Are You Able To Effectively Balance Your Health And Wellness Priorities Manage Stress And Pursue

How do you manage 20 employees efficiently and effectively?

a couple of the previous answers touched on good ideas:
1. have them "own" the job - they're responsible from start to finish for their work
2. have a "lead person" or two help you lead other people, without naming them managers but make sure they understand their limits that you set
3. timing has to occur to measure efficiency - I'm sure labor is a huge part of the cost of your company's products - if one person can construct a cabinet door in 2 hours and that's the best time, encourage other workers to do the same job in 2 1/2 hours (to get started) without letting them know where your goal is coming from - you may lose money on that part of the job if other workers cannot do the door in less than 3 hours.....we use job forms here (cutting and sewing) so each worker fills out the task they performed and the hours it takes them, along with any notes if they were interrupted etc. Make everyone (even your best worker) fill out the forms so no one feels singled out - this will also help you price your product in the long term
4. After changing things around you still find "certain ones" with a lack of focus - fire them - try to document their issues and your attempt to have the person correct them

good luck

start your learning from following and inbox me on Quora for more information.Work/Life Balance for DummiesA recent survey conducted by Universum Communication found that work-life balance is No.1 on the list of short-term career goals amongst professionals. But while work-life balance is an increasingly popular term, many of us are still unsure about how to achieve it, or lack the confidence to approach employers to negotiate flexible working hours. Work-Life Balance for Dummies will offer readers advice and simple strategies to achieve more balance whatever their situation. Looking After Yourself First • You Can't Have It All and Nor Would You Want To • Your Body Is Your Temple and Not Your Local Dump • Getting to Know You Size Isn't Everything: Small Changes that Work • Cleaning Our Your Clutter • Being a Legend in Your Own Lunch Time Preparing to Work for Work/Life Balance • Moving your Manager towards Work/Life Balance • Maintaining your New Working Life • Putting the Life into Your Work/Life Balance The Bigger Picture: Getting What You Want Long Term • Casting Your Net Wider • Studying for Success • Doing a 180 Turn: Changing Your Career Completely • Expanding Your Horizons • Planning Your Moves The Part of Tens • Ten Tips from the Experts • Ten Things to Teach Your Kids • Ten Ways to Motivate Your Work MatesBuy Work/Life Balance for Dummies Book Online at Low Prices in India

How do you manage stress?


Yes, finding a good balance in our lives is one of those dynamic challenges! I too run a very busy schedule, and over time it does become easier to manage. Here are some tips which helped me A LOT in the beginning:

Make a Commitment Schedule:
I know this may sound a bit basic, but if you haven't yet done this trust me, it works! Buy a calendar or pocket agenda and literally write in only times/days where you have fixed commitments. By this I mean things like work schedule, classes, lessons, meetings, etc... It really helps to visually be able to see when you have available time and when you don't. When you can see your free time, then you can effectively organize time for things like assignments, projects, etc... and stay on top of them!

Book Some Free Time:
This is a biggie. Actually schedule yourself for a little down time, and I don't necessarily mean rest. Even if you can only afford an hour or so a week, schedule time to do something completely unrelated to your workload. Things like reading, shopping, or even just going for a walk. It helps to refresh your mental energy, in turn reducing stress.

As for Reducing Stress:
The answer to this one is different for everyone. It seems like you have a very good head on your shoulders and are able to handle the workload. Handling the stress is a different matter! The utmost important things which many people fail to realize (because they are so simple) is that stress is an emotional state of mind. We need proper rest, hydration, and nourishment. I know it sounds silly, but you will find that eating right, drinking lots of water, and sleeping well are the best things you can do. Managing your time will help, but having a proper state of mind helps with your efficiency in all that you do, hence allowing you to get everything done well and in a timely manner.

I hope that helps a little :) Good luck!

Dave Seeram
Editor and Publisher,
PhotographyBB Online Magazine

What is emotional wellness?

Being emotionally well is more than just handling stress. It also involves being attentive to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, whether positive or negative.

Emotional Wellness implies the ability to:
Be aware of and accept our feelings, rather than deny them
Have an optimistic approach to live
Express feelings freely and manage feelings effectively
Express emotions appropriately
Adjust to change
Cope with stress in a healthy way
Enjoy life despite its occasional disappointments and frustrations

If you are a person engaged in the process of emotional wellness, you are willing and able to:
Arrive at personal choices and decisions based upon the synthesis of feelings, thoughts, philosophies, and behavior.
Live and work independently while realizing the importance of seeking and appreciating the support and assistance of others.
Form interdependent relationships with others based upon a foundation of mutual commitment, trust and respect.
Take on challenges, take risks, and recognize conflict as being potentially healthy.
Manage your life in personally rewarding ways, and taking responsibility for your actions.

Emotional wellness is demonstrated by the overall comfort with and acceptance of one's full range of feelings. Positive emotions such as happiness, amusement, excitement, contentment and love contribute to our overall sense of well-being. It is striving to meet emotional needs constructively. It is maintaining good mental health, a positive attitude, high self-esteem, and a strong self-image.

Great question. Clearly identify your goal.Don’t just say I want to be rich. By being as clear and specific as you can, you can make measurable results. “Rich” is a very vague term.By clearly defining it, it becomes much easier to measure and achieve.Create a plan.Good enough is fine.Perfectionism can be the death of you.Rather than striving to win, you are striving to simply not fail.In the brilliant book, Rework, Jason Fried says to use “judo solutions.”A judo solution is one that “delivers maximum efficiency with minimum effort.”First off, let me take a quick moment to highlight how incredible this book is. I kept hearing successful businessmen rave about this book. Now, I have been in the business books space for a while, but this one intrigued me because of the credibility of the people who talked about it.Billionaire Mark Cuban said he’d choose anyone who read Rework over anyone who got an MBA. Businessman like Russell Brunson said that it would have saved him years of time in his business if he read this. Long story short, this is one of the best books of the decade. I’m all about getting ahead, which is why I got it immediately. A good portion of this article was based on his foundation.Anyhow, back to the point: People over-complicate problems by trying to create overly-complicated solutions.There’s a lot of psychology and science behind all the subtle hacks I add to goal-setting. Here’s what I do: At least twice a day, I write down my goals on paper, say what value I will give in exchange for my goals, the deadline, exactly what I will get, and imagine as if I have already achieved them.There’s a lot of science to all the small things in that: why I write it down in paper, why I imagine it, and so on.There’s tons of books on the science and psychology of this. Some of the important points is that a study tracked college students years after they graduated. The ones who succeeded in their goals were the ones in the group that wrote down definitive goals constantly. People who had goals only in their head or didn’t have goals at all did a lot worse.Surrounding yourself with successful peopleSelf-explanatory. There’s a lot of psychology going on here with mirror neurons in our brain: we copy what we see. It will rub off on you.

The health continuum is an exemplary visual resource for nurses to use while educating their patients about their general health now and where it has the capacity to go later on.Besides chronic diseases, the medical care continuum is often utilized in mental wellness and home health cases. Along with a continuum of dissociation and multiplicity, there's a continuum of co-consciousness--the level to which parts inside are conscious of one another, and communicate and cooperate together.Read More

I saw a story once that I really liked and helped me get through a stressful time."The carpenter I hired to help me restore an old farmhouse had just finished a rough first day on the job. A flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric saw quit, and now his ancient pick-up truck refused to start.While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence. On arriving, he invited me in to meet the family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands.After opening the door, he underwent an amazing transformation. His face was wreathed in smiles, and he hugged his two small children and then gave his wife a kiss.Afterwards, he walked me to my car. We passed the tree, and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier.“Oh, that’s my worry tree,” he replied. “I know I can’t help having worries on the job, but one thing for sure, worries don’t belong in the house with my wife and children. So I just hang them up on the tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning, I pick them up again.”“Funny thing is,” he smiled, “when I come out in the morning to pick them up, there aren't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before.”" - unknown author