Can A Wild Tortoise Be Kept As A Pet

Can I keep a Gopher Tortoise?

They're illegal? O_O
I.... never would have guessed that.
Besides, I've been looking into it since I posted the question and it dosen't sound like they're meant to be pets. I'll release him. But I just have one more question. The area where I found him is a small field a in my subdivision. He was trying to get through a fence. I'm a little concerned that whoever owns the house on the other side of that fence would get rid of him or even kill him (I have no idea who lives there.) If I were to release him in my own (relatively small) backyard, do you think he would stay there? I could come out and drop apples/carrots/lettuce there, but there isn't much grass; the backyard is pretty much all dirt :/
The other option is a playground that is next to a grassy field and a mini-forest. Obviously that would be prime tortoise material, but I don't know if kids or other people might injure him. So I guess what I'm asking is should I leave him in that foresty area (where there's less chance he'll

Is keeping a tortoise as a pet cruel?

Hello is keeping one
if you house them correctly then it is ok. In the times before we started to imprint them, they would live natural and raom and then as we made less area for them, and started to build buildings and then continue from there, therefor making less room people decided to make them pets. and here we are today. a large pet trade and loads of captive breeding and also wild caught sales./
If you provide proper care and a large room and loads of time and attention he should do well

Which kind of turtle or tortoise can be kept in a 20 gallon tank?

Hi im looking to get a turtle or a tortoise. It would need to be kept in a 20 gallon tank and I was wondering if this would be possible? I am a first time owner so it would need be not too difficult to look after. If you have any other tips or things that could help me look after my new pet then please wright that too. Thanks.

Can we legally pet a turtle or tortoise in India?

Yes you can, but be aware that there are very few breeds which you can keep as legal pets in India and they all need a lot of care and maintaince, irrespective of general opinion and belief. Also you can not keep any animal as a pet if it's natural habitat is in the Indian wilds. That means you can not keep any turtle or a tortoise or any other exotic animal which is native to India.Here are a few turtle breeds you can keep legally:Red eared slider (which BTW are absolutely cute and my personal favorites! These r very popular in India.)Painted turtleOuachita map turtleCame across this list of turtles illegal to own in India: You can’t keep these turtles in India as pets by Naimish SanghviHere is everything you need to know about tortoise: Devangana Mandal's answer to Is it legal to keep a tortoise as a pet in India?Here's some more information on “wild life protection act, India”: THE INDIAN WILDLIFE (PROTECTION) ACT, 1972Whatever you choose to get, just make sure you do a lot of research before actually getting it. If you need any kind of help with that I'll help you with all the information you need. Just don't get a pet and then struggle for it's maintenance later.Great pets come with great responsibility! :PNo, seriously!!

What sort of tortoises can survive in Pennsylvania?

I was just idly wondering what sort of tortoises can be kept in Pennsylvania? I saw an article in the news recently about a guy who had a pet tortoise in an outdoors pen in Vermont that got stolen. Intrigued, I looked them up, but the first few guides I found on the internet claimed that pet turtles can't even be kept outdoors in Pennsylvania, let alone Vermont. I -know- I've seen wild ones at least, just crawling around before, so clearly some turtles, perhaps not the variety that are used for pets, but some turtles do survive in Pennsylvania, though I have no idea how a reptile outlasts our winters.

Anyways, I'm not really thinking of getting a pet, I was just wondering.