Are The Trolls Of The Vegetarian

What do I do if the boy I like is a vegetarian?

You should probably throw a fit, complete with lying face-first on the ground, fist pounding, and screaming. Alternatively, you could hide in your closet for the next week, cowering in your boots. The boy you like doesn’t eat meat?! Whaaaaaat? That’s pretty scary. I mean, vegetarian is a five syllable word. That’s extreme. And the fact that he cares enough about animals not to eat them? Probably the sign of a crazy dog guy (as opposed to a crazy cat lady… I dunno what you’d call a man with the same issue). Jeebers, he’s probably compassionate towards people as well. I dunno, he seems dangerous. Maybe mentally unhinged.Yes, I’m a troll��� :) It’s great he’s vegetarian! (Why wouldn’t it be?). And if you ask him politely about it, chances are it will be a great conversation starter.

Who are the more intelligent people, the vegetarians or the non-vegetarians?

For the same amount spent, one who eat meat will be more intelligent and healthy as a meat based diet is cheaper. You will have to spend a lot more to get the same amount of nutrients if you follow a plant based diet.If the amount spent is not a consideration but the nutritional value of food consumed, then there will not be any difference in the level of intelligence between the two groups, considering all other factors the same (education, cultural, social).

Is it OK to eat Beef Jerky when you are vegetarian?

I just switched to the vegetarian lifestyle because I am looking for some health benefits and I think it will be very beneficial for me to cut out all non vegetarian foods.

But my friend who has been vegetarian for a couple days says its ok to eat beef jerky because it has a lot of sodium in it.

Is it really ok? or do I still have to eat it with a carrot or a celery or something like that.

Thanks everyone for clearing this up

Are Oompa Loompa's vegetarian?

as you all know, Willy Wonkers never lets the oompas out of the Chocolate Factory, and as we all know, there is nothing but chocolate and other miscellaneous candy there. I know there is milk in chocolate, but what other animal products do you think they eat? What would Willy do if one of them went off the deep end and ate one of the geese that lays golden eggs? That could be a profit loss not to be believed... what would a proper punishment be for that oomp for killing Willy's profits, AND killing a goose?

Why do meat eaters troll the Vegetarian and Vegan category posting offensive answers to legitimate questions?

Since this is an open forum, I suppose you could consider everyone participating in the YA community to be a "troll." All of us, you and I included, look through the questions and respond to those that are of interest to us for whatever reason. If you look around the forum in general, you'll find that offensive posters are not unique to the Vegetarian section. There are a great deal of immature internet users of any age - their dietary disposition does not determine their amiability.

There is a more effective means of dealing with those who abuse YA policies. You simply report them and the comment is generally removed. No one can truly influence a person to change their behavior, that can only come from within.

Meat production is inefficient. Will we all end up vegetarian/vegan eventually?

Meat production is indeed inefficient. Anyone can find the research on Google but roughly meat/beef production is 100x less efficient in term feed/calorie ratio and 25x less efficient in terms of feed/protein ratio. Other meats are somewhat more efficient but still inefficient. It’s really physics: animals use up energy while they’re alive and the edible meat from them is a relatively small part of their bodies.If we have a well-functioning economy that priced in the actual cost of meat including the environmental damage, then meat would become very expensive and people would just eat less meat. Quite a bit less and many people would just become vegetarians or vegans. But there would still be some meat consumption.Some have argued that meat/beef can still be raised with no corn feeding and by grazing on land unsuitable for other uses. While this is true, meat production in that manner is much less productive. That kind of grazing could never produce meat in the quantities produced now. In such a grazing scenario, meat would be very expensive.Unless the world population is reduced dramatically or we develop factories that can grow meat protein without the rest of the animal, the reality is that more and more people will have to eat a plant-based diet, and only eating meat on special occasions.I hope this can happen peacefully and smoothly but I’m not optimistic.

What do vegans and vegetarians think of Jainism?

As a vegetarian, I love Jainism. The propaganda used for veganism and those name-callers who call Jains inconsistent with ahimsa - they use a LOT of existential quantifiers; but they should also note that even thousands of random limited existential quantifiers do not make a universal quantifier, which is necessary to prove that all forms of milk are unethical, even when cows are considered to be equivalent to humans in rights. As long as neither cows nor their calves show objection, milk should be fine, even from an abolitionist perspecive. To claim what is natural and what isn't, regarding this, should be invalid, because they already chose to be deviant from nature, by not eating meat.Those who refuse to believe that there is at least one form of vegetarianism such that it is ethical are white supremacists or those who have an otherwise false morally higher perception (inconsistent idiots and therefore they are contrary to the purpose of "abolitionism" in its core); these people simply cannot digest the fact that this non-violence and sentiocentrism have already been in place somewhere in India, in a small community; they want to look original, therefore call Jain theories inconsistent. Jains are not obliged to care about things that are not sentient; the core of Jainism is based on sentiocentrism and given that something is not sentient, they are not required to 'not to harm' them. Also, asserting that Jains consume unethical dairy and assuming homogenous nature of milk, not accounting for neither intentions nor consequences of it is false, too.BTW, there is a Buddhist, who apparently trolls such topics with opinions than facts. Killing the bacteria or plants - it is different because bacteria or plants do not object, nor are capable of it. Why shouldn't he kill and eat humans, as well? It works both ways - the only difference with primary wants like wanting to continue to exist is the same between human and animals - except the fact that we, as humans, are more powerful. It can work the other way around, too - like we can just easily justify infanticide, slavery, rape as they are just as natural and ancient. Even considering his argument or whatsoever regarding it, eating meat causes more plants and bacteria to die.>Humans die of malnourishmentThis is a convincing case of quack studies, as if meat eaters are never malnourished. I would like to see a citation of a large-scale study regarding this.

Can anyone recommend good Vegetarian/Vegan Yahoo Groups?

this one is great, especially for recipes and advice:

It seems to be troll-free, too.

Trolls on this section?

misinformation, ignorance, stereotypes...

vegetarians and vegans often get stereotyped as:
1. extremists
2. hippies (who have bad BO and bad smelling farts)
3. pale and sickly

i am proud to say that i am none of those mentioned above. i don't rally at my nearest kfc... i smell just fine... i am nowhere near pale and sickly (in fact, i've felt better than i've felt my whole life!).

then there are those vegetarians and/or vegans who do give the rest of us a bad reputation... the kind that goes and shoves pamphlets in people's faces when they choose to eat a meat dish. i mean, if you want people to join our cause, preaching is NOT the way to go about it...

basically, it's ignorance. it's easy to target a group of people who have a lifestyle that is different from the "norm". it's sad to think that most who post rude things are adults... it's like going through elementary school with bullies all over again.

ok, enough babbling... :)