Can Anoyone Explain To Me How Did Ginny Weasley Fall In Love With Harry Potter In The Movie Series

How did Ginny and Harry Potter fall in love?

You really should read all of the books. You'll get a better understanding of it than having someone explain it to you but I'll do my best.

Ginny has always had a crush on Harry. It seems like she got over it when she started dating some other boys but she says that she never really gave up on him in Half-Blood Prince (6th book), which is also when Harry realises that he likes her. He starts getting jealous of her boyfriend (I think it was Dean Thomas) and is very happy when they break up. When they win the Quidditch Cup (she's on the team as a Chaser) he kisses her and they start going out. He temporarily breaks up with her near the end of the book because he doesn't want to put her in danger, but they obviously got back together at the end of the series and they get married and have three children (James, Lily and Albus).

Harry has never had any feelings for Hermione. Ron and Hermione have always liked each other. Ron is a little jealous of Harry because he is famous and so popular and well liked and in Deathly Hallows (7th book) assumed that it was more likely that Harry and Hermione would get together but Harry says that Hermione has always been like a sister to him and Hermione isn't the same when Ron isn't with them. Hermione finally kisses Ron in Deathly Hallows and they end up having two children (Hugo and Rose).

Dumbledore died at the end of Half-Blood Prince. He was dying of a curse that he got when he touched a ring that belonged to Voldemort. He convinced Snape to kill him at the end of the year since he was already being killed by the curse and he wanted Voldemort to trust Snape so that he could continue spying on him without being suspected.

Voldemort died at the end of Deathly Hallows. He casts the Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra) at Harry and it backfires and kills him instead.

Her full first name was originally confirmed in May, 2004 on JKR's old flash-based website:Arthur Weasley was one of three brothers. Ginny (full name Ginevra, not Virginia), is the first girl to be born into the Weasley clan for several generations.And her middle name was confirmed (by JKR) in March, 2004:kylie: Thanks for writing such wonderful books, Ms Rowling :). Just one question: What are Ron, Hermione and Ginny's middle names? Thank you :)JK Rowling replies -> My pleasure:) Middle names: Ginny is Molly, of course, Hermione 'Jane' and Ron, poor boy, is Bilius.That Ginny is short for Ginevra was in-canon confirmed in HP and the Deathly Hallows:‘Yes, my tiara sets off the whole thing nicely,’ said Auntie Muriel in a rather carrying whisper. ‘But I must say, Ginevra’s dress is far too low-cut.’Ginny glanced round, grinning, winked at Harry, then quickly faced the front again. Harry’s mind wandered a long way from the marquee, back to afternoons spent alone with Ginny in lonely parts of the school grounds. They seemed so long ago; they had always seemed too good to be true, as though he had been stealing shining hours from a normal person’s life, a person without a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead …Thank you to user Valorum on SciFi Stack Exchange.

Since I just happened to be re-reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince today…This happens in Chapter 24 - Sectumsempra, right after the final Quidditch match of the season, which Harry misses because he’s got detention with Snape (because in the book Harry is actually punished for nearly killing Draco).Harry looked around; there was Ginny running toward him; she had a hard, blazing look in her face as she threw her arms around him. And without thinking, without planning it, without worrying about the fact that fifty people were watching, Harry kissed her.After several long moments—or it might have been half an hour—or possibly several sunlit days—they broke apart. The room had gone very quiet. Then several people wolf-whistled and there was an outbreak of nervous giggling. Harry looked over the top of Ginny’s head to see Dean Thomas holding a shattered glass in his hand, and Romilda Vane looking as though she might throw something. Hermione was beaming, but Harry’s eyes sought Ron. At last he found him, still clutching the Cup and wearing an expression appropriate to having been clubbed over the head. For a fraction of a second they looked at each other, then Ron gave a tiny jerk of the head that Harry understood to mean, Well—if you must.

Ginny really comes into her own in the sixth book:Humour and comic value - Ginny is naturally a funny character and her comments on Fleur Delacour (Phlegm) and her antics on the Quidditch pitch are highly amusing. She also elicited outraged responses from her brothers and Harry when she dated different people in school, including Harry's hilarious monologues.Plot device - she showed her intelligence when she reasoned out why the Prince's textbook was not a dangerous artifact like Riddle's Diary to the gang. This was one of the reasons why Harry continued to use the book and eventually used Sectumsempra on Malfoy.Love interest - the events of Half-Blood Prince showed the beginning of Harry and Ginny's lasting relationship. Harry recounted the days spent with her as "out of someone else's life". Breaking up with her at the end of the book was an important step he had to take before the hunt for the Horcruxes. Ginny was the last person Harry thought of before his death in the final book.Merit over birth - the Weasleys were one of the poorest pureblood families in the Wizarding World, quite different from the "old money" Malfoys. Yet Ginny was admitted into the Slug Club purely on the merits of her spellwork, not her relationship to anyone famous.

Does Harry Potter have a love interest in the movies?

My dad hasn't read any of the books, and he's been watching the movies to get the story. When my mom, who's read all the books, mentioned that Harry was really into Ginny Weasley and marries her in the end it blew his mind.

Apparently, from what he'd seen so far in the movies Ginny and Harry had pretty much kissed once and Harry had had a little crush on Ginny. Especially in the last movie that just came out (Deathly Hollows, Part 1) There really isn't any romance present between Ginny and Harry. At least, not nearly enough for someone who hasn't read the books, like my dad, to pick up on.

They better pick it up big time on that in the last movie, or there's going to be some confused people I think. They need to spend more time explaining some of the emotions of the characters in general and spend less time on the action scenes. It's really hard to understand when they don't.

For example, having not read the last book along with my dad, I was thoroughly confused about why Ron just suddenly became pissed off for no apparent reason and stormed off. My mom was shocked to learn that both of us had independently come to the conclusion that Ron had been possessed by the guy who had attacked him when they were escaping the ministry. It made sense to us, since that particular guy seemed to have vanished without explanation and Ron's personality changed for no reason at the same time. My mom, however, having read the book had all these reasons why Ron had become mad and why he left. She also knew exactly what had happened to the loan ministry man. She later explained it to us, but what we saw in the movie and what she was telling us were completely different. Clearly, there were some plot issues there. Lolol, cause for a long time throughout the movie my dad and I waited for that ministry guy to take over Ron's body or something. :P

Idk, I hope the next movie explains a lot more, because some of us haven't read the book and at this point we're still pretty confused I have to say.

Please explain Tom's diary in Harry Potter 2?

1: Ginny Weasley threw the book at moaning Myrtle, in an attempt to get rid of it. She also stole it back from Harry because she was scared Harry would find out what she did while she was possessed.

2: The Tom Riddle was a memory, so he did not age. In reality by the time of Voldemort's death (or Tom) he is about 70 years old. Hagrid would be around 88 years old.

3: Time-travel is a complicated subject, but basically a memory has happened, it is over done and only to be remembered. If you enter a memory like Harry does in the diary and also in the pensieve, he is looking at something that is already done.
When time-traveling, you are quite literally in two places at once. When you go back in time, it is as though the event has not yet happened. So to be seen would make yourself be in two places at one time, as it happened.
Another difference is the time it takes. In a memory, you look at simply one moment, then are returned to your own time, with the amount of time it took for you to see the memory having past. When time-traveling, you go back in time and must return to the present by living the entire past. This makes it so it seems to only take a second in the regular time. For example, hermione was right behind Harry and Ron leaving potions, then appeared at the bottom of the stairs. This is because she traveled back in time, relived the last hour without being seen by people who would see her somewhere else then going back to potions by the end of that hour.
They are similar but it comes down to one thing. In a memory you see something that happened already, when time-traveling, you are in the "present" and it is as though the future has not happened because the only people who know what happened next is the people who traveled back. Hermione tells Harry this when first trying to explain it correcting him when he says "was" or "then" instead saying "when" and "now"
I hoped i helped and if that was confusing, i'm really sorry, complicated subject and the more you think about it the more complicated it is. Great questions! Never heard these before!

Would you rather date Harry Potter/Ron Weasley/Draco Malfoy or an idiot from Twilight?

Definitely Twilight, harry potter is bad and i have watched a few of the movies and they sucked. No offence to any one but that's my opinion.
I like stephanie myers type of writing and i enjoyed the whole story, i think it was a good idea and i never liked vamps and stuff before that but my opinion has changed now thanks to twilight.
My friends love harry potter but they also love twilight, they tried to get me to like harry potter as well but something was missing for me eventhough that was my type of story. I don't find the harry potter story enjoyable . I don't like it but i have tried it several times and never found an interest whereas twilight made me want to read the books because they were so good and enjoyable.
Well actually i have tried the books and they sucked just as much as the movies, they are stupid and don't show how teenages actually think or react. Twilight shows real emotions and is a story everybody can relate to- with the emotions part not the vampire part. I do agree though that the movies are never as good as the books sometimes but wit twiligt both are amazing.