Bros Why Do So Many Obamaphones Ring When I

When a verizon phone dies does it go straight to voice mail? or did he lie!?

So last night a guy I'm seeing I didn't hear from him until 3am last night. I had sent texts and called to say happy new years but his phone would just ring and ring then go to voice mail. Last time I called it did the same and he ended up texting me 25 minutes later saying he just made it home from a party his phone was dead he left it laying open in his car? I feel like this is a lie. I always thought when a phone dies it goes straight to voice mail? does it matter what service? he has verizon.

My college ring was manufactured by John Roberts. Where can I find that company?


do u have a bill?

do you know how you met him?

do you know how you paid?

do you know where he worked?

do you know if there is an address of his anywere in one of his products?

first find answers to these, solved!!

- AnswerMan