Bottom-up Approach Question

Can any optimization be done to do this DP question with a bottom-up approach?

I think that this question essentially requires you to use Memoization(or top-down approach) and also it's easier to think in the top-down way. I am not sure if bottom-approach may lead to any optimization. I did it using top-down because that seemed fairly straight-forward.

Should I use top-down or bottom-up approach when solving dynamic programming problems in interviews?

Interesting question. For reasons I don’t entirely understand, out in the real world programs are usually run with very limited stack sizes. Because of this, in an interview situation, the bottom-up approach is safer; with a top-down approach based on recursion and memoization, the interviewer might object that you have a chance of causing stack overflow.This is, of course, assuming that there are no other factors that favour one approach over another. Top-down, memoization-based solutions will perform much better when fed successive problem instances, since it’s easy to reuse the work from processing one instance to process another (the previously memoized entries are still there). With a bottom-up approach, where you create an array that’s exactly big enough to solve the given problem instance and then destroy it later, it would be more tricky.

What are top-down and bottom-up approaches in C and C++?

Top-down approach:C programmer follows Top-down approach. On other words procedural programming follows this approach. Top-down approach also called as step-wise approach.1. Top-down approach starts with high level system or design then it goes to low level system or design or development.2. Top-down approach first focus on abstract of overall system or project. At last it focuses on detail design or development.  3. In this approach first programmer has to write code for main function. In main function they will call other sub function. At last they will write code for each sub function.  4. Top-down approach expects good planning and good understanding of the system or project.  Advantages of top-down approach:1. In this approach, first, we develop and test most important module.2. This approach is easy to see the progress of the project by developer or customer.3. Using this approach, we can utilize computer resources in a proper manner according to the project.4. Testing and debugging is easier and efficient.5. In this approach, project implementation is smoother and shorter.6. This approach is good for detecting and correcting time delays.Bottom-up approachC++, Java programmer follows Bottom-up approach. On other words object oriented programming follows this approach. Bottom-up approach starts with low level system or design or development. Then it looks for high level system or design. Bottom-up approach initially focuses on detail design or development. At last it concentrates on abstract of over all system or project. In this approach first programmer has to write code for modules. Then they look for integration of these modules. Bottom-up approach is more suitable for a project or system which is going to start from some existing modules.If you need to know the detail information visit Top grade assignment. Top Grade Assignment Help provides assignment help in all best languages including C Programming, C++, Java, Web Programming, Data Structure, SQL, Android, PHP, Visual Basic, OOPS, DOT NET, System Analysis, Cloud Computing and much more from here you can sharpen your basics in any language.Our main services include:Technical Assignment HelpTop Grade AssignmentE-Commerce Assignment HelpJava Assignment help

What is the bottom up and top down approach?

Top-down and bottom-up are both strategies of information processing and knowledge ordering, used in a variety of fields including software, humanistic and scientific theories, and management and organization. In practice, they can be seen as a style of thinking and teaching.A top-down approach (also known as step wise design and in some cases used as a synonym of decomposition) is essentially the breaking down of a system to gain insight into its computational sub-systems in a reverse engineering fashion. In a top-down approach an overview of the system is formulated, specifying but not detailing any first-level subsystems. Each subsystem is then refined in yet greater detail, sometimes in many additional subsystem levels, until the entire specification is reduced to base elements. A top-down model is often specified with the assistance of "black boxes", these make it easier to manipulate. However, black boxes may fail to elucidate elementary mechanisms or be detailed enough to realistically validate the model. Top down approach starts with the big picture. It breaks down from there into smaller segments.A bottom-up approach is the piecing together of systems to give rise to more complex systems, thus making the original systems sub-systems of the emergent system. Bottom-up processing is a type of information processing based on incoming data from the environment to form a perception. From a Cognitive Psychology perspective, information enters the eyes in one direction (sensory input, or the "bottom"), and is then turned into an image by the brain that can be interpreted and recognized as a perception (output that is "built up" from processing to final cognition). In a bottom-up approach the individual base elements of the system are first specified in great detail. These elements are then linked together to form larger subsystems, which then in turn are linked, sometimes in many levels, until a complete top-level system is formed. This strategy often resembles a "seed" model, whereby the beginnings are small but eventually grow in complexity and completeness. However, "organic strategies" may result in a tangle of elements and subsystems, developed in isolation and subject to local optimization as opposed to meeting a global purpose.

Psychology: What is bottom up processing and what is a good example of it?

bottom-up processing is the idea that we form perceptions that are an exact replication of some objective outside world. for instance, in theories of vision, a bottom-up approach would claim that in order to form a percept of a cat for instance we basically have an internal "Polaroid picture" of a cat in our head. these theories then have to go to on explain how the percepts in our head are formed to match this objective outside world.

this is to be contrasted with top-down processing theories which stress the role of interpretation and prior experience in the formation of perceptions. for instance, a top-down approach would say that your internal represtantion of a cat would be different depending on your prior experience with animals. This approach also does not necessitate a belief in an objective outside world the same way a bottom-up approach does.

To put it another way, bottom-up processing does not require any "thinking", while top-down processing necessarily implies an active mind.

Difference between top down and bottom up approach when conducting problem analysis?

Top down refers to starting a the problem's end result. That means, say the problem is a piece of mail you were expecting didn't arrive. You start at your mail box, is it there? NO. Then you go to the mailman, does he have it? NO. Next, you go to the post office, do they have it? NO. etc... until you trace the problem back to the source.

Bottom up approach, (in the above example) refers to starting at the person who sent you the piece of mail. Did they send it? YES. Then to the mailman, did he pick it up? YES. Did it make it to the post office? YES. etc... until you find where the problem started.

When do you use each one? Well, sometimes its just personal preference. Sometimes all you have is the end result, so you have to do the top down approach. Sometimes what you have is a known error, and need to know how it will affect the end result, so you do the bottom up approach.

Can Bottom-up approach of Dynamic Programming be called Iterative?

To do dynamic programming, you really can do it in 2 ways, both ways will results in the same solution, maybe one be care about memory much more the other, maybe one will give you the solution faster than the other, but finally both give you the same answer.The first way of Dynamic programming is the “Bottom up method” and it’s also called the “Table method”, and the “iterative method of dynamic programming”. It is called bottom up method because you start by the very basic, simple and small problem similar to yours, and continue growing up untill you reach the actual problem. It called table method because usually we use a table “2D array” to store the results we calculated, in order to get other results of the bigger problems (Actually it’s not a must to use a complete table, it’s just as you had said, we can use a simple 1D array or sometimes simpler than that, we can use some variables to just store the last state).It is called the iterative method for dynamic programming because we implement it using iterative methods(using loops).The second way of Dynamic programming is the “Top Down method” and it’s also called the “recursive method” and it’s also called “memoization method of dynamic programming”.It’s called Top down because you use start with the actual problem with the actual size (which is the biggest one) and continue goind down to the simplest problem on which the bigger depends on it and so on untill reaching the base case.It’s called recursive method because we use the recursive technique or concept to do it.It’s called memoization method because we save (memoize) the results of the sub problems we pass through, in a table (or maybe array, or may be many dimensional arrays, that just depends on the problem criteria) in order not to go and try to solve them again, we just “Memoize” it.

Is there any solution of Princess Farida problem using bottoms-up approach?

Farida is similar to a standard problem called the 0-1 Knapsack Problem.In fact, Farida is an easier version of it. After solving Farida, I suggest you try - Problem RPLBYou can find information about the knapsack problem here: Dynamic Programming | Set 10 ( 0-1 Knapsack Problem) - GeeksforGeeksAnyway, the dp (bottom up) approach to this problem will be:Here, [math]dp[i][/math] holds the optimal number of gold coins she can carry after reaching the [math]i[/math] monster. [math]wt[i][/math] holds the number of gold coins with [math]i[/math] monster.For the optimal solution, consider three cases:1. Base case: For [math]0[/math] monsters, she can't choose any gold coins. Hence, [math]ans=0[/math].2. Another base case: For [math]1[/math] monster, she will have to choose the only monster for maximum number of coins. Hence, [math]ans =[/math] number of coins with first monster.3. General Case: Here she will have to choose the maximum of two options:     a) take coins from [math]i[/math] monster:            [math]ans =[/math] coins from [math]i[/math] monster [math]+[/math] optimal solution till [math]i-2[/math] monster     b)don't take coins from [math]i[/math] monster         [math]ans =[/math] optimal solution till [math]i-1[/math] monstermemset(dp, 0, sizeof(dp)); //opt1
for(int i=1; i<=monsters; i++)
if(i==1) dp[i] = wt[i]; //opt2
else dp[i]=max( wt[i]+dp[i-2], dp[i-1]); //opt3
Also, you can find test cases for this problem from the SPOJ Toolkit: Code Test - FARIDA. This will help in verifying your code before submitting. Hope this helps!

What is top-down and bottom up processing? and examples?

It refers to how the process is seen and evaluated: top-down means that you are starting your study from the final event (whatever the case may be) and you are going backwards to the causes/reasons/sources; in the bottom-up approach instead you have exactly the contrary,that is, you start from the causes to reach the final event.
Two clear examples of this are in the study of Fault Tree Analysis (top-down) and the Event Tree Analysis (bottom-up)...
Look them up,I'm sure that will make it even more clear!

hope this helps.

What is the top-down approach in C programming?

I will try to explain it with examples to make it easier to understand.Lets take the scenario where you have to create a program to build a simple calculator.Top Down approach:In this approach we look at the overall requirement and start coding. We build the main function first, then add calls to various functions like add, subtract etc... and then display the output. After doing all these we code the individual functions for addition, subtraction etc.So what we did here was approached the problem by first looking at the overall objective which is the top, then deciding when and where to call the functions and eventually going down to the lowest level detail of designing the functions themselves, hence its called the "top-down" approach.Bottom-up approach:Taking the same example, the first thing we do is to look at the problem objectively. Ask ourselves "what are the mathematical functions I would need to design a calculator". We first design the modules i.e the functions like addition, subtraction etc... Then we decide how they need to be called and finally we design the main function which merely holds everything together in a proper sequence.So what we did here was start designing from the lowest level which is the modules, the move up and finally encapsulate everything and use it to give the desired result. Hence it is called the Bottom-up approach.There is nothing like one approach is better than the other. In some cases top-down approach is the easiest and the most desired where as in some it is the other.Edit : Whoa! 4.8k views! Dint expect that … thanks for the up-votes ! Glad my answer made sense and helped in anyway :)