Are Men Eager For It To Be Socially Acceptable To Hit Women

Why is it socially acceptable for women to hit men but not vice versa?

I've recently been looking at videos of just some extremely rude women who act like they are untouchable. These women go on to just start hitting men, consistent provocation, and are completely hypocritical. Someone videos feature a women who is hitting a man and trying to hit him but she has very bad aim, the man lands a good solid punch and knocks her out clean. Another, has a women getting in a mans face and pushing him, daring him to hit her. He eventually has enough and shoves her hard to where she hits the floor, she gets back up and instead of learning the lesson that this man can wreck her, she proceeds to advance toward this man and try to punch him thus forcing him to knock her out. Another has a group of women following a man and punching him, this man returns fire with a punch of his own. The woman and her friends then call this man crazy for hitting back. Now in my eyes, I see justice. If these women want to act like men, they will get treated like men. Now as I'm sure you are aware, the counter arguments go along the lines of *women are weaker* and that is pretty much the basis of it all. If a women were biologically as strong as men, this wouldn't be an issue, BUT THEY AREN'T. So why do these idiots insist on pissing off dudes who can destroy them with a single hit. Not only that, there are men who actually defend this position, that women are these delicate creatures who are not to be harmed. These men are probably the reason why women believe they are untouchable, they practically give women the permission hit other dudes, but if that girl gets hit, then the white knights all jump in. Am I the only one who see's this are messed up? And please don't say anything like "i don't think it's right to hit anyone, man or women" because that goes without saying, I'm strictly talking about a self defense situation. It's not like you would just hit someone for no reason.

Do you think that it is less socially acceptable for women or men to be physically unattractive and why?

A few days ago something happened which got me thinking about women and how a woman or mans persons physical appearance can effect their life. I travelled to another part of the country to attend an art exhibition; as my sister is an art student whose work was on display at this exhibition. Whilst I was there I met my sister’s friend who also came along. There are not many extremely attractive people around like some of the people in the media.
Furthermore I think that basically 90% of people like alright enough. In fact I seldom give much if any thought on others appearances, unless it’s a woman who I find physically attractive, or a person who looks really good or bad. However this girl was well unfortunate looking. She never directly talked about her appearance; however it was obvious that she was very self conscious of her looks, In fact something happened whilst I was there which really got on my nerves.
These girls approached me and started talking to me. Initially I reciprocated in a friendly kind of way and switched on the charm. However during the course of the evening they were really horrible to this girl, they made all these spiteful comments and acted like she was invisible. I have never understood why women are often so ******.y and horrible to each other.
In response I shunned the pretty girls, gave my sister’s friend all the attention, and made her feel special. This raised her spirits, indeed my sister asked her what’s up and she replied “oh nothing I am happy”. It seems as though women are far more concerned about physical appearances than men, many seem to obsess over it. I have never thought about this before, however if you try and see things from a woman’s perspective, looks seem to be far more important for a woman than a man. It seems that unattractive women are basically screwed and are treated badly by both men and women.
And although women like men who are good looking too, often I have seen really unattractive men with stunningly beautiful women. But maybe I am wrong it could be just as bad for both genders.

What are your thoughts and experiences in relation to this? I’m particularly interested in women’s point of view. There are things I don’t understand about women :)

Why is it socially acceptable for women to hit men?

Women hitting men is as much abuse as men hitting women but society see's men as the dominant gender, men are supposed to be stronger and more authoritarian than women so we(I am a guy and I assume you are too) as guys are supposed to be able to handle our emotions better and not get violent towards women.

The law recognizes domestic violence not only as men hitting women but also women hitting men so women aren't allowed to in that sense. But... for men, there is a good deal of shame associated with reporting being beaten by a wife or girlfriend and thats why statistically, most reported cases of domestic violence are perpetrated by men. In reality, women are more aggressive than men, just as a society, we see aggression by a female as not as severe as aggression by a male.

Why is it socially acceptable for women to hit men and not men to hit women?

IT is absolutely sexist! This little propriety implies that a woman is innately incapable of protecting herself against a man. It likens to a Victorian mindset in which a woman is a fragile commodity that needs to be protected. I agree with you 100% that this law is sexist - and no matter what some would argue, it is not benificial to women. It's dehumanizing and patronizing ... and it threatens female autonomy. The unspoken 'law' implies that a woman is no judge of her own physical/emotional capability and that she needs a man to protect her by abstaining from physical conflict with her. Of course, many on here have asserted that the realm of physical conflict is a 'man's place', but that is utterly unfounded in anything but sexist ideology ... violence is a part of life - it perpetuates evolution (even social evolution for humans)- and women are no less inclined to violent/self-preserving behavior than are men.
It is less socially acceptable for men to hit women than for women to hit men because our society is still operating under the delusion that women are weak, incapable and passive. Anyone who doesn't see the patronization implicit in the 'don't hit girls' rule is blind.

Why is it socially acceptable for women to be non-employed in a marriage?

In a marriage, how come the woman gets the privilage of seeing the kids grow up while the man works. Shouldn't it be the opposite(as men generally die 5 years earlier than woman)?(just over 30% of married women don't look for work).

Also, if you complain that raising the kids is such hard work, why don't more couples trade places? ie. the man stays at home and the woman works.

Please don't cite "tradition". In the 1800s owning a plantation full of slaves was "tradition"; but as you can see, some "traditions" are unjust and eventually removed.

Also I realize nowadays there are many marriages where both parents work. But it's still rare that the woman makes more(or works at a similar professional level) as the man. But, that's not the question. The question is WHY in a marriage, if the man doesn't work he's a "bum" but if the woman doesn't work she's a "homemaker"?

Why is it more socially acceptable for a woman to hit a man..?

it's not truly "acceptable" for a woman to hit a man. but it is harder to press charges against a women assaulting a man because the law favors women much more than men. women can beat themselves up and say to police it was a certain man who did it and believe it. if a man beat himself up and told police that a woman beat him up, they would probably laugh and tell you to go away. BUT, men are much stronger than women in general, so a man hitting a woman will inflict much more damage than a woman hitting a man. that is why it is seen a "more socially acceptable" even though it's not.

Why is it more socially acceptable for women to stalk and obsess over men?

Hey, GetitGirl! To answer your question, I don't think female stalking is considered more socially acceptable, necessarily, but possibly taken a little less seriously than male stalking. I don't agree with that. I think all forms of stalking are wrong, but it is possible that because of how a woman is traditionally perceived by society, fewer people consider that they can become as dangerous as many male stalkers. Also, it's possible female stalkers/stalking may be taken less seriously because we hear less about it than male stalkers. I'll also offer up another possibility--when we hear of male stalking and stalkers, very frequently, they are incredibly serious situations such as the man who stalked Jodie Foster and who actually shot at President Reagan because in his own words, he thought it would "impress" her (crazy!) and the guy who stalked Rebecca Schaeffer which eventually led to her death.

I've heard of female stalkers but never one that shot a president to impress a guy! But, I will say that all forms of stalking should be taken seriously by society. Stalking really is connected to the individual's mental and emotional state, not gender.

Why is it acceptable at times for a woman to hit a man and never vice versa?

customarily, it truly is basically undeniable lack of understanding. specific, on the entire, men tend to be extra advantageous and extra advantageous, even though it quite isn't actual of each male-lady pair. a guy or woman would not could be extra advantageous or extra advantageous to inflict injury. Being hit hurts. Having gadgets thrown at one, or being pushed downstairs, could reason severe injury -- besides the undeniable fact that it truly is no longer in basic terms the actual injury that hurts the sufferer. F-on-M relatives violence would not get the attention it is going to. many that think of of girls individuals hitting men do assume it would not do any injury; men are often ashamed to declare it does; human beings snigger at them. I heartily consider you: violence is violence; violence is incorrect. i could truly desire to be sure relatives violence taken care of extra accurately, and society attain out to male victims, because it truly is attempting to do with lady victims. maximum victims experience disgrace, yet there is an further layer of disgrace for men, because of the fact they are estimated to no longer be harm, bodily, by a woman.