By How Many Voters Do Democrats Outnumber Republicans

Are there more Republicans or Democrats in the United States?

I made this table for another question, but it serves to show the number of Democrats and Republicans in the last national election, in 2016. The total votes by Democrats were about 2.6 million more than those by Republicans. But voter turnout was not the best it has ever been, even given what was a pretty hotly contested matchup. There were discouraged voters on both sides. There were polls that predicted Hillary Clinton would win in a landslide. So there were a lot of questions as to whether or not everyone voted, that normally would have. Take note that the states that voted Republican have a population of 184 million versus those that voted Democrat at 141 million. That is why the electoral college works, in my opinion.Now here is a good chart from this article: Sabato's Crystal Ball that shows registered voters by state. Some states don’t require a voter to declare a party, so there are a lot of Independents shown on here. It would have you believe the Democrats are way ahead. But not so fast. Many Independents, like myself, are going to hold our nose and vote Republican most of the time, because it seems to be the lesser of two bad choices. I live in Arkansas, and based on this table, the Democrats and Republicans are pretty close. But in 2016, Trump nearly doubled Clinton’s votes.So based on self identification, it would appear there are more Democrats than Republicans. But it is obvious that more people that identify as “Independent” are voting Republican. That could be a consequence of the Republican Party losing it’s way on budgetary matters, as it is in my case. Or it could be that the Democratic Party’s policy of demonizing everyone that doesn’t think the way they do (The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech: Kirsten Powers) is working.

Should I register a democrat or republican?

You answered your own question; but if you doubt the answer stay independent.

The GOTP will never change until the neocons are uprooted, so there will not be anyway to change their party platform until they lose a lot more elections.

If you want to get involved and help change the US politics the best way will be to join the Dems. The Dems are changing, they respond to the 99% and that is why it will continue to change over time. Get involved locally with your precinct and gradually grow with your party.

Democrats or Republicans: whose right and whose wrong?

Right and wrong are subjective concepts when it comes to politics-we all have to make individual choices about what is right for us. Those two parties have different ideologies,so their members are composed of people whose personal beliefs coincide more closely with their party then the other one. They all believe that,for the most part,their party is right and the other party is wrong.

Then there are the independents,who follow neither party but make choices based on their own opinion about what is needed in a leader regardless of ideology.

Personally,I would take the Democrats over the Republicans.

If you a registered Republican or Democrat how do you unregister?

You're getting emails from the GOP because you signed up for something, not because you're registered to vote.

You're registration with a party isn't an indication of loyalty and does not preclude your vote for candidates in other parties during general elections.

Declaring a party affiliation on your voter registration only applies to primary elections. If you're a Republican, you can't vote in Democrat primaries and vice-versa.

You can re-register as an independent so it doesn't say Republican on your voter I.D. but then you can't vote in either primary election.