Are The Celebrities Still Married To Each Other

Why do celebrities marry other celebrities if they almost always get divorced?

First, that is who they are around. You tend to marry those who you work with or meet through friends. The celebrity circle is pretty tight, so your choices are limited.

Second, if you marry someone who doesn't understand the demands of your job, you are going to run into trouble with them, as well. Sure, it seems like it would be great if I married, say, Selma Hayak (before she was pregnant and engaged, of course), but how would I deal with her being away for months at a time for filming and the other things that she would have to do just to keep her job.

I think being the spouse of a celebrity would take a lot of patience and understanding, and I am not sure that most people are cut out for it.

How many of your parents are still married?

Is it awful that I don't know how long my parents were married for?? I know it was a long time, over 30 years. It only ended when my dad died a couple of years ago. When I was younger, and going through teenage angst I almost wished they would divorce because I thought it would be nicer just living with my mum. I'm glad I grew up and recognised all my dad's good points before he died. He was divorced from his first wife though. I think they were only married for about 4 years, and had 2 kids. He's actually the only member of my family that I knew to get a divorce, which I think is really saying something these days!

Myself and my 3 siblings are all married - the 2 oldest have both been married to their spouses for coming up to 20 years. All my aunts and uncles are married (exept for one who decided not to get married, but who has been with his partner for about 40 years). Oh actually, I've just remembered a cousin who got divorced, but he was only a teenager, and had only been with her for a couple of years, so really they shouldn't have rushed into marriage. Another relative personally I think should have got a divorce, after finding out, twice, that her husband, and father of her 2 kids, was cheating on her. I wouldn't have stayed, but she did , so hopefully he's stopped all of that behaviour. Both sets of my grandparents were married young and stayed together until death. Apparently my dad's parents had a bit of a rocky relationship and relatives have said that if divorce had been easier in their day then they probably would have split up.

Celebrity jokes?? [20 C]?

i like the lady ga ga one!!!

The only thing (& it ain't really a joke) is Chris Browns song "WITH YOU"

cuz if i beat U i'll take all ya money i'll take all ya cars, girl I'll make u fall..
andd OH i'ma beat on U & OH i'ma make U black & blue
cuz w/ every hit & every shove..ima make u feel really unloved


Do married people tell each other everything- even OTHER people's problems?

So within the past months I found I could confide in my boyfriend's sister-n-law. That's big for me since I find it hard to open up. Recently I opened up to her about something BIG in my life. Something personal that I don't like sharing with people. I asked her to not to share. She later told me she felt uncomfortable hiding things from her husband. I blatantly told her it wasn't hers to hide... it's mine. I wasn't rude to her, and I've never been rude to her. She asked me to no longer tell her anything she can't tell her husband. I feel betrayed. I finally found someone I could talk to, and now I can't without someone else knowing. I choose to confide in her because I want her input. Now that's gone.

Do married people really feel they have the right to tell someone else's problem to their wife/husband? I've never been that kind of person. If someone asks me to keep something to myself, I do. I don't tell anyone. Not even my boyfriend who I plan to marry. Does that I mean shouldn't marry him? Because I can't tell him EVERYTHING someone else tells me? I believe that married people are still individuals. They still have their own minds, opinions, and friends. I guess I'm wrong?