Boss Asked If I Find It Stressful Where I

My new boss is stressing me out!?

I believe your situation is very common in the workforce. I'm not surprised why in such economic recession, you've obtained a position that is very "good" because of the supervisor.

Obviously, in ANY case, your health is very important and loads of stress is something you don't want everyday right? However, if this is your only source of income, you have nothing else but to lean on it. I would say actively look for another job while putting up with the one you have at the moment. Or you could ask yourself, is it worth the stress for the benefits you receive from this job?

If you believe this is totally worth it, or you have no other choice, then to cope with this you basically have to get really use to her annoyance, or you could try sucking up to her. Maybe that could help you get on her good side?

I don't think complaints about her would do anything, but maybe keep it as an option? Talk to the boss/manager?

Maybe the first couple of months getting use to her personality is going to be hard, and after that could be easy, hopefully. :)

All in all, I wish you luck, and she's really not worth the stress!

Is it wrong to inform my boss that I'm stressed out and need a break?

Lets be fair, both for you and your boss. The reason your boss is making you burn the midnight oils is possibly because he/she wants you to deliver at the end of the day and the only thing that matters to his/her is the output.You being stressed out and it adversely affecting the deliverables will have a direct impact to your Manager's plan. And his plans getting affected in any adverse way would eventually affect your career aspirations in a negative way.So unless you don't plan to continue with the current organization or you don't see eye-to-eye with your boss, talk it out. Tell your concerns, and donot sugar coat things. If the current environment and work pressure is not working, be upfront and tell the repercussions it may have both at your personal front as well as to the organization. I believe that any issue in the world could be resolved if we spoke out and talked to the concerned stakeholders.If talking does not work and you boss continues to be a pain, escalate the issue, take it upto someone who would actually listen, make you voice heard. Just sitting back and thinking that things would not change will actually not do any help to your cause.All the best!

Should I ask extra money from my boss for the stress when I work?

Wouldn’t that be nice… if I got a penny for everything that stressed me out on a daily basis I’d be rich! But the reality is that if I’m getting that stressed out then maybe I should start looking for another career. I’m a general manager for a well known full service restaurant, and I deal with a lot of stress constantly but it’s nothing I can’t overcome.I believe some people are able to handle stress better than others. I do have a few employees who can’t hanfle the stress when we are extremely busy, so I try to work with them to find the shifts and jobs that they work best at.My employees that work hard, are dedicated, and help others no matter the current situation are the ones that stick out to me. When I took my restaurant over officially in August one of the first things I did was recognize the individuals that have been the backbone of the restaurant. These individuals either were promoted or received salary increases. I appreciate all th hard work my staff does for me.

Is it wise to leave a high paying stressful job for a lower paying job?


(ANS) The only question you need to be asking yourself is if the money your job pays you is worth all the abuse, humiliation, stress, & negativity from your boss??

**Perhaps there is more important things than just money after all?? Like self respect, dignity, self worth, like working in an environment were you are treated as a human being NOT a six year old child, not abused or patronized,etc.

**Who wants a long communte only to live in fear of what each day might bring from the bullying boss. No! DON'T suffer a bullying boss get out for your own sanity, & peace of mind. Frankly, life's far to short & far too important to suffer such aweful treatment.

At the end of the day you Do! have a choice here, stay & suffer for the high money, or leave for digity & self respect even if you end up with lower wages.

**Some times in life you have to take risks!!

Kind Regards Ivan

If you left perhaps you might end up feeling better about yourself if nothing else?

My boss wants to fire me and is looking for minor mistakes to justify my firing. How can I protect myself?

My boss is planning to fire me but is waiting until he finds a replacement before doing so. It's apparently for vicious and personal reasons, as he intensely dislikes me. My job performance is excellent, so he has been scrutinizing every little thing I do, searching for any mistake that could be considered "just cause" for firing me.

I am an "at-will" employee, so he has the right to fire me without having a reason. But I think he wants to have a reason documented so that I'll be denied unemployment compensation.

Any suggestions on how I can protect myself from being cheated out of unemployment compensation?

He has been making life miserable for me at work. Is it worth sticking around till I'm fired and then fight to try and get unemployment? Or should I just quit so that I won't have a firing in my work history?

Also, is there any chance I could win a wrongful termination lawsuit, being that I'm an at-will employee? He has been maliciously trying to entrap me into doing or saying something wrong, by saying he wants me to do one thing and then later yelling at me and saying he never said to do it that way. I have been documenting all this.

There is no doubt he is trying to fire me, and he has made things so stressful for me there that I don't want to stay. But I just want to know how to protect myself.

Thanks and God bless you, anyone who can offer suggestions. I'm in a tough situation.

My boss asked me if I'm autistic. How do I deal with this?

I can understand why you're so miserable because just reading the description made me so sad. You really shouldn't be tolerating any of this. Even if your boss is the executive director of fhe firm, she has absolutely no right to belittle you this way. I would suggest you give some honest feedback to your boss to let her know how you've been feeling and that you won't be putting up with any more of these antics of hers further. Also, it's because of cases like yours that HR depts are relevant and very much needed. So please make use of those people. And if nothing seems to be working, for the sake of not dumbing down in life(Since you're consistently being questioned about your intelligence which most likely will lead to self loathing and self esteem issues) FIND A NEW JOB.

How do you handle a difficult boss?

I've had everything from really sexist bosses (one even said in numerous meetings that "women don't belong here" and was a blatant alcoholic) one that told me point blank that I would lose accounts when he found out I was pregnant telling me that he didn't know "where my mind would be." I even had a boss that was stealing from the company and wanted me to also!

I'm in sales....

I win every time by doing the following:

I put everything in writing. Document, document, document! When these fools become so powerful that they don't think anything can stop them, I write down the date and time and keep notes (hard copies and on computer).

With that in my back pocket, I continue to work the hardest and be the best at my job. I am usually the top or one of the top sales people. My clients love me and rave about me. I take care of my co-workers too. I always befriend the accounting department and anyone who helps me with my sales orders!!! It makes it really hard to fire me. And keeping a record of things you could take to HR makes certain that you are protected if needed. Just be honest and work hard. You will be okay.

The guy below me (Mr. PhD) is correct...the bad bosses usually self-destruct. I was at a job for 10 months and had 5 crappy bosses rotate through in that time!

EDIT: A lot of people are saying "quit and find another job." That isn't always an option. I served in the Navy for 5 years and you just can't quit if you are stuck under a poor supervisor. Worse, on a ship you live with him or her 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

For others, they may have a job paying the bills for the whole family and are afraid to lose that pay-check.

The question was how to handle a difficult boss. Assume you have to and can't leave the job.

Can a ticking clock cause stress?

It depends on your response. Most of us can filter out unwanted background noises. To me the pitter patter of keyboards can be stressful, but I find the gentle & regular ticking of a clock to be quite soothing. A noise will cause stress if you don't want it there or you feel it shouldn't be there or if it has bad associations in your memory. You may have had some stressful situation in your past involving a ticking clock and the sound could be triggering the response in you associated with that memory. Some people actually find complete silence stressful.
An example of the effects of small noises - Most people will sleep right through a burglary if the burglar makes a normal amount of noise, as if he's meant to be there. But if he creeps around very quietly it's more likely to disturb people from their sleep as it creates a noise that sounds as if it's not meant to be there.
I'd guess you're disturbed by change which is closer to you than most other people. If your boss won't get rid of the clock or move it, it may feel like a threat to you at present. But give it 6 weeks or so & I think you'll find it doesn't bother you.