Black Women Will Forever Remain Inferior To White Women

Why do black people have such a low IQ?

You can come up with all kinds of theories about why black people are so dumb no matter where they live. However, in terms of IQ, the fact remains. The only ethnic group that is on the par with European whites at this moment are the East Asians. And you can whine about how shitty Africa is forever, but at one point, South Korea was no exception. And as for Jews, you're talking about Ashkenazi Jews; their number is very few, but their influence is immense. By the way, not all Israelites are Ashkenazi Jews.

Of course, there are exceptions. Just like how whites, Jews and Asians yield world-changing geniuses, black people oftentimes yield very functional individuals, and unusually smart people in some cases.

In terms of revolution, this is what I think. The simple act of migrating out of Africa and establishing civilization somewhere else in the world is a sign of a human-level intelligence. This is why it is wrong to simply distinguish ethnic group's intelligence solely based on their skin color. For example, Indians are dark in complexion but the general population is very, very intelligent. It makes sense because not only India is pretty far away from Africa but India was the center of trading where merchants from all over the world came by. It is a fact that early Africans had some human-level intelligence that allowed them to migrate out of Africa. However, those who stayed behind simply went backwards in terms of evolution. The ice age ended, and the habitation became so much similar to the pre-ice-age era when humans were still monkeys. Those who stayed in Africa turned back to monkeys.

Your statement are sort of correct. Anyone who said what Lincoln did today would certainly be racist. During his time, Lincoln was unusually progressive in considering blacks as fully human and entitled to the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I have not found any statements by white citizens of the era more positive toward blacks than his. He did at various times suggest voluntary resettlement of blacks outside the country, but toward the end of his life he was supporting citizenship for blacks. Booth told a friend he would kill Lincoln after hearing a speech in which the sixteenth president advocated voting rights for some black men,He met William Fluerville, a freed black, when Lincoln was about 22 years old. I don’t know when they became friends, but “Billy the Barber” had a shop that became a second home for Lincoln. Fluerville helped nurse Lincoln when he became ill and gave him a special shave shortly before his marriage to Mary Todd. Lincoln did legal work for Fluerville and they exchanged letters while Lincoln was president. In Springfield Lincoln lived down the street from a black family. The head of that family drove him to the train station when Lincoln left Springfield for Washington, DC.

Why did the Emancipation proclamation score big in Europe?

The reason why emancipation proclamation scored big in Europe is because people in Europe were a bit ahead of the curve in opposing slavery compared to Americans. They were still racist and imperialist, but at least they'd abolished slavery already in their countries, even in Russia.
Bear in mind America had a geographical connection dependent on slavery for it's economy. This tremendously complicated the slavery dynamics. The north had pretty much phased slavery out as the industrial revolution redefined the demographics to mostly urban. The south was still largely agrarian especially dependent on cotton and the labor needed to make it prosperous.

I have struggled with this question for awhile. Not because I personally am against dating people from another race, because I think I have dated a girl from every race. Recently, I have been dating black or darker skin girls (I am white). I find girls of every race attractive, So I guess I pass that test. There are features I do find attractive from every race…There are some features I prefers more than other…but overall I do find it really hard to categorize these features..and they are not race specific. Moreover a girl that doesn't have a particular feature i like…doesn't prevent me from dating her. So…maybe I even pass the lookist test in many ways…although if I find someone unattractive…that is pretty much that.What I wonder about is when people do create an artificial boundary. I know I have friends who have said they won't date a girl from a specific race…and I pretty much know they aren't racists…but I am almost convinced it is somewhat racist. There is a difference between excluding people completely in a romantic sense vs being attracted to someone. I know you cannot really choose attraction…but having strict barriers does say something. (P.S. if you have ever been on a dating website…I have noticed that women will often state they won’t consider anyone from the races they choose to exclude) This is QUITE common.