Australian Participation In Military Action Against Syria

Can ISIS do the same with India as they did with Iraq and Syria?

​The key support areas of the Islamic State are confined to flat deserts. Key supporters are descendants of tribal sheep and camel herders. In Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Nigeria, Sinai, Saudi Arabia and of course the Syrian Desert.Farmers, and cattle herders from mountainous regions never warmed to their ideology and way of thinking. So the good news is: Don't worry about Afghanistan, Kashmir or Bengal - the only threat to India could come out of the Thar Desert in Rajastan, Gujarat and the adjoining parts of Pakistan (Sindh).  In Surat At-Tawbah [9:5] of the Qur'an, Muhammad is very clear on what any pious Muslim should do with polytheists like Hindus: Kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. According to the lu-lu-land theology of the Islamic State - they indoctrinate their followers with this sura to attack India kill the men, turn the women into sex slaves and sell them to Gulf monarchies. To my knowledge Timur and his direct descendants - the Mughal - tried (and failed) to execute those Muhammad's commands and this how Jai Hind came about. I think the prospect of having your sister or daughter turned into a sex slave is the biggest motivator to fight until your last breath. Last time I counted there are more than a billion people in India. So Indians shouldn't get worried because of some Islamic State tourists, sorry terrorists....But they should stay vigilant.Endnote: Because of the principle of Abrogation or Naskh (tafsir), Sura 9:5 supercedes any previous (peaceful) passage. If you want to know more about that please read Islam: Does Islam Condone Slavery & Sex Slavery? And my answer to What verses of the Koran do ISIS use as justification for war, mass execution, slavery and rape?

What do you think are the top 10 most powerful militaries?

Your list is pretty accurate...

Also, I kinda agree with your #2 and #3, except China actually has the worlds largest military and they are actually trained pretty well.

I would have considered Chinas military quality > quantity during the 1990s, but this is 2012, they do have the worlds 2nd largest military budget, they do have J-10s, J-11s etc. They do have the worlds first and only Anti-Ship-Ballistic-Missile which is capable of destroying the most advanced carrier in only 1 hit since it's projectory speed outmatches any anti-missile shield. They also are one of only 3 countries who has sent a man into space, and one of only 3 countries who has test and flown a prototype of a stealth aircraft. They also have modern tanks, modern attack helicopters etc.

So what makes you think that China has low quality weaponry? They already make their own missiles, tanks, radars etc.

I agree with you placing France and UK at #7 and #8 because I know many idiots would place them at like #4 and #5 but what they forget is that UK and France only have small military SAS and only have about 100 fighter jets each...So in an actual full out war, do they really think a team of 20 SAS can take down another countries team of 500,000+ units.

I would also place Germany at #9 and Turkey at #10. Japan would come in at #11, although they lack the skills to conduct an offensive operation due to their ban on having a military since ww2 so their main operations are only defensive.

But apart from that, you summed up everything pretty well.