teacher.

'no parking on both sides',is this grammatically correct?

It should be "No Parking on Either Side" (It would actually be quite a trick to park on both sides! An enormous vehicle would be required, I suppose! lol)

However, this doesn't annoy me nearly as much as the signs all over Texas which read "DRIVE FRIENDLY"

Which one is grammatically correct, "both boy and girl were arrested," or "both the boy and the girl were arrested"?

01. The boy and the girl, both of them were arrested.02. The boy and the girl, both were arrested.Both answers are correct.Note: When we use both before a determiner ( say in this case ‘the’) + noun, there is an option to useOne of the following as a choice.01. Both02. Both of theIf you use these sentences without ‘the’, then one can not point out specifically as to who were they among others. Hence use of ‘the’ here is essential.

Are both of these statements grammatically correct: "can the other conspirator be a female?" and "can a female be the other conspirator?"?

See both the sentences are fine but they lack some substance , some meat. I would write it as: Can a female be the co-conspirator? or can the co-conspirator be a female? or Can a female be an accomplice?I mention this because you have typed the entire meaning instead of the single word that means the same. Co- conspirator is “one of the many conspirators”.

Is the sentence, no parking on both sides, grammatically and logically correct?

It is an incomplete sentence. "There is no parking on both sides" would make it a complete thought.

Are both of these sentences grammatically right? "He was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment; He was sentenced to ten years imprisonment."

Nope. Only the former is correct. It's a strange case of the possessive in English, used in place of (more cumbersomely) saying “ten years of imprisonment”.You could say “he was sentenced to a ten-year imprisonment” instead, if you'd rather not worry about the possessive apostrophe.