Are You A Animal Lover Do You Prefer Dogs Or Cats And Whats The Reason Why

Do girls prefer guys that are animal lovers?

You can tell alot about a guy and the way he treats his animals. If he treats them better than you, there has to be issues. But for the most part, i completely understand a guy who is in love with their animal, not dirty love but who cares and does there best to treat the animal well.
That does show a part of their personality, and I cant help but find that completely sweet and affectionate.

Why are cat-lovers so rude to dog-lovers?

Eh, I've seen both dog-lovers and cat-lovers vent and rant and get rude.

I'd say, if you had to boil it down, cat-lovers probably have a higher percentage of introverted members, so maybe there are a bit more of them active on websites like this.

Cat or Dog? Compare and contrast please! Which do you prefer, and why? Thanks!!!?

i love both but right now I only have a cat because I live in a small apartment without a yard so it wouldn't be fair to have a dog. Cats are lower maintentence but dogs are (usually) friendlier.

In your opinion, are cats or dogs better? Why?

It really depends on your lifestyle, what you value in a pet, your time commitment, etc....  Some people decide to get both.  Here are some things to think about.  (I'm not a big cat person, so I may have some cat facts wrong).Advantages of Dogs:Dogs are always happy to see you. They yearn for your affection, will follow you around the house, and will come when called. They are loyal and really enjoy your company.Dogs are more trainable.  Teaching them to do tricks is fun, although it does take some time investment.Dogs are great activity partners.  You can take them running, hiking, and walking in off-leash areas (some beaches and parks allow your dog to roam free). It's awesome having a running partner who's ready to go whenever you are.Dogs can be hypoallergenic.  If you have allergies, you can find breeds of dogs that don't shed.  Cats like to clean themselves a lot, and the saliva dries up and turns into allergy-inducing dander.Dogs are good alarm systems.  I feel safer knowing our dogs will alert us if there are intruders, especially the evil possums and squirrels.  I think I read a study somewhere that said neighborhoods with dogs have a lower chance of break-ins.Puppies are cute.Advantages of Cats:Cats are lower maintenance.  You don't need to take them on walks or runs to keep them happy and healthy.  You can also leave town for a weekend, and the cat will feed, water, and clean up after itself.  You'll need to board the dog if you're going anywhere.Cats don't require training.  If you don't have time to teach your dog good behavior, you're going to have a tough time with bad behavior.  Cats, on the other hand, naturally do the right thing (in general).  Also, cats aren't really trainable, so it's a moot point.Cats don't smell bad.  Most dogs do (not our labradoodles -- they usually smell like teddy bears).Cats don't need a yard.  Having a yard and doggy door is more convenient for dog owners.  Cats are good to go with their litter boxes.Cats don't bark.  They do, however, have a wretched meow when they're in heat.Kittens are cute.

Do animal lovers have a certain personality type?

Introverted and intelligent. That's me. I don't think intellegence matters, but yes, I think introverted people get along better with animals for two reasons. One, we are afraid of being hurt and animals love unconditionally. They don't care if we're fat or ugly or dumb. They love us anyway. And two, I think quiet people get along better with animals because we know how to listen. Extroverted people are too busy talking and needing to be with other people to take the time to be quiet and listen to the animals.