Because Justin Bieber Is Better Than The Beatles

The beatles vs. Justin Bieber?

BEATLES..most successful musical act EVER!!! more successful than Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley. true legends..amazing!
JUSTIN BIEBER..I used to like him but his songs are terrible! he is a talented singer but he writes crap. I admit he is good looking but his songs are all the same. nonsense and stupid.
I think that you should not compare the two. Beatles win all the way!
and im a 13/14 year old girl..(you didn't expect that!!)
John Lennon is my idol and just damn amazing!

Why is Justin Bieber better than the Beatles?

You should be nailed to a tree by your genitals and set on fire for posting that.

Why is Justin Bieber better than The Beatles?

Successful troll is successful...

Right? You can't be serious (and I'm not even a Bieber hater).

Who is better? The Beatles or Justin Bieber?

Your friend clearly has no taste. The Beatles, were musical geniuses writing one song after the other, each song individually unique and special. The Beatles were big back then and they're still big now, never forgotten. Loved for more than 40 years. I mean I have nothing against Bieber but people have got to stop comparing the two. No one is ever going to measure up to the beatles, I mean have you listened to seargent peppers? Or the White album? Every Album is different, with such meaning. Justin Bieber's songs are okay... but they're all the same and will soon be forgotten. In the next 20 years say, will people still remember his songs? I think not.

Why did The Beatles copy Justin Bieber?

Like everything they did was a copy of Justin. Same hair, similar music, both are so sexy. I mean, why can't they make their own music instead of copying Justin?

Poll: Justin Bieber or The Beatles?


Justin bieber vs beatles?

I think people just hate on Bieber for no reason, because he' all famous, and that more ppl can sing better thn him, well guess what ppl work harder than some an thats the kind he is, and he made it, they DIDN'T.. JB has talent, he got discvered on youube, watch one of his oldest vid: you'll lose all your hate for him

Is Justin Bieber a better entertainer than the Beatles or Elvis Presley?

Justin Bieber is a talented guy who could perform a lot fun catchy songs, but The Beatles and Elvis were more talented than Justin Bieber because of these reasons:The Beatles and Elvis Presley changed the face of music world: See the answers from the answerers of my question from this link to understand the point Why do people respect The Beatles and Elvis Presley more than One Direction and Justin Bieber?The Beatles music evolved over the time, while Elvis Presley invented a new genre of music: The Beatles became more matured over the time throughout the band’s career and did numerous innovations on the musical arena. Elvis Presley invented a new genre of music called Rock n Roll, hence why he was called as the “King of Rock n Roll” that inspired the other musical artists which includes The Beatles.The Beatles and Elvis Presley made cultural landscape: The Beatles becomes the symbol of British musical culture, while Elvis Presley becomes the symbol of American musical culture.

Is justin bieber better than classic rock?

kevin i had a "what do you think of the TCs in this section" question deleted. so shouldnt yours? its slander. and mine wasnt because i said i liked the TCs

Why is Justin Bieber way better than Kiss, Led Zeppelin, and the Beatles?

Troll is unfortunately successful. However there is flaws in your pathetic 'question.

1.) The Beatles sold up to 1 billion albums Worldwide, I doubt the karaoke singer lad has even sold 1/100th of that amount.

2.) The Beatles, Kiss and Led Zeppelin write there own music and lyrics and put in a hard, collective effort to put as much passion and meaning into there songs as possible. Whereas the moron your referring to has his 'lyrics' written for him and has no musical talent whatsoever.

3.) Those bands had a varied fanbase from young to old and many music critics (People who know there stuff about music funnily enough) rate them as experts of music. The main fans of Bieber are 12-17 year old female girls with little intelligence and when music critics bother to rate him they just slander it for its mediocre generic pop sound. Says everything really

4.) Your an idiot, which is enough needed on it's own.