Can Cocaine And Drinking Terminate A Pregnancy

Cocaine while pregnant?

Think of this, doctors even tell pregnant women not to drink SODA and COFFEE while pregnant...or have GREEN TEA. These are sold in the grocery stores. Imagine now, wine, beer, then hard liquor, cigarettes, marijuana and then cocaine. That's way down the list of substances...cocaine is very far from SODA. Have either of you held a newborn baby? Find one and spend some time holding it. Would you want to blow cigarette smoke into its face? Or pour Jim Beam in its bottle and feed it directly to him? When a woman carries a child, it GROWS inside of her and completely relies on her for everything....

A friend of mine adopted a baby whose mother thought it was ok to do coke and drink while pregnant. The little boy has severe anger issues. It affected his brain development and his chemical make up. He's very dangerous and is on constant medication for the rest of his life. He is bipolar and cannot control the chemicals in his brain and how they react. This is because of the chemicals from the drugs. The mother gets very depressed by it.

Can smoking weed terminate a pregnancy?

Go on birth control, moron. If you're poor you can get it for free from a planned parenthood clinic. Or better yet, get yourself sterilized as you sound like an *** who shouldn't be reproducing anyway. No, weed will not kill it, it will just make it even more retarded than it already would be from inheriting your genes.

I've always thought the government should offer free sterilization to stupid people. I really wish they would as it sounds like you would probably qualify for something like that.

If you can afford to smoke weed all the time, you can probably afford an abortion.

I had drinks early in my pregnancy before I knew i was pregnant.?

girl, i wouldnt worry as much as you seem to be. yes, it is a negative for mommy to be drinking when pregnant, but you are only 6 weeks, and a LOT of women drink before finding out they're expecting and go on to have normal, mentally healthy children. before i knew that i was pregnant, i had been drinking. i brought this to the attention of the nurse at my first prenatal visit and she said that i really had nothing to be concerned about as long as i didnt continue.
your little embreyo is VERY resilient right now and i dont think that the amount of drinks you had in your early pregnancy will make a huge impact on your child. as long as you weren't drunk a lot, which it sounds like you werent.
you are thinking about aborting the baby, but just think about this: if you do abort it, there is always the possibility that you'd be aborting someone who'd be amazing. it's your body, not your husband;s or anyone elses. i know you feel guilty but i think for reassurance you could at the very least talk to a Dr before making any rash decisions
best of luck and i hope this helps!

How long does crack cocaine stay in your system?

Depends on the quality. I have had cocaine that didn’t do anything. I’ve also had cocaine that lasted over 30 minutes, but it’s hard to say if it’s “One snort” because don’t think I have ever had just “one snort” of cocaine. Good coke is potent in small quantities, but I’m an extremist and always did big rails. I’ve read that cocaine peaks within 15 minutes when ingested nasally, and if it is injected intravenously, it peaks within 5 minutes..and then you just obsess about the next shot. I honestly love cocaine but hate the obsession that comes with it. If I could do cocaine without coming down, I would still be doing it. It’s been over 2 years and though I have thought about it, a lot, I am happy to say I haven’t given in to the craving. The only way I will ever touch cocaine again is if I am terminally ill and awaiting my death. If that happens, I want to have a cocaine solution hooked up to an IV and the catheter inserted directly into my vein. A cocaine drip so I never come down. That’s how I would want to die. The really fucking sad part of this fantasy- is that I think, deep down, I would welcome a terminal diagnosis, just so I could go out this way. I’m sorry if this offends anyone’s sensibilities, but I know I’m not the only ex cocaine addict who thinks this sounds like heaven. Addiction is twisted, to say the least.

Can consuming coke abort a 2-week pregnancy?

Coke the drink or Coke the drug? Obviously the drink won't cause a miscarriage. The drug on the other hand…. Where to start. Why any pregnant woman would even think of doing coke is beyond me. It can cause defects - heart, kidney, GI defects to name a few. It can cause placental abruption, and the baby will go through withdrawal when it's born. It causes babies to have a higher risk of SIDS, hyperactivity, and learning disabilities. It can cause low birth weight. Most OB Drs would rather you smoke weed than do coke. So, while doing coke at 2 weeks pregnant won't automatically cause a miscarriage, it's just not a smart thing to do. And now I have a question. How in the world do you even know you're pregnant at two weeks?

If a pregnant woman(first pregnancy) ignores her initial "threatened abortion" symptoms (i.e. blood spotting, etc. [up to 8 weeks pregnancy]) and does not get medically treated, what are the risks other than miscarriage?

Miscarriage is when a pregnancy ends before a woman has been pregnant for 20 weeks. (A normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks.)There is no way to make sure that you will not have a miscarriage. But you can reduce your chances of having one by avoiding cigarettes, alcohol, cocaine, and injury to your belly. Having a fever or some kinds of infections puts you at risk for miscarriage, so you should also talk to your doctor about how to avoid getting some kinds of needs to visit a doctor to evaluate four major sources of nontraumatic bleeding in early pregnancy are:●Ectopic pregnancy●Miscarriage (threatened, inevitable, incomplete, complete)●Implantation of the pregnancy●Cervical, vaginal, or uterine pathology (eg, polyps, inflammation/infection, trophoblastic disease)wish this helps

Can using cocaine cause a positive result on pregnecy test?

let's hope a FALSE POSITIVE---- PLEASE!!!!!!!

Plan B pill, weed, and cocaine will i concieve?

Ruining your future by just this "one night" ought to be the least of your worries, since it sounds like you've got a whole slew of wretched habits. You might want to re-evaluate what you're doing in life, because this is a great way to destroy yourself and any semblance of a future you might've once had.

Regarding your actual questions, yes, you do have a chance of getting pregnant. Technically you always have a chance of getting pregnant after any intercourse, as no form of birth control is 100% effective. Plan B is only 75-89% effective at best, and that's if taken correctly (which you did not do). Ingesting illegal substances, particularly in the guise of preventing pregnancy, is a horrible idea. You need to take a long, hard look at what you're doing to yourself. These habits could end up inadvertently killing you before you're even a legal adult.