Are These Anxieties Un-healthy For Me

Really bad anxiety please help!!!!!!!?

First of all anxiety and heart attacks are TOTALLY unrelated. You cannot have a heart attack because of anxiety. You may and will feel that way but it just wont happen. A pulse rate, although elevated of 100 or 110 is not that high. Only a resting heart rate of over 150 should be seek help. Medication can help your anxiety as can deep breathing and slowing your thinking. One of the worst vicious cycles of anxiety is the fear that something worse is wrong and you feel more fear. Nothing serious is wrong but the anxiety is certainly real

I have really bad anxiety...Please help?

Hi, I'm 14 and every since 3rd grade I've had really bad anxiety. I used to have severe panic attacks all the time but I have sorta of grown out of those I guess. I have an enormous fear of dying and it cuts in to my everyday life all the time and I feel like I cant control it. My heart is always racing and I always get really shaky and light headed, sometimes I wont stop shaking, or my heart wont stop racing for hours. I always think something is wrong with me. I feel like my anxiety is altering my outlook on life, in a very negative way. I can never be happy, think happy, or even act happy because my anxiety and negative thoughts take over me. Im tired of always feeling like my chest is closed up.. Im afraid I will just end up going insane or become mentally unstable. I used to always go to a doctor because I would always think something was wrong with me, they suggested I see a therapist about my hypochondria/anxiety, but my parents didnt think I needed it. Every night I write in a journal all of my thoughts and worries and problems and I try to sort them out, Its helped a little bit but not enough. I hate how when I do stuff with my friends, or go places, or do things that I like I can never fully enjoy it like I want to because my worries WON'T go away no matter what. I can never ever sleep I get probably 5 hours of sleep per night and I always wake up in a panic. Every single day I always feel like I'm going to die and I feel like I never have anything to look forward to, I just wish I could be like a normal kid my age, not worrying about everything all the time. Someone help, I dont know how to get rid of this, and I do not want to take medication.

Unhealthy diet = anxiety?

Can a bad diet be the cause for anxiety? I've been basically living off junk food when the irrational and intrusive thoughts hit me. Few weeks later here I am wondering if the diet I have is the cause. I have been eating pizza, all that stuff in large amounts for a long time. Ive been drinking mountain dew (sometimes over a liter a day or more) everyday.

The mountain dew was effecting my sleep, I would be tired all day and stay up late on school nights. Ive recently cut out the mountain dew and began to start drinking water but am wondering if I should change my eating habits too.

Any help? Is bad diets cause for anxiety

Anxiety and heart rate? How harmful is anxiety.?

I'm 21 and for the last year have been suffering with anxiety to do with my health. Lately I have become obsessed about my heart and i'm so afraid of having a heart attack or it just stopping out of the blue. I have a habit of checking my pulse and have noticed its very fast in certain situations. For example when clubbing i notice it increases alot - upto 140 beats a minute, and i might only be walking around the club not necessarily dancing. The fact that it is so high stresses me out , i worry about a heart attack and then i end up having a panic attack. Doctors and other people have told me anxiety won't kill you or harm your body and neither will panic attacks.. but stress is known to cause heart attacks. So is having a panic attack which stresses you out and causes your heart rate to dramatically increase not dangerous?
Also why is having Having an increased pulse from exercise is good for you but from stress is harmful? how does your body know the difference between heart rate increase from one or the other?
I'd really appreciate any information or even experiences with health anxiety.

Is prozac bad for anxiety?

I have had panic disorder for 6 years and only 4 months ago decided to seek treatment for it. I have anxiety all the time and random free-floating panic attacks with no known trigger. My psychiatrist put me on Prozac, started out with 5mg and after a couple weeks went up to 20mg. When the panic attacks dialed down a bit but still were happening, he upped the dosage a bit more and more. SSRI antidepressants such as fluoxetine (Prozac) in small doses are the treatment for panic disorder along with benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, Ativan, etc) as needed, when starting to have a panic attack to calm down and/or get to sleep since they can be strong sedatives. So to answer your question, your doctor put you on the right medication. Prozac is one of the treatments for panic disorder. It can take up to 6 weeks for the Prozac to actually start working, though, so don't give up and dismiss the idea of Prozac if you do not feel any difference in the beginning of treatment. The medicine needs time in your body to begin to work which can start to work as early as a week or two but can take almost 2 months. So make sure you do not miss a dose so that the medicine can get into your system regularly and your body can get used to it.

Can bad anxiety cause IBS?

I have always had severe anxiety. When I was a kid I was so nervous to go to school I'd puke because the anxiety just got to me. I wasn't bullied, and I was fine when I got there. As I got older, I grew out of that. Now that I'm a Junior in high school, I've started to drive to school. In the mornings I'm fine, but all day I worry about driving home. I know how to get home, but the anxiety of getting in a wreck or something just gets me. And when I start worrying from the bad anxiety I get cramps in my stomach, and I get diarrhea. Could the anxiety cause IBS (irritable bowl syndrome)?? Is there a cure for my bad anxiety?? It's literally controlling my life