Can Anyone Explain Mental Disorders To Me

Can anyone explain how hysterical blindness / conversion disorder works?

conversion disorder is poorly understood, so it makes it difficult to answer your question. what we know about conversion disorder is that very stressful events (ie life threatening occurrences, sexual/physical/mental abuse) can be so severe that the mind does not know how to process them. Often, the event is so severe that the mind blocks it from the person's memory so it cannot be relived. When this happens, the mind will express the conflict as a physical symptoms (weakness, problems speaking, seeing, hearing, even seizures). doctors often diagnosis conversion disorder when a person's problem (weakness, blindness, etc) does not fit anatomically or they fail certain exam techniques (ie the "blind" person cannot stop the blink reflex when an object approaches because the connections are still present in the brain).

Mental disorders tell me !!?

okay can you answer me on mental disorders
kah i sounds saycotic cause im hyper but ild like to learn more of these so please tell me:]
multiple personalities
short-term memory loss
low self-esteem

Can someone explain to me in their own words what borderline personality disorder is?

I've google it several times, tried watching videos on YouTube regarding it, but I still don't fully comprehend what it is. So far to me it sounds like bipolar disorder qualities (a lot of mental disorders share similar symptoms),but what are the differences? I love learning anything regarding mental illness.

Are people with mental disorders more attracted to other people who also have a mental disorder?

For me, personally, and several other people I know, it isn't because we are necessarily attracted to other people with a mental disorder. Really, there is nothing attractive about it at all. However, I still prefer to date other people with mental illness, and even more specifically, other people who are bipolar.The reality is that someone without mental illness has no idea what it is like to live with one. When you go into an episode it can be nearly impossible for people around you to deal with it. In my experience the only people who can are those who go through it too.Keep in mind, this is all my personal opinion and isn't based in facts outside my own subjective experience.

How can I explain my mental state to my friends?

I can understand where you're coming from. I myself have Bipolar disorder and I'm anti-social because of it. However, if your friends don't know about your condition they really can't help being insensitive. When I started dealing with being Bipolar, I had a one-on-one chat with my closest friends. This made them understand where I was coming from. Since there wasn't a group of people around, there was no crowd pressure to make fun or laugh about my problem. If they are truly your friends, they'll understand or at least try too.

My family has taken this in stride and my sister has done her best to help me when I'm in one mood or another. It's possible that your sister really doesn't understand what depression is like. My sister didn't understand my low moods until I described it as best I could. I'd have a heart to heart with her and really tell her how you feel. She might be uncomfortable with the situation because she doesn't understand it.

There is still a certain stigma that goes along with mental illness, but part of ending that stigma is to be open about what you feel and how you feel it.

You should be proud of how far you've come. I'm proud of myself for getting as far as I have with Bipolar. I have to manage mine with therapy and medications, but if you can avoid medications then that's to be commended.

When I say you diagnosed me with the wrong mental health disorder, what is one to do about this issue?

Be open, be honest, and keep asking. Ask what qualified you for the diagnosis. Ask if it could have been muddled with other contributing factors such as possible chemical dependency, situational reactions or inability to be open about what is going on. If you don't have a good report with the person who diagnosed you, you HAVE EVERY RIGHT to ask for another provider.