Are Republicans Cruising Towards An Historic Landslide In November

Are there any official laws in the United States outlawing political parties from having their own militaries?

Yes and no.  There are no laws, that I am aware of, that prohibit political parties from having their own security forces, but there are plenty of laws regulating security forces and gun use in general.  So a political party, in theory, could have its own security force, however it would be against the law for them to be used similar to how the National Socialists used them before and during World War II.For example, most states have strict laws regarding licensing and regulation of paid security forces, and these forces always have significantly less power than the police and military under the law.  There are very strict rules on what they are allowed to do and not allowed to do.Even if you have a strictly volunteer force, which could fall under Second Amendment protections (right to bear arms), most states restrict the use of firearms to self-defense, hunting and target shooting.  Brandishing a weapon or using it in a threatening manner is a felony in most states.So while a political party could have a security force, state laws regulate how those security forces are allowed to be used.  Laws vary in each state, but none of them give security forces the same power as police or military.  And most states have severe penalties for misuse of firearms.

What do you see for President Donald Trump's future? Will he lose the next election? Will his life be better or worse after he leaves office?

Two words—-Trump TV. New 24/7 cable news station that will be even more Trumpcentric than FOX. Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro will be featured as hosts along with several members of the Trump family and Kellyanne Conway. No facts—just alternative facts. There will be a live audience for a portion of each day when Trump himself will hold forth on his opinions about anyone who is currently getting under his skin. At some point, nearly everyone in the country will get their 15 minutes of fame as the target du jour during this segment, and the audience will shout “Lock Her/Him Up” for a cathartic finale.

With the exception of Obama’s re-election in 2012, dems have been on a losing streak since 2010 so why believe they are not going to lose?

And HUSSEIN's re-election was borne out of voter fraud so even that doesn't really count.