Are Liberals The Next Third Reich Society Will Have To Deal With

Why do democrats rail at the fact that the Third Reich was socialist?

Because if you read the Nazi platform, it more closely resembles the positions of the democratic party.

There are 25 points to the Nazi platform. Points 1, 2, 3, 10, 19 are pretty meaningless today and do not reflect either republican or democratic positions, expressed or implied.
Points 4, 5, 6, 8 pertain to who should be citizens and how they should be treated. It is only marginally in line with the republican position. While the Nazis wanted only those of German decent to be citizens, the republicans are only demanding that you go through the same process everyone else has to and not just jump the border illegally. Also, that only citizens should be allowed to vote.
Point 7 calls for “every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood.” Which sounds more like OWS than anything else.
Point 9 is actually good; “All citizens must possess equal rights and duties.”
Points 11 through 18 are pretty socialistic economic ideas; bans investment income, confiscation of profits, nationalization of trusts, generous pensions, communalization of department stores, the end of land rent and speculation, and the execution of certain profiteers and lenders. Sounds much more democratic, don’t you think?
Point 20 calls for state provided higher education teaching only what the state decided was useful. As opposed to what republicans want which is the freedom to send your kids where you want them to go.
Nationalized healthcare, mandatory physical fitness, and the end of child labor are called for in point 21. No-brainer there.
22. “We demand the abolition of the regular army and the creation of a national (folk) army.” Sort of like what Obama wanted
State control of the media is covered in point 23. As much as it would be tempting, I only hear democrats calling for this, especially as it relates to talk radio.
24. “…COMMON GOOD BEFORE INDIVIDUAL GOOD…” Where have we heard that one before?
Finally, number 25 calls for a strong central government to manage all these intrusions into the lives of the citizens. By far a democratic position.

Why are so many white liberals deeply ashamed to be white?

Liberalism is a mental illness

If you were a German in the last 500 days of the Third Reich would you defend Hitler to the end?

Don't get out much do you junior...

Does Willian Shirer's book "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" have a liberal bias?

I don’t think so. Shirer rightly critiques the liberal Weimar republic for it’s failure to check the nazi party and Hitler as they rose to power, and passing the enabling act of 1933 that handed the keys to Hitler. The first half of the book is a list of events where Hitler was almost checked, and then yielded to, and it just leaves you cringing the whole time, because the greater context is known or revealed to the reader.For the americans calling themselves liberals, to the left of the republican party, to the right of the new deal, and OK with ‘responsibility to protect’ and more naked imperialism; fascism and neonazism should have a platform in the marketplace of ideas. These are the people who will ‘defend to the death’ fascists right to advocate racial extermination in public. For me this sadly echoes the Weirmar republic. I don’t think Shirer ever has this position, at least postwar.

Why are cons so unwillingly to see the glaring parrallels that exist between them and the 3rd Reich?

Cons always try to make it a hall mark of their irrational , hate-filled, unsupportable arguments that the Nazis were socialists were were pro - government.

Now, right from the get-go their argument goes down the crapper because the Nazis were fascists, and it is ideologically impossible for a movement to be both socialist & facist. Fascism is basically a process whereby one group who believes they are superior for ideological, religious, or racial reaons creates a movement through which to facillitate enacting that doctine; often cases members of such a movement attempt to paint various segments of society as undesirbales, and this often includes allocating resources on an allegedly meritocratic system.

In essence, fascism & capitalism, are FAR more compatible than facism& socialism (or it;s extreme form communism). Both capitalism & facism can become mechanisms with which to justify giving to the few at the expense of the many; concepts which are vehemently opposed by socialism which emphasizes the collective

Were Hitler and the Nazis Socialist or not?

I heard someone say public education, state ran health care, welfare, police, and market regulations was Socialism. If that is true than Hitler and the Nazis were Socialist since they did all of those. If those things arent Socialism than neither is Socialist on these grounds.

What is the sociopolitical context within which the Bauhaus existed?

I find the Weimar Republic a most interesting yet confusing era in German History: therefore this short answer lacks a lot of detail.
Weimar, in part, was an emasculated Germany's way of seeking new self-identity after World War I while trying to live up to its (Versailles) Treaty obligations and military restrictions.
For its time it was one of the most liberalized societies in the world (in many ways we would have trouble with that definition of 'liberal' today).
'Bauhaus' is just one of the freed up 'think (design) tanks' which sprung up during this brief era.
Weimar politicians were seen by Hitler (almost every one of them) as traitors to the concept of Hitler's 'Germany'. Bauhaus was among the many movements borne out of Weimar which were deemed anti-German or not of Hitler's warped standard of German morality.
Also the combination of Hitler's belief he was a great artist and Albert Speer's role as official Nazi architect disallowed anything Bauhaus to fit into the Nazi dream. Hence the closure of the school in 1933.
Hope this helps.

What is Reich economic chamber?

This is after WWI and during the great depression. After Hitler's seizure to power in January of 1933, lots of changes began to happen within the German gov't and among other sectors.