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What are some cultural differences between Americans and British that are not political or religious in nature?

Okay from my experience of having lived in England and now living in America. I would say the differences are that Americans are more in your face than British people are. British people will not really approach unless there is a good reason especially for women. They are also a little more disciplined in school in fact some schools the students wear uniforms in England as opposed to America. You are likely to see more people following social rules in England as opposed to America, Americans don't follow them.  There is more emphasis on sports in America than England although men do like rugby teams and soccer or football as called there but in America there are more die hard football team fans or hockey fans that take their sports seriously almost like a religion. I also know that when friends get together in America they don't really talk about books unless its a book club but most not all British people will get together to talk about serious issues and books. In terms of drinking British people drink a lot more than Americans do and in fact its quite normal to go to many pubs to drink. Americans will have a lot of drinks at events not just to socialize like Britons do.  In terms of relationships British people are more touchy feely in fact there will be men who would love to make out for hours in America boys don't really spend over five minutes kissing and cuddling. Women are much more in touch with their sexuality in Britain and there is no shame in that but in America men shame  women from being in touch with their sexuality and if you are dating an American man he will be concerned if you have a sexual appetite or even mention that you are horny. No woman in America that says shes horny will be respected. Men expect women to work hard in America without complaining about performing men work. In Britain women are encouraged to be feminine and can wear dresses at any time without people asking where are you going dressed so good. In America women do not wear dresses unless there is a party or special event.  I just summed up my personal experience of both cultures. I believe in England you can go days without anybody contacting you and in America you can wish your lucky stars nobody bothers you.