Are Racists Less Intelligent

Is it racist to say blondes are less intelligent than brunettes?

From a purely semantic POV, no.However the question reeks of racism, because it implies that Nordic people or nations with these phenotypes are more stupid than nations with darker phenotypes.However it is hard to answer, because I believe the stereotype comes from the trend where lots of non-natural blondes dyed their hair blonde or platinum (the California style). And oftentimes the girls who did that weren't the smartest to say the least, so the stereotype of the "stupid blonde bimbo" appeared.Unfortunately it touched also the natural blondes aswell, which in my experience are often very smart ladies.

Do you think that intelligent people are racist?

On the contrary I think racism is dumb and racists are stupid.There is one caveat - we are all racist to the extent that we all have an inbuilt and often unconscious bias to people who we associate as being ‘Like us’. Arguably intelligent, self aware people (Perhaps ‘emotionally intelligent’) are more likely to be able to recognise and overcome those biases.There is scientific evidence that our characters and preferences shape our world and political views. Those with a preference for new experiences being somewhat more liberal in approach and more likely to accept and tolerate people who are different. Those people who are easily disgusted tend to be conservative in outlook and have a harder time overcoming those unconscious biases.

Are racist people less intelligent? Why, or why not?

This was originally answered for the question: Does racism correlate stupidity? Oh yes. It does without any doubt. For me stupidity is something that doesn't carry any logic and racism is pretty much what that is(meaning: It doesn't carry any logic). Also, the links shared by Christopher give us a spot-on view about the racist and IQ people carry that pursue such idea of discrimination. "Nosek said less intelligent types might be attracted to liberal "simplifying ideologies" as well as conservative ones." This line sums up the whole issue of the idea of racism and the intelligence of the people who possess this feeling of discrimination. So, in a word, the answer to your question would a big  YES. Thanks for A2A. :)

Sexism and Racism VS intelligence?

"Studies going back over 50 years have repeatedly arrived at the same conclusion -- racists have lower IQs than non-racists. The average intelligence quotient (IQ) of all members of the human race is 100 on the Stanford-Binet scale, as illustrated in the bell curves in the figure below. The average IQ of racists is up to 4 IQ points less than this (Montagu 1952 & 1988, Allport 1946, Frenkel-Brunswick and Sanford 1945)"

As Sexism and Racism are very similar in mind set, process and the conclusions.

So do Sexist people have Lower IQ's? Thoughts?

links to studies always appreciated ; )

What are examples of very intelligent but racist individuals throughout history?

Basically, almost every famous person you know who was born in the 19th century. Racism was the norm. Even abolitionists were racist. People simply took it for granted that some races were superior to others. The Nazis weren't alone in this. Many famous Americans were eugenicists. Look at this quote for instance:"I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality ... I will add to this that I have never seen, to my knowledge, a man, woman, or child who was in favor of producing a perfect equality, social and political, between negroes and white men."That was Abe Lincoln!

Why is it racist to call certain races less intelligent when you can't control your intelligence? At most, such an assertion would be false.

Can ANY of the others who answered this question even define “racism?” Not in any meaningful way. One standard definition is: The belief in the innate superiority of one race over another.Are East Africans, on average, better long-distance runners than some other populations? Yes, partly because of the muscle-type they tend to have. Is it “racist” to say so? Technically yes, since you’re asserting their superiority.Are blacks better at basketball, on average, than whites? Is it “racist” to say so?Each of us, both as individuals, and as groups, is superior than others in some ways, and inferior in others.In a nutshell, the fact that something is “racist” does not necessarily mean it’s not true - especially when we remember we’re not speaking of individuals, but of average group differences.

Who is the smartest racist and/or most intelligent bigot?

Richard Dawkins: Closet White Nationalist IQ is said to be about 170.Various others I cannot name.