Are There Any Books/movies That Have A Female Character With An Obnoxious Father-in-law

Jane Austin Movie Emma do characters Mrs. Weston, Miss Bates etc. have First Names? Or just have last names?

I don't think she gave them first names, they are just referred by Miss, Mrs, or Mr...

What movie cliché do you hate the most?

Sex in Hollywood movies/ sitcoms:Characters have sex like immediately after they meet .It’s always safe to go home and hook up with people you just met for the first time in your life.The girl and guy do the deed and she will wear the guy's dress shirt and it will be so big and loose fitting for her. And the guy would actually be skinny and not much different in size than the girl (why can’t you just wear the clothes you were wearing ??)And she would never wear his T-shirt or polo shirts if he was wearing that before they hooked up.The L-shaped blanket ( this has been highlighted before on the Internet ) where the guy's top half is not covered but the girl is covered.They would do the deed but when she has to go to the toilet ( in some movies/sitcoms) she will drag the blanket along with her. I mean he just saw her naked but going to the toilet requires a cover up.The girl will always have lovely under garments when she disrobes. She would be doing a mundane job and they decide to have a quickie but she would still be in great underwear (especially lacy ones). Who wears lacy ones every day?The girl's makeup would still be on-point after all the exploding sex they had.No one has morning breath and so they will french each other as soon as they wake up in the morning.Shower sex is soooo good. I mean how do people even do it in a cubicle with so little space and all the water would make your body slip when resting against the glass.The morning after, he/she (never both) would be very dexterous in the kitchen and would have made steaming hot pancakes or sizzling bacon or fluffy omelettes. It’s never plain cornflakes and cold milk or just toast.A man will never go down on a woman, he will never use his hands. Dry-starting with the Johnson is the only Hollywood way.No clean up. After the fun they will just go to sleep.