Are Liberals Being Less Than Honest When They Claim Mrs. Obama Does Not Look Like A Gorilla

Why are so many people anti-Trump? People didn't like Obama either, but he was the president, so people didn't do this. What makes Trump different?

Obama was called every name in the book and accused of every crime in the book. I know this because I am a conservative who paid attention to the criticisms of conservatives the whole time (and agreed with a lot of it).However, despite a few indiscretions here and there - such as when he told voters to look upon Republicans as “enemies” - Obama mostly presented himself in a respectable manner. (Though let’s make sure to differentiate between presentation and policy.)Trump, on the other hand, is the guy who responded to Ben Carson challenging him in the polls by calling him a pedophile. And that was hardly an isolated incident. He deals with women who dare oppose him by calling them ugly and disgusting. He frequently throws out insults and stupid accusations at men as well, such as when he questioned Mitt Romney’s religiosity (though Trump himself poses as a Christian when he clearly has never read the Bible) or when he suggested that Ted Cruz was morally compromised because he borrowed money from Wall Street (though Cruz had already paid off those loans and Trump owes massive funds to Wall Street to this day).Trump has said that political correctness is killing the country and that everyone is too thin-skinned. Anyone who agrees with him on that probably should not be so easily offended or distressed when people call Trump names. Trump himself should not be sensitive and thin-skinned either…but the way he reacts to criticism suggests that he is the most thin-skinned and hypersensitive president ever. Can you imagine Obama or Bush throwing a poorly spelled hissy fit on Twitter?And before one demands that the President be respected, one should first demand that the President be respectable.

What do you think about Trump supporters being physically attacked?

I’ve not seen many Presidential elections in my lifetime but from the few I can recall they were nothing like this. This whole election is an utter disaster. You have presidential front-runners engaging in “Twitter battles” for the world to see.Trump and Cruz Continue Bizarre Twitter Battle Over Their WivesYou have republicans comparing the hotness of their wives as if that is a valid criteria for electing someone and people calling Michele Obama a man because her husband mispronounced her name once in 2011, causing detrators to assert that she’s actually man and President Obama is gay.Michelle Obama IS “Michael LaVaughn Robinson” Shockingly Barry Calls His Wife Michael Not Michelle | AlternativeAnd then later she was compared to a gorilla.“Gorilla face Michelle” Obama only attractive to “monkey man Barack”: WA mayor refuses to resign after racist Facebook rantYou additionally have a hate crime being carried out in Trump’s name‘Trump! Trump! Trump!’ attacker allegedly yelled as he beat Hispanic man, Muslim studentThe KKK is giving election adviceHow America’s dying white supremacist movement is seizing on Donald Trump’s appealThere’s been election fraud in multiple states that has favored ClintonArizona Secretary of State Confirms Election Fraud Happened in State Primary (VIDEO)It's Not Just Arizona: Election 'Shenanigans' Have Defined the Democratic Primaries - and Benefit Hillary ClintonAnd there’s been violent ralliesA Continually Growing List of Violent Incidents at Trump EventsAnti-Trump Voices Amplify on Internet, With Violent ResultsA crazed woman charged Bernie SandersWoman charges stage at Sanders speechAnd another crazed man rushed Donald Trump'Trump is a bully,' says man who rushed stageThis entire election is a joke, America looks like a joke to the entire world and the fact that any of these people can take themselves seriously is beyond me.The people who react violently, regardless of what candidate they support are idiots. Or at the very least, they are acting like idiots. Not only do I condemn them, I question their intelligence. It’s a sign of not having a very good argument, when you resort to violence to prove your pointGet it together, America.

What is a controversial opinion you have that you wouldn't share openly in real life, but would share on Quora under anonymity?

These opinions will generally get more controversial as you continue to read this answer:Circumcision is uselessWhat’s the point of branded clothing?There needs to be separation of state and church.The concept of cultural appropriation is ridiculous.What’s the point of having such a large military budget?Debating whether one religion is right over another, or that there is no divine being is absolutely useless as religion hinges on faith which is when you believe something to be true, yet have no evidence to support your claims.I’m pro-abortionWe should never censor the right to speak.I understand that obesity or other weight related issues can be caused by a plethora of reasons; however, I do not agree with how many people want this to become an accepted norm, and that this is perfectly normal.Adult Obesity Causes & ConsequencesAt birth we are all equal; however as we grow up, there starts to be inequality based on circumstances, personality, how quickly one can memorize information, etc.I believe in Thomas Hobbes’s vision of humanity; that humans are inherently violent, and the only thing stopping us from committing said violence is the punishment from society we live in.In custody battles, the parents should be anonymous, and should only be referred to as parent 1 and parent 2.I’d proritize the life of a human being over an animal.I believe that shooting Harambe was the right choice as the baby who was stuck with the gorilla was in danger.Prostitution should be legalized.Being a member of certain professions does not make you a "hero." your acts make you heroic not your clothing.I think maybe we should start teaching trades to younger kids. A kid that has no skill with calculus might just be the best electrician or plumber you've ever seen. But he won't know that until he's already had to sit through years of feeling stupid because he doesn't understand hard mathematical or language concepts.I don’t believe in the idea that anyone under the age of 18 should have the ability to have an operation to change their gender.Feminism is currently broken: Disregard the dictionary definition of feminism, and actually look at the opinions of feminists have, or at least the ones that gain the most amount of attention apart from famous individuals such as Emma Watson and Michelle Obama.