Baby Dreams And Surprices

I have a recurring dream of having a baby. What does it mean?

In response to one of the answers: I postpone motherhood for 15 years because I'm in the process of becoming a human rights lawyer. I plan to be working for the High Commission on Human Rights and later as a prosecutor for the International Court for Genocide. All that means no time for being a mother. I'll be constantly traveling and staying in other countries for months. How is it possible to have a baby that way? Secondly, adoption is my conscious choice. I reason that my child is not conceived yet therefore can't feel pain or hunger or sorrow. Kids in Africa, impoverished parts of Latin America and Asia are born already therefore they do feel suffering. So who needs me most as a mother: a child not conceived or an orphaned or abandoned child that already exists? The answer is obvious. Also, I want to adopt 4 kids from the impoverished parts of the world. This requires money and not just enough to buy food. I must provide them all with good education as well. Therefore career first.

Having dreams that I killed a baby?

I've had at least 3 or 4 dreams in which I've killed a baby. The only simalarity I can find within all the dreams is that the baby is extemely small, about the size of my hand. And I don't intentionally kill somehow just happens, like once it's head fell off while I was giving it a bath..and then in this other dream, I lost the baby in this campground and my neighbor stepped on it.
These dreams really concern they mean anything?

What does it mean to dream of a newborn baby?

I have had a few conversations with a few other people and we discussed possible symbolic relationships to birth. Depending upon whether the person was wanting a child or having gone through a situation where others around them were having children. The other aspect was the possibility that the birth was a representation of a new conceptual idea of the individual. Like a new philosophical awakening. The birth then represents the new idea that is going to grow into adulthood. (The following paragraph was a part of an answer to a question similar to this one)

Why am I dreaming of a baby girl?

The other answers here are great if you’re already pregnant, but if you’re not pregnant and you keep dreaming of a baby girl, there could be new things on your horizon. Our subconscious takes what information we give it throughout the day, processes it in our dreams, then the things we should be focusing on or remembering pop up in strange ways that stand out enough to make us go “huh?”I’ve only been pregnant once, but I’ve had lots of dreams of being pregnant and having babies around.Pregnancy dreams for me always meant I was about to embark on a new adventure, or start a new project. Within a few days of the dream, I would be presented with opportunities, and I knew I had to take them to live out the prophecy of the dream!Sometimes babies in dreams can signify warmth, happiness, and you acknowledging your potential to yourself in your dreams. Our dreams have boatloads of hidden meanings, so find a good dream dictionary that resonates with you, and look up anything you remember from them! You would be surprised how much you’re subconscious communicates with you.

I had a dream I had a baby shower lol! What does this mean? Best answer gets pointss!?

Okayy so Im like 17, i love kids and everything! Lol but anyways, lately I've been having alot of dreams about babies and stuff and than last night I had a dream everyone suprised me with a babyshower, in my dream my family supported me and all my friends and relatives. The baby shower was beautiful and it was a good dream! But im just confused about all these baby dreams lol, does anyone know what it means, interpret please? (:

What does it mean if i had a dream that i was bathng a baby and she was mine?

well... dreams about babies typically mean change ... or a new "birth" of some aspect of your life. the fact that youre bathing her is significant in meaning it's a cleansing change = a positive one. you're getting rid of a 'dirty' part of your past and moving on to a clearer, brighter one... with your b oyfriend. (since she had part of his features and part of yours)

on the other hand, could you be pregnant? i had 2 dreams 2 nights in a row about my sister being pregnant. they were strange, but nonetheless... she was pregnant, and in one she was breastfeeding what was supposed to be a girl but t urned out to be a boy.

the next day i called her to wish her a happy bday and asked her if she was pregnant... she's like what?? why did you ask me that? way to r uin the surprise!! turns out she found out that morning that she was!! (and her husband had just gotten back from iraq) :)

ive had 3 dreams now that i am pregnant with a little girl.... hopefully it means theres a change coming up... and the change NOt being another baby because i'm definitely not ready lol.

so i'd say first of all... take a test... 2nd of all... if you're not pregnant, i would take it as a very positive dream meaning a change for the better :) good luck!

I had a dream that I gave birth to a baby girl. What does this mean? It felt so real.

Usually dreams are symbolic. So giving birth in the dream world could equate to giving birth to an idea in this reality. It could also mean giving birth to a new way of living, a business, organization, or maybe you are actually pregnant. It may have felt incredibly real because of the intensity of this new beginning in your life, whatever it might be.If you would like a deeper answer, I can tell you about some lore and spiritual beliefs throughout history. Kabbalist’s, people who believe in astral projection, Hindu’s, Buddhist’s, Christian Mystic’s, New Age Spiritualist.. the list goes on. They will explain to you that there are deeper spiritual layers to our reality, each in their own way. Likewise, in their own way, they will explain to you that we have ‘light bodies’ or souls. That in our dreams we sometimes connect with this layer of reality. That this dream was so real to you because you were in this soul body giving birth in a higher dimension.If you believe in the second paragraph, the first paragraph will still apply. The spiritualist’s will explain that the higher (and lower) layers of reality impact this layer. So if you had a baby in a higher layer of reality, that baby may grow to impact that layer of reality, which may in turn affect our reality. So the child may be an idea or an organization etc. Perhaps it was even what resulted from your post on Quora, how trippy would that be?

If you see your ex again and again in your dreams, does it mean he is missing you?

I have seen what others have written and in no way am I trying to trample over what has been stated. When most people give advice it is from a place of sound logic and there is nothing wrong with that. I am going to come from another perspective on the matter. I do believe that dreams come from the spirit realm and logic can not help comprehend them much. Depending on how much you are in tune with your soul, your dreams will mean something in your waking life. Most of us are taught to disregard dreams but they have been essential to me understanding or decoding my life. I do believe that if you are not the one interested in reconnecting with your ex that a) they could miss you or b) there are unresolved issues between you two or at least on his end. On the flip side, if you have been contemplating over your ex than it is you that may need healing. In this high paced world, sometimes we forget to slow down and listen to our hearts so those feelings come through our dreams. His conscious self may not even be aware of how his soul feels. Dreaming of someone repeatedly denotes a strong connection. Now, whatever that connection may be is up to you to discover. If I were you, the next time he comes to you ask him what he wants from you. You may be surprised. Love, light and blessings to you.

Dream about 2 month old baby walking?

Was it your baby? A few nights ago I had a dream that my baby walked into the room. In my dream, I looked at my husband in surprise and said, "How is he walking? He's only 6 months old!"

Then I woke up and looked at my 7 week old son. He's still figuring out how to move his legs. I'm pretty sure he won't be walking at six months =)

Dreams are silly like that.